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The neuroscientist’s voice is imperious: «your body moves according to the constants of neurophysiology and you are mistaken in believing that your will can disturb the natural order». Even the behavioural scientist’s voice is adamant:... more
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      MonismRadical empiricismHarmony of the SpheresMind/body Problem
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAnthropologyEpistemology
"The growing proliferation of urban interactive technologies into our everyday lives demands a move from an initial fascination for the technologies in themselves to their actual experiential impact and how they ‘...affect the ways in... more
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      Interaction DesignWilliam JamesMedia ArtUrban Studies
Esta tese de doutorado coloca em questão os autorretratos digitais comumente nomeados enquanto “selfies” como práticas que revelam diferentes modos de experimentação cotidiana. O objetivo principal, portanto, é seguir a experiência... more
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The relationship of human liberty to both external nature and human inner nature entails a complex knot of questions that have long been the subject of intense philosophical discussion. In the modern era, a strong dichotomy developed... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsEnvironmental PhilosophyBioethics
This chapter explains the central role of radical empiricism and the hostility to theory in education and journalism. In the contemporary crisis of truth, in place of theory, argument, and evidence people are seeking foundations for... more
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      Critical TheoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSociology of Education
Vengono qui presentate per la prima volta tutte le lettere disponibili dello scambio epistolare intercorso tra Henri Bergson e William James, tra il 1902 e il 1910, anno della morte di James, integrate dai testi (lettere ad altri, saggi,... more
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      PragmatismAmerican PhilosophyWilliam JamesContemporary French Philosophy
Thomas Nagel in ‘What is it like to be a bat?’ suggests that we don’t yet have much idea of how mental entities could be identical with physical ones (though he wisely stops short of accusing physicalists of not meaning ANYTHING... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyMetaphilosophyPragmatismEmpiricism
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Eye and Mind [L’Œil et l’esprit, Paris: Gallimard, 1961] trans. by Carleton Dallery in The Primacy of Perception, ed. by James Edie (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1964), 159-190. Revised translation by... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyAestheticsPhilosophy of Science
This paper looks at philosophical accusations of talking nonsense from the perspective of argumentation theory.  An accusation of this sort, when seriously meant, amounts to the claim that someone believes there is something she means by... more
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      PsychoanalysisMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaphilosophy
"Alan Van Wyk and Michel Weber (eds.), Creativity and Its Discontents. The Response to Whitehead's Process and Reality, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought VIII, 2008. (240 p. ; ISBN 978-3-86838-018-7 ; 89 €) “I do not... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyMereotopologyCreativity and Consciousness
Questo libro si interessa alla teoria dei neuroni specchio. All’origine c’è un dato: un fascio di neuroni, presso l’area motoria del cervello, si mette all’opera non solo quando preparo una azione ma anche quando la osservo. Al dato si... more
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      NeuroscienceMetaphysicsMirror NeuronsRadical empiricism
This paper argues that it is possible to combine enactivism and ecological psychology in a single post-cognitivist research framework if we highlight the common pragmatist assumptions of both approaches. These pragmatist assumptions or... more
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      Cognitive SciencePragmatismSituated CognitionEmbodied Cognition
Prof Ralph Metzner - Entheogens, Radical Empiricism and the Nature of Reality. Divine Molecule Talks at Tyringham – Part II Exploring Entheogenic Entity Encounters, a private symposium, Tyringham Hall, September 2015 (curator and compère).
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      OntologyPsychedelicsRadical empiricismDMT
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      PerceptionPragmatismWilliam JamesGilles Deleuze
""Michel Weber, La dialectique de l’intuition chez A. N. Whitehead : sensation pure, pancréativité et contiguïsme [Introduction à la lecture de Process and Reality (1929)]. Préface de Jean Ladrière. Mémoire couronné par la Classe des... more
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Nella suo testo su Hegel, Bloch reinterpreta la critica hegeliana dell'empirismo. Qui si fanno una serie di considerazioni critiche che in parte spiegano perché l'hegelismo (anche nella sua versione marxista) non è andato sostanzialmente... more
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      EmpiricismHegelGeorg Friedrich Wilhem HegelG.W.F. Hegel
On propose ici une ellipse philosophique définie par les deux foyers de l’Art Royal : l’Alchimie et la Franc-Maçonnerie. Ces trois territoires seront de plus recoupés par la psychologie analytique de Jung. Au nombre de nos conclusions, on... more
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      Inner AlchemyPhilosophy of PsychoanalysisAlchemyJungian psychology
Brian Massumi (1956–) is a contemporary political theorist of communication, critical and cultural studies, philosophy, political theory, science, and aesthetics. One of the foremost thinkers of "radical empiricism," he is responsible for... more
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      CommunicationPerceptionGilles DeleuzeCapitalism
Phenomenology is a form of radical empiricism that situates perception within, not above, experience and does not confuse understanding with the conceptual thought of representation. The task of phenomenology understands experience void... more
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      CommunicationEmpiricismPhenomenologyEdmund Husserl
Durante l’età vittoriana moltissimi intellettuali, scienziati e filosofi si sono dedicati alla “ricerca psichica”, ovvero allo studio dei fenomeni paranormali (telepatia, telecinesi, chiaroveggenza, spiritismo ecc.). Il presente volume... more
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      ParapsychologyHistory of PsychiatryWilliam JamesHenri Bergson
This article challenges the myriad criticisms of humanistic psychology's scientific status by directly confronting their common underlying claim: that humanistic psychology lacks an adequately empirical epistemological underpinning.... more
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      EmpiricismAristotlePhenomenologyHumanistic psychology
I explain why Radical Empiricism is a version of process philosophy.
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      PragmatismPhenomenologyProcess TheologyWilliam James
Radman, A. “Involutionary Architecture: Unyoking Coherence from Congruence” in Posthuman Ecologies: Complexity and Process after Deleuze, eds. R. Braidotti and S. Bignall (London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019), pp. 61–86. By... more
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      EcologyTheory Of ArchitectureRadical empiricism
The book is divided into two parts, the first explaining ‘thickness,’ a term unique to William James, which served him with a rough criterion of philosophical adequacy. To explain 'thickness,' however, the text must reestablish James’... more
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      Nelson GoodmanVisual perceptionWilliam JamesChaos Theory
Edward Witherspoon distinguishes Wittgenstein’s conception of nonsense from Rudolf Carnap’s.  The latter does not fully take into account the fact that, if something really is nonsense, it has no more meaning than ‘Ab sur ah’ and... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaphilosophyEmpiricism
Il tema dell’impersonale costituisce il fulcro di un dibattito odierno forse sfuggente ma variamente presente in assi tematiche e ambiti di ricerca assai differenti. Si tratta, molto in generale, di un tentativo di rimettere in... more
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From _Deleuze and Pragmatism_, ed. by Simone Bignall, Sean Bowden, Paul Patton (Routledge, 2014).
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      American LiteraturePragmatismHistory of Perspective in PaintingAmerican Philosophy
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      MusicPragmatismSamuel BeckettPragmatic Sociology
Esta reedición del famoso libro de James mejora la presentación, la información bibliográfica y la traducción que realicé hace 16 años para Alianza Editorial. Nuevos equivalentes terminológicos para una prosa cercana y desenfadada pero... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesPragmatismWilliam James
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      Philosophical TheologyAmerican PhilosophySpiritualityProcess Theology
In this paper, I argue William James's concept of truth can be interpreted accurately if we pay attention to the radical empiricism that underlines the notion in all of James's later writings and if we also see radical empiricism as a... more
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      American StudiesPragmatismAmerican PhilosophyProcess Theology
William James advocates strenuousness as the key to the moral life yet his hunger for extreme experiences sometimes leads him to risk sacrificing morality in their pursuit. This paradox is best represented by James's fascination with... more
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      Political PhilosophyPragmatismPolitical TheoryWilliam James
[Prospectus Updated on JANUARY 4 2023] Biopoetics is an experimental book of philosophy that invites its readers to learn a new ethico-aesthetic lexicon by asking its readers to exercise their imaginations. Biopoetics is composed of... more
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      OntologyEpistemologyDeconstructionProcess Philosophy
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      Environmental PhilosophyPolitical EcologyEnvironmental StudiesAmerican Philosophy
This paper addresses two issues: the controversy over pragmatism in environmental philosophy, and the habitual exclusion of William James’s work from serious examination. Addressing critiques of pragmatic naturalism from Max Horkheimer,... more
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      Political PhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyPragmatismHistory of Ideas
[with Benjamin Hebblethwaite], « Arabian Religion, Islam, and Haitian Vodou: The “Recent African Single-Origin Hypothesis” and the Comparison of World Religions », in Celucien L. Joseph, Nixon S. Cleophat (Edited by), Vodou in the Haitian... more
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      PhilosophyPragmatismPhilosophy Of ReligionWilliam James
Cet article ne vise pas à faire assimiler le pragmatisme aux sciences sociales, non plus qu’à proclamer leur irréconciliable divergence : il soumet la question à l’enquête. Si un rapprochement est possible, il faut en payer le prix, celui... more
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      PragmatismWilliam JamesExperienceRadical empiricism
« The Radicalization of Postmodern Philosophy », Vesselin Petrov (ed.), Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based society East and West, Sofia, Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Science,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceEvolutionary PsychologyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of Mind
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      EmpiricismGilles DeleuzeTranscendental PhilosophyImmanuel Kant
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsEnvironmental PhilosophyBioethics
Erfahrung und Natur ist neben Die Suche nach Gewissheit, Logik und Kunst als Erfahrung eines der Hauptwerke von John Dewey. Es ist auch eines der grössten Meisterwerke der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zudem eines der umstrittensten.... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyMetaphysicsAesthetics
Reflecting on fieldwork carried out in the UK insurance sector, the thesis explores the role played by various types of actuarial and hydrological expertise in the performance of flooding as a matter of sustained public concern. In doing... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceHuman GeographyCultural GeographyAnthropology of Science
This appeared in a volume that summarized the results of the three-year "Patterns of Intuition" project that Gerhard Nierhaus and others directed: the project investigated the creative act of composing by means of algorithmic composition.... more
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      Algorithmic CompositionJohn DeweyExperimental MusicProgressive Education
« The Politics of Radical Experience », in Vesselin Petrov (ed.), Ontological Landscapes—Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces Between Science and Philosophy, Ontos Verlag, 2011, pp. 229-244.
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEpistemologyContinental Philosophy