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      SubsidiarityRegionsRegional parliaments
There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographySpatial AnalysisPublic PolicyStudies
Na gospodarstvo podravske regije, ki je bilo že v preteklosti zaznamovano z vzponi in padci, je leta 2009 vplivala tudi svetovna gospodarska kriza. Avtorica predstavlja vpliv gospodarske krize na to regijo in njene občine ter kako so se... more
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      ResilienceSocial StructureRecessionRegions
Qu'est-ce qui se passe de l'autre côté de la Sarine? Comment le bilinguisme sur la frontière est-il vécu? L'ouvrage "Au-delà du Röstigraben" cherche à répondre à nombre de questions qui se posent aux bords du fleuve et dans la Suisse... more
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      RegionalismPortugalHistory of Madeira IslandsAzores
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      European UnionMulti-level governanceRegions
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryConceptsRegions
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaLanguage and IdeologyIdeology
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      Regional GeographyEconomic GeographySpace and PlaceUrban Studies
“Regionalism” is a polysemic term that represents both a subfield of international relations (IR) that studies regions of the world and a process of formation of regions themselves. Its meaning and content have evolved substantially from... more
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      International Relations TheoryRegionalismRegional IntegrationRegionalisation
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      Human GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsInternational RelationsPolitical Science
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      Regional developmentHungaryRegions
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      Modern HistoryDemographyHistory of HungaryBanat of Temesvar
Regions and territories become institutionalized as part of wider geohistorical processes and practices in which these spatial entities accomplish their borders, institutions, symbolisms, and normally contested identity narratives. The... more
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      Space and PlaceCross-border cooperationIdentity (Culture)Symbolic Boundaries
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      Balkan StudiesSoutheastern EuropeStosunki MiędzynarodoweRegions
La crise économique a-t-elle recentralisée la décentralisation? L’hypothèse avancée ici est celle d’une poussée des dynamiques de métropolisation et de régionalisation en France sous la conjugaison de processus de convergence commun à... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceRegional governanceUrban GovernanceDecentralization
We all have our stories to tell. Where we have born, where we have lived and the places we have visited. The spatial history of our lives reveals much about the ways we identify with space and how we narrate our belonging. The way we... more
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      Social MovementsHuman GeographyCultural GeographyRegional Geography
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyPhrygianPhrygia
This paper aims to look at the possibilities that regions have in the framework of the European Union. Regions are represented in the Union in an institutionalised way within the Committee of Regions. Although its powers are relatively... more
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      European UnionRegionsRegional Cooperation
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      GeographyHuman GeographyArchitectureUrban Planning
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyEconomic Geography
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyRegional Geography
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      Italian StudiesHistoriographyState FormationRegionalism
This article examines the practices and approaches taken by different countries with a high number of cases and distinctive responses to the Covid-19 outbreak within six World Health Organization (WHO) regions (Figure 2) from the... more
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      RegionsUrban resiliencePandemicCovid-19
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      Cultural PolicyDevelopmentMunicipalityRegions
Tis chapter outlines a fresh approach to the historical study of regions in Europe. We pro- pose that the study of regions should take into account three factors: (1) economy, environment, and geography; (2) the construction of identity;... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySocial DemographyPolitical Science
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      HistoryArchaeologyAnthropologyHistorical Archaeology
In this work the starting point of the author is as more qualitative and functional territorial organisation of Croatia, especially its littoral area. Adriatic Croatia, as well as Eastern (Pannonian) and North-Western Croatia, has been... more
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      GeographyRegional GeographyRegionalismCroatia
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      Political PartiesElectionsItalyRegions
Regions and regional policy play an important role in today's economy. The center-periphery model represents a generally accepted paradigm, despite the relativity of many theoretical issues (the multidimensionality of social activities or... more
