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Sidonius C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius, Die Briefe. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert von Helga Köhler, Stuttgart: Hiersemann 2014, XXXVII + 355 pp., ISBN 978-3-7772-1414-6, € 224 (hb). Die Briefe des Apollinaris Sidonius sind seit... more
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      Latin LiteraturePatristicsLate AntiquityEpistolography
The wrecks of merchant ships transporting amphorae with wine and oil represent an important source of information for the reconstructions of antique economy in the western part of the Mediterranean. Following the analysis of submerged... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyRoman GaulAncient ShipwrecksRoman Amphorae
Introduction: This paper seeks to address the following questions: Can we establish that meaningful relationships existed between some Gallo-Roman sanctuaries and the Iron Age lieux de mémoire (‘places of memory’) over which they were... more
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      Lieux de memoireOsteoarchaeologyIron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Late Iron Age (Archaeology)
PhD Thesis: University of Edinburgh, 2014-2018
Defended: September 2018
Examiners: Rogers Rees and Zubin Mistry
Supervisors: Gavin Kelly and Lucy Grig
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      Latin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antiquity
The article opposes the view that the Vergilius Romanus (Rome, BAV was made in Rome in the late the 5th c. (D. Wright) as a fruit of a pagan revival, which is an historical misunderstanding. The author comes back to an... more
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      Roman GaulLate Antiquity, Visigothic SpainVirgilGallia Narbonensis
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      Archaeology of the Iberian PeninsulaRoman EmpireRoman GaulIdentity In the Roman Empire
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      Roman GaulRoman Amphorae
Sarkophag, um 300 n. Chr. Inschrift AE 1996,1095=AE1999,1086; EDCS-03000646: Callosiae Clamosae co(n)i/ugi carissimae quae vexit / annis XXVIIII et m(ensibus) V d(iebus) n(umero) XVIIII / cui Fl(avius) A[---] v(ir) p(erfectissimus)... more
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman GaulGallo-roman archaeologyRoman Provincial Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryRoman EpigraphyRoman GaulRome
Romans Never Surrender, or do they? The Crisis facing Cotta and Sabinus at BC 5.26-37 This paper will be read at CAMWS-SS on 28 Oct. 2016. I welcome suggestions, since it is incomplete at the moment. Not surprisingly the Romans... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman GaulJulius CaesarPOWs in the Ancient World
Ce mémoire de master propose un examen des entrepôts publics en milieux urbain et militaire durant les Haut et Bas-Empire, en Gaule Belgique et Germanie inférieure. Pour cela, il a d’abord été nécessaire d’établir un catalogue de toutes... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman provincial administrationRoman military archaeologyRoman Army
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      Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology)TradeMediterranean archaeologyAmphorae (Archaeology)
How did the ‘Fall of the Roman Empire’ change social and economic networks in eastern Gaul, and how did new ‘barbarian’ political frontiers shape those changes? Synthesising historical and archaeological approaches, this interdisciplinary... more
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      ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisPottery (Archaeology)Prosopography
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      Food and NutritionRoman PotteryRoman GaulAntiquity
Within the classicising mindset of many Late Antique Gallo-Roman writers, we witness examples of the learned minority appropriating the right to represent the alleged historical memories of the majority’s pagan past. Distrust towards... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgePeasant StudiesSocial RepresentationsHistory and Memory
L’objectif général de ce travail est d’étudier les relations de domination entre l’aristocratie, l’État et la paysannerie aux Ve et VIe siècles dans la Gaule méridionale. L’opinion courante dans l’historiographie affirme que la... more
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      TaxationLate AntiquityRoman Gaulearly Middle Ages
Les meules romaines recensées le long de la voie Boulogne – Bavay – Cologne sont taillées dans différents matériaux extraits de carrières spécifiques et mis en forme dans des ateliers spécialisés. Ces roches, issues de formations... more
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      Roman EconomyRoman Trade NetworksRoman GaulAncient Quarries
[FR v.infra] The aim of this paper is to question the traditional polis religion model as it presents an artificial, static and distorted image of the religious conditions in the Roman West. The religious experienceof the individual and... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryBricolageRoman Religion
By the late fifth century, there were two primary barbarian powers in Gaul, the Visigoths and the Franks. Both were enlarging their territories in the wake of the final precipitous decline of Roman authority during the 470s. The... more
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman EmpireRoman GaulBarbarians
Dans un premier temps, je ne mettrai pas de pdf de l'article qui se rapporte aux découvertes de la nécropole fouillée près de la place E. Wernert (Lyon 5). Voici seulement en pièce jointe une photographie d'un sarcophage qui remploie une... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyRoman GaulPaleochristian and Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman Sculpture
Dit artikel is tot stand gekomen als een samenvatting van mijn master thesis. Het bevat een overzicht van de fibulae die gevonden zijn in de zuidwest hoek van het castellum van Oudenburg (opgraving Oudenburg-Spegelaere). Deze vondsten... more
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      Roman military archaeologyRoman GaulRoman Small FindsRoman military equipment
When the Early Imperial Roman writers imagined the cultural processes taking place in the newly-conquered Gaul, they frequently had recourse to a rhetoric that can appear strikingly similar to some later, colonial narratives of... more
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      Latin LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesColonialismSubaltern
De Romeinse weg tussen Tongeren en Tienen maakt deel uit van de heerbaan die liep van Boulogne-sur-Mer via Cassel, Velzeke, Tienen, Tongeren en Maastricht in de richting van Keulen. Het gaat om een zeer mooi bewaard tracé. De publicatie... more
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      Roman HistoryHeritage TourismHeritage ConservationRoman Gaul
in Invigilata Lucernis 40 (2018) 187-98
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      Latin LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesBiographyLate Antiquity
Communication à l'invitation d'A. Pelletier (début juillet 2019), que nous remercions, dans le cadre du colloque qu'il organise au musée Gadagne le mercredi 18 septembre 2019 : "Les 2000 ans de l'amphithéâtre des Trois Gaules".
