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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine Architecture
Archaeological excavations have only rarely documented the birth and development of Islamic religious architecture in the Ḥijāz and none had in Najd. In this respect, the fieldwork conducted by the Saudi-French archaeological mission in... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyIslamic' ArchitectureEarly IslamReligious architecture
Het Sint-Jozefseminarie in Sint-Katelijne-Waver aan de rand van Mechelen is gebouwd in 1933. Het is typisch voor de architectuur van de jaren 1930 en de Katholieke Actie. Na een bloeiperiode van zo'n 30 jaar kwam het leeg te staan en in... more
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      Social WorkCultural HeritageLocal HistoryChurch History
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      ArchitectureReligious architectureHistory of architectureParis
In the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council, the Belgian Archdiocese Mechlin-Brussels became a fertile ground for progressive initiatives aiming at bringing the Church more in tune with contemporary society. One radical such experiment... more
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      Religious architectureSecond Vatican CouncilLiturgy and ArchitectureModernism and Postmodernism In Architecture
In this lecture, I expand our definition of sacred space beyond mosques, cathedrals, and other religious sanctuaries. I argue that cities can be designed to elicit contemplation and empathy, concern for the environment, or even a... more
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Cómo citar este artículo/How to cite this article: Fernández Villalobos, N. y Jiménez Sanz, A. (2021). La disolución de los límites en el espacio religioso. La Capilla del Bosque de Heikki y Kaija Siren. Estoa. Revista de la Facultad de... more
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      Religious architectureReligious art and architecture
La façade-écran est un type de façade qui, comme en Angleterre, à l'époque médiévale, ne montre pas de correspondance stricte avec la structure de l'intérieur de l'édifice, en opposition avec les principes mêmes du gothique français. Elle... more
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      Québec HistoryReligious architectureQuebec
On the occasion of the opening in 2020 of the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, stylistic trends of modern Orthodox architecture and ecclesiastical art are analyzed. It’s considered the phenomenon of the reconstruction of the... more
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchReligious architectureReligious artMemorials and the Memorial Art-Work in the Public Arena
Malgré une tendance au renouvellement des formes architecturales à la fin du 18 e siècle due principalement à la formation européenne de certains concepteurs d'édifices religieux québécois, pensons ici à François Baillairgé, les habitudes... more
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      Québec HistoryReligious architectureQuebec
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      Heritage ConservationAdaptive ReuseReligious architecture
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      Québec HistoryReligious architectureQuebec
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Addressing the voluminous and multifarious expressions of architecture and spirituality is a daunting task. Consequently, three focused perspectives inform our discussion. The first con­ siders the "objecthood" of... more
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      ReligionSociologyArchitectureMaterial Culture Studies
Along the second half of the Twenty Century, even before being published the new ideas proposed by the Second Vatican Council, Mexican Architects were looking for new expressions in the design of Religious buildings. Taking advantage of... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureReligious architecture
We substanate the works done in 1587 by the sevillian bricklayer Juan de Escamilla in Antonio Gallardo’s chapel, located in the sanctuary of the church of the convent of san Francisco in Cádiz.
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      Art HistoryArchitectureReligious architectureSpain
B.O.A is one of the honorable mentioned projects in Arch Out Loud- Tokyo Vertical Cemetery 2017 - The design approach is merging the spiritual part of the traditional funeral with the practicality of the modern way. This is conveyed... more
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      Architecture DesignReligious architectureHistory of architectureArchitecture and Philosophy
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      ArchitectureReligious architectureHistory of architecture
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      Urban GeographyEastern European StudiesOttoman HistoryEastern Europe
Ingénieur de la Marine et « architecte par goût », Jean-Nicolas Trouille est une figure étonnante à plus d’un titre. Fils d’un cordonnier versaillais, il obtient un poste de dessinateur au port de Brest en 1776 et se voit confier... more
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      Civil EngineeringArt HistoryArchitectureEighteenth Century History
With the global warming and environmental crisis, ecological paradigm shift happens throughout various fields of study such as philosophy, science, art, and theology. In the spirit of the second Vatican Council to embrace philosophy and... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeEcological TheologyReligious architectureEcosophy
Seit dem Spatial turn in den Sozialwissenschaften wird 'Raum' zunehmend auch in Theologie und Liturgiewissenschaft thematisiert. Begriffe und Bezeichnungen wie Kirchenraum, Sakralraum oder Diskursraum besitzen mittlerweile beträchtliche... more
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      Liturgical StudiesSpace and PlaceReligious architectureSacramental Theology and Liturgical Studies
VOL. 1.  Temi di riflessione
VOL. 2. Arte, Architettura, Paesaggio
VOL. 3. Archivi, biblioteche, musei
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      ReligionHistoryHistory of ReligionPopular Culture and Religious Studies
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      ArchitectureEarly Modern HistoryMoroccan StudiesIslamic' Architecture
The conservation of historic buildings cannot be independent of the knowledge of its constitutive features such as: materials, constructive techniques, structural characteristics and building evolution, representing a crucial point for... more
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      Cultural HeritageReligious architectureMasonry BuildingsSeismic Risk Assessment
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      Religious architectureCathedrals (Medieval Studies)Archéologie du bâti
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      French HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMaterial culture of religionUrban History
This papers examines three early Christian memorial sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem (church of the Nativity, Eleona church on the Mount of Olives, and Church of the Resurrection) erected in the 330s in the time of Constantine the Great... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityArchitectural History
Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата искусствоведения: "Архитектура современных православных храмов Беларуси: традиции и мировой контекст" / Abstract of PhD thesis "Contemporary Belarusian Orthodox Christian... more
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      ArchitectureRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian OrthodoxyReligious architecture
Studying contemporary mosque architecture necessitates dealing concurrently with both the past and the present. Burdens of the past cause a crisis at a point when architects attempt to design prayer spaces that avoid historicist... more
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      Religious architectureMosque ArchitectureArchitectural DesignDisplacement
Note on Sacred Space vis-a-vis the Catholic Faith and the Catholic University of America program on the subject. In addition to other people, Bermudez is cited a few times on the subject.