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      Regional policyRegionsCenter and PeripheryRegional disparities
The recent turmoil in the euro area once more forces the EU authorities to reconsider the future of further monetary integration. One of the most commonly used criteria for successful monetary integration in contemporary research is... more
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      International EconomicsEuropean UnionBusiness Cycle AnalysisConvergence
This paper analyses interregional links between Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the Arab region. The relations between regional organizations in LAC and their peers in North Africa and the Arab world are still fairly nascent and... more
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      RegionalismRegional OrganisationsInterregionalismRegions
This intervention suggests the need to closely examine uncritical uses of 'regions' in both geographical research and resource management contexts. In particular, I argue that regions are frequently leveraged in a manner that is often... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental ManagementRegionEcología Política
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      European StudiesCross-border cooperationEvaluationEU Law
A l’occasion de chaque élection, les cartes sont redistribuées. Des partis perdent, d’autres gagnent. Rapidement des conclusions sont tirées des résultats pour mettre en évidence ce que les électeurs ont voulu signifier précisément.... more
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      Political BehaviorVoting BehaviorRegional and Local GovernanceElectoral Behavior
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      FunctionalismRegionsThe Principle of Subsidiarity
"Índice Agradecimientos 1. Introducción a la cuestión regional en la uE Jorge Tuñón 2. De la declaración de la ARE sobre el regionalismo en Europa al tratamiento de la subsidiariedad en el Tratado de Lisboa Santiago... more
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      Cohesion PolicyRegional policyGovernanceEnergy Policy
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      GeographyCultural GeographyRegional GeographyRegional development
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      Global GovernanceEuropean UnionRegional IntegrationInterregionalism
Kommunikasjon, kontaktar og nettverk er viktige trekk ved dagens samfunn, der menneske, ressursar, gjenstandar og idear spreier seg over store avstandar. Også i fortidige samfunn var det kontaktar og samhandling på ulike nivå, lokalt,... more
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      Medieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyViking Age Archaeology
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      PolicyMultinational EnterprisesMultinational CorporationsClusters
The aim of this chapter is a review of the literature concerning regional interventions conducted within regional policy. The first part of the chapter presents different political, social and economic arguments opting for the... more
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      Regional GeographyRegional competitivenessRegional policyRegional and Local Governance
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesLawComparative Law
Questo volume analizza i processi di riorganizzazione territoriale delle politiche sociali in Italia con particolare attenzione alla dimensione regionale che, dal 2001, ha assunto un nuovo rilievo costituzionale. Il tema viene affrontato... more
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      Social PolicyWelfare StateItalyRegions
The territorial transformations driven by the opening of the Chilean economy to the free market forty years ago have been analyzed from multiple perspectives. One of them was proposed in 2003 by Antonio Daher, describing certain regions... more
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Cilj je ovog rada ukazati na mogućnosti koje regije imaju unutar Europske Unije. U radu će se procijeniti važnost prava Odbora Regija na pokretanje tužbe za poništenje akta i njegova uloga u osiguravanju supsidijarnosti, od stupanja na... more
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      European LawEuropean Court of JusticeRegionsCommittee of the Regions
The article is devoted to the development of paradiplomacy in Western Europe and North America. The author reveals the concept of paradiplomacy and compares it with the trans-border regional cooperation (TbRC) in Russia. In the article... more
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      ParadiplomacyRegionsTransnational and cross border police cooperation
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      Global GovernanceEuropean UnionRegional IntegrationInterregionalism
This chapter surveys the book’s three theoretical debates: regions and regionalism; international migration; and, governance. It looks at each in turn and pays close attention to the ways in which it is governance systems themselves –... more
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      RegionalismInternational MigrationInternational CooperationMigration Studies
A reflexão sobre o serviço público de rádio e de televisão insere-se num cam-po de discussão muito mais extenso e que se inter-relaciona com outros domínios e contextos da sociedade contemporânea. São vários os autores que consideram que... more
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      Media StudiesDiversityPublic Service MediaJournalism Studies