Ports and Harbours
Recent papers in Ports and Harbours
Christian Warlich (1891–1964) is a famous German tattooist and his flash book is one of the most coveted objects in the tattoo world. It is now available in this exquisite edition that includes over three hundred hand-drawn designs... more
The aim of this article is to examine the micro-regional development of the northern harbour of Mytilene on the island of Lesbos. The city of Mytilene is the only one out of the six cities of the island facing east. Since its... more
Australian nineteenth century transport is a story of shipping. With few roads outside the population centres the flow of people, agricultural and mining produce relied almost exclusively on the ability of ships to service remote... more
Mar del Plata cuenta con un puerto marítimo de ultramar, primariamente pesquero (concentra el 60% de la pesca en la Argentina) y, secundariamente, petrolero, cerealero y de explotación turística con, además, un área exclusivamente... more
Agderfylkene planlegger å bruke kulturarv i uthavnene til verdiskaping under det regionale samarbeidsprosjektet «Uthavner i verdensklasse». Fra og med 2017 har også Norsk Maritimt Museum (NMM) vært med på uthavnssatsingen for å bidra til... more
The part of the port industry that serves international trade flows, competes and satisfies demand with global characteristics. Port services production and supply, within an open market, can only be governed by global regulations, and... more
This article is dealing with the health risks management and the urban developments that have been made accordingly in port cities during the XVIII century. Based on a concrete example from Bordeaux coming from 3 mains bursars'... more
This site analysis explores the archaeological potential to locate the remains of a nineteenth century shipyard identified in Wharton's thesis 'Changing Tides: A Cultural Landscape study of the maritime community in Balmain, New South... more
This is an earlier and substantially lengthier version of the European Commission’s Green Paper on Ports and Maritime Infrastructure, which I had prepared as a member of Commissioner Neil Kinnock’s wise men group. The Green Paper has... more
Port-cities form a particular type of urban settlements, in these cities a key infrastructure, the port, has played a crucial role for its foundation, growth and evolution. The presence of the port has in many cases evolved to be the an... more
Los puertos marítimos desarrollan una importante actividad económica y ocupan un papel principal en el comercio internacional, siendo motores de desarrollo económico de las ciudades, regiones y países donde se encuentran. Teniendo en... more
Buku Pengerukan Pelabuhan Edisi I hasil skripsi mahasiswa diantaranya Alfin Ali Butar Butar, Arnold H. Situmorang, dan Panuturi Sitompul dengan Dosem Pembimbing Bapak Dr. Ernesto Maringan Ramot Silitonga, S.T, DEA, IPM
Japanische Geschichtsschreibung verleitet angesichts der zahlreichen einschneidenden Ereignisse dazu, in mehr oder weniger klar definierbaren Perioden verstanden zu werden. Zwischen diesen Perioden können Wendepunkte stehen, wie zum... more
Since its appearance in 2003, the what has come to be known as “The Erasmus Report” has been making headlines throughout the world. This, mainly due to its finding that “liner shipping conferences have a stabilizing effect on freight... more
This paper has been written to picture out, what exactly is "Pakistan Deep Water Port". Since this is first and small effort, there might be flaws and errors in the paper. The valuable feedback from readers will encourage and help me for... more
Until the 1950’s much of the goods and produce moving to and from the south coast of NSW were transported by ship. Except for Jervis Bay and Twofold Bay shipping to the south coast was handicapped by a lack of safe harbours. Shipping had... more
During the last decade, new technologies have pushed organizations to innovate their business models. In particular, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of things (IoT) have called for their own business models, in order for them to live up to... more
Las preocupaciones de la Industria siderúrgica Nacional y las opiniones de los grandes empresarios de la materia
In early 2013, PIANC’s EnviCom confirmed the