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman GaulArchitectural Decoration-BauornamentikRoman Architecture
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      Roman ReligionAcculturation and 'Romanisation'Roman GaulRomanization
Can we use the "polis religion" model for understanding religious activities in the Roman provinces? No! Models based on Classical Greece and religious institutions in Rome are not helpful for understanding developments in the Roman... more
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      Celtic StudiesBricolageRoman ReligionAcculturation
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Two well-known icons of modern French culture: the Gauloise cigarette packet and the Asterix strip cartoon. Why is the former, in effect, a right-wing nationalist symbol, but the latter, to generalize a little, a left-wing version? To... more
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      Roman HistoryFrench HistoryClassical Reception StudiesRoman Gaul
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      Conflict ArchaeologyCeltic ArchaeologyIron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Late Iron Age (Archaeology)
Caracalla. A Military Biography is now available as a hardcover, Kindle and e-book an from the website of its publisher Pen & Sword Publishing and from most of the major booksellers. It is not only the first published biography in... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary IntelligenceMilitary Law
In 475 Clermont-Ferrand is besieged and Provence is invaded by the Goths. In a bid to liberate Provence, Graecus of Marseilles negotiates to surrender Clermont-Ferrand to the Goths, much to the dismay of Sidonius Apollinaris. The latter... more
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      Roman HistoryFrench HistoryLate AntiquityRoman Gaul
This paper is the first study to map the transmission of the Appendices to the Lex Ro-mana Visigothorum. Based on full collations of all (8+3) known witnesses, it establishes the stemma codicum for the Appendices, which differs markedly... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Vaisselle précieuse, bijoux en or et pierres gravées, décor des demeures, vins et produits gastronomiques recherchés, parure monumentale des villes et mobilier luxueux des tombes, toutes ces manifestations du luxe se caractérisent par des... more
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      Roman HistoryAncient economies (Archaeology)Roman EmpireAncient economy
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      Roman GaulAlans
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      Roman GaulAutunRoman Archaeology
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      Celtic StudiesRoman GaulCeltic religionRomano-Celtic Religion
The Catalaunian Fields is a battle well known for the role of terrain in the battle, with Jordanes' description of the engagement focusing almost in its entirety on the hill. With the location of the battlefield now known and new research... more
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      Tactics (Military Science)Late AntiquityBattlefield ArchaeologyLate Roman Empire
A little cartographic experiment in the footsteps of Greg Woolf's Becoming Roman, trying to identify the influence of increasing mobility on cultural change in early Roman Gaul.
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      Roman HistoryCeltic StudiesMobility/MobilitiesAnthropology of Mobility
South Gaulish terra sigillata of La Graufesenque was produced on a large scale and exceptionally widely exported in the western provinces and beyond in the 1st century AD; and other South Gaulish and the later Gaulish production centres... more
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      Economic HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Roman PotteryArchaeology of Mediterranean Trade
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      Roman HistoryRoman imperial historyRoman GaulRoman Onomastics
This is my Bachelor Degree from University of Oslo.
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      GnosticismRoman GaulIrenaeus of Lyons
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      Roman HistoryLate AntiquityAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman Gaul
A Roman cadastre is a particular form of land allotment which looks like a chequerboard. It was implemented by the Romans in regions throughout the Empire, from Syria to Gaul. Yet, how did a Roman cadastre exactly look like? What has... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryCadastral SystemsRoman Gaul
This study offers an analysis of geographic information concerning Gaul in the Bellum Gallicum. Only the fourth part of the cities and peoples named by Caesar are associated with geographic landmarks. Information related to physical... more
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      Roman HistoryAncient GeographyIron Age Gaul (Archaeology)History of geography
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      Late Roman EmpireLate Antique LiteratureRoman GaulLatin epistolography
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      Post-Roman BritainLate AntiquityRoman BritainLate Roman Empire
Des premiers sauvetages archéologiques des années 1970 aux fouilles préventives d’aujourd’hui, 40 ans se sont écoulés. Les informations collectées par les archéologues ont totalement renouvelé les connaissances sur l’histoire de la... more
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      ArchaeologyUrban HistoryUrban StudiesRoman Gaul
This contribution deals with a group of five late literary testimonies which are connected by modern scholarship with the Celtic oak-cult. The texts under discussion are from Maximos of Tyre (λόγοι 2 (8),8), the Commenta Bernensia (ad... more
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      ClassicsCeltic StudiesHistory of ReligionLate Antiquity
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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman HistoryCeltic Studies