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      ArchitectureReligious architectureThe SublimeReligious Studies
Zusammenfassung: Die Bezeichnung "Raum der Stille" umfasst eine Vielfalt an Typen und Konzeptionen von Sakralraumformen, die schwerlich unter einem gemeinsamen Nenner zu fassen sind. Meistens wird unter "Raum der Stille" eine relativ neue... more
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      Religious architectureSacred SpacesSacred SpaceReligious Buildings
Addressing the voluminous and multifarious expressions of architecture and spirituality is a daunting task. Consequently, three focused perspectives inform our discussion. The first con­ siders the "objecthood" of architecture-the... more
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      ReligionArchitectureMaterial Culture StudiesSpirituality
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      Comparative ReligionCultural HeritageReligious EducationReligious architecture
La iglesia mayor de Santa María en Carmona es probablemente, tras la catedral hispalense, el edificio más importante del gótico catedralicio sevillano, un ciclo arquitectónico integrado por el conjunto de templos que, entre finales del XV... more
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      Religious architectureGothic architectureCarmona (Sevilla)
Cultural communications among nations consist of various subjects and architectural art styles are the most distinct and recognized subjects in this area of studding. The republic of Dagestan in south of Russian Federation, not only from... more
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      Religious architectureCaucasiaIranCultural
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      Monastic StudiesArchitectural HistoryAdaptive ReuseMonastic Architecture
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      Art HistoryArchitectureReligious architectureContemporary Architecture
This paper aims to analyse the architectural elements and spatial concept of Bruder Klaus Fieldchapel, which was defined by Peter Zumthor as “a worship space and not a consecrated church in a clerical mind”, in order to determine its... more
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      ArchitectureContemporary Design (Architecture)Religious architectureContemporary Architecture
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      Middle East StudiesHistory and MemoryHistorical memoryReligious architecture
Ogni architettura a destinazione pubblica è l’esito di processi di mediazione e di negoziazione tra una pluralità di attori sociali. Tale osservazione è particolarmente significativa e delicata per l’architettura delle chiese... more
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      LiturgyChurch HistoryReligious architectureHistory of architecture
The pioneering Egyptian architect and teacher Ramses Wissa Wassef (1911–74) is best known for his founding in 1951 of the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Center in Harraniya, a small village near the Giza Pyramids in Greater Cairo. The center,... more
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      Housing & Residential DesignVernacular ArchitectureCoptic StudiesEgypt
needs some spelling corrections, will be published shortly
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      Interior DesignAdaptive ReuseReligious architectureInterior Architecture
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      Hospitality StudiesMedieval StudiesPilgrimagePilgrimage Routes
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      ArchitectureReligious architecturePortugalReligious Studies
A génese dos primeiros modelos de templos surgidos logo antes ou na sequência imediata das resoluções do Concílio de Trento (1545-1563), de concepção já adequada a uma liturgia e culto reformados, constituem uma das questões mais... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Art HistoryKosovoNineteenth-century ArtLate Ottoman Period
At the onset of the modern movement in architecture, the fashion industry played a major role in how architects approached their designs. From Le Corbusier, who “identified color with dress” and was influenced by the whitewashed surfaces... more
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      MinimalismModern ArchitectureReligious architectureSacred Architecture
The Church of St Elijah in Vučitrn was built from 1823. to 1834., when it was consecrated. It was built by the people of the parish, on the spot where they had buried liturgical objects few years ago, which then served as an evidence of... more
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      Art HistoryKosovoNineteenth-century ArtLate Ottoman Period
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      ArchitectureReligious architectureLorraineHistoire De L'Architecture