Recent papers in Psychoanalysis
ABSTRACT Since the signing of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement of 1998, Northern Ireland has made significant progress towards a postcolonising transformation of its political culture and its major political and social institutions, as... more
This volume offers a rich tapestry of psychoanalytic thought. The authors demonstrate bold creativity in their use of psychoanalytic concepts to think about a wide range of problems in philosophy, art and the clinic. The collection grew... more
This paper engages centrally with the political impotence of much of critical theory today and suggests how a Lacanian-inflected perspective may offer a possible way out of the present intellectual and political deadlock. Lacanian thought... more
Die Analyse der ersten zehn Minuten einer audio aufgezeichneten psychoanalytischen Sitzung fuhrt zu der Entdeckung und Beschreibung einer psychoanalytischen Prozedur, die wir als »Tanz der Einsicht« bezeichnen. Die Sitzung ist nach den... more
Cet article décrit de façon critique le recours aux théories de l’attachement comme fondement de la loi en matière de protection de la jeunesse. Il situe ces théories dans leur contexte historique et montre en quoi elles s’inscrivent dans... more
The institution of new paradigms and the fragmentation of traditional values constitute marks of contemporaneity. The clinic reflects the transformations of the culture and is called upon to deal with subjective configurations that may... more
The dissertation explores the specific forms of subjectivity that are attributed to LGBTI individuals in international human rights law. It takes into consideration 8 rulings by the Human Rights Committee, the UN body charged with... more
On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy Reich in Denmark, Atomic Accidents, Bomb Tests & Weather, Cloudbusting in Israel & Namibia, Summerhill School ... Report on FDA Burning of Reich's Books more
הן הקבלה והן הפסיכואנליזה תופסות את הנפש האנושית כמרובדת ובנויה שכבות על שכבות. פרויד השווה לא אחת את מלאכת האנליטיקאי לארכיאולוג שמשחזר שרידים הקבורים תחת ההריסות, ואף המקובלים מפתחים תורת בריאה וגאולה המושתת על זיכרון של עולמות שחרבו,... more
Jung and Nietzsche each made the great discovery of a reality that “overcomes” the opposites. Nietzsche, the linguistic scholar and philosopher, referred to this reality as self-presentational language while Jung, the psychologist, names... more
Body psychotherapy can offer practical clinical tools, as well as theoretical conceptualisations, for working with transitional states of consciousness, both individual and dyadic. This paper examines sleep as a transformative space,... more
טראומה מאופיינת בכך שהיא נותרת כעדות היולית ללא מילים, ללא מספֵּר שיספר את סיפורה וללא אוזן קשבת שתשמע אותה. מתוך כך, היא אינה ניתנת לעיבוד ומתעתעת ביכולתו של הקורבן להיות עד למה שאירע לו, לדעת את עצמו ולספר את סיפורו ) 1(. ברצוני להציע... more
Counselling psychology’s dual emphasis on the use of the self as both vehicle of therapeutic change and legitimate focus of inquiry and research is one of the features by which the profession may be distinguished from related fields such... more
Ce livre aborde le mythe de Narcisse à partir de ses sources antiques et propose d’étudier ses répercussions dans l’art du XXe siècle. Ce mythe constitue un archétype culturel ponctuant la littérature et l’histoire de l’art occidentales... more
In this essay, I compare the psychoanalytic approaches to dream interpretation taken by Lacan and Jung, respectively. I begin by introducing the point that Lacan and Jung may have more to say to one another than most realize. Section I... more
Le traitement de l’autisme est un thème controversé depuis environ quatre décennies. La première description formelle de l’autisme par Leo Kanner dans les années 1940 mettait l’accent notamment sur l’évolution d’un trouble... more
This paper aims at analyzing a specific aspect of Nietzsche’s self-proclaimed medical expertise, which is the very non-Freudian role he ascribes to dietetics in the treatment of “nervous” diseases. I first consider the philosophical... more
?על פי מה ניתן לקבוע שחלום זה הינו חלום מכונן בהסטוריה של הפסיכואנליזה מהו הפירוש שלפרויד עצמו? של אריק אריקסון, שראשון שהבחין שלחלום יש שני חלקים, ושכלחולם אחר היה מתעורר בשיא הזוועתי של החלק הראשון שלהחלום. ומה הפירוש של לאקאן,... more
“Repression” names just one of the defense mechanisms that characterize queer theory’s quarter-century evasion of Lacanian psychoanalysis. The act of repressing the unconscious might seem entirely different than the decision to reject the... more
En France, dans le sillage du mouvement de Mai 68, émerge spontanément et joyeusement le Mouvement de Libération des Femmes (MLF), à l’initiative d’Antoinette Fouque et de Monique Wittig. Au cœur de leur débat, de leur relecture critique... more
With the publication of Wilfred Bion’s text 'Learning from Experience', psychoanalysis was afforded a new schema for understanding the processes and implications involved in an infant’s contact with their caregivers. As a result, our... more
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
This paper aims to concretize this notion of literary theories being in dialogue by exploring the intertwining of the Marxist theory, mainly depending on Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin’s theories, and Freudian psychoanalytic theory, based... more
In “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,” Louis Althusser proposed a complete rethinking of the category of the Subject. Despite the many critiques of Subjectivity that proliferated in France at the time, Althusser intended to... more
The curator of MOCA Taipei's exhibition, Rosa's Wound, used Paul Celan's poem to name the exhibition, which showcased artworks by artists from various Asian countries to discuss the relationship between art and trauma. The background of... more
"Modes of Therapeutic Action" was mandated textbook for doctoral students in the Counseling Psychology Program at Argosy University, Los Angeles in 2009-2010. Essay clarifies the differences between “relational psychoanalysis,” which... more
Guilt and shame are not suitable ecological affects. Sadness is.
This short essay explores the meaning of crossing borders in contemporary times. Borders are proliferating at a rapid rate, and paradoxically they are also being eroded at a rapid rate. This essay claims that this 'making and unmaking of... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
Lacan’s concept jouissance marks the both painful and joyful disturbance of a mind’s libidinal equilibrium which also gives coherence to the basic structure of reality from the point of view of the individual. Because someone can live a... more
This milestone text provides a comprehensive and state-of-the art overview of perfectionism theory, research, and treatment from the past 25 years, with contributions from the leading researchers in the field. The book examines new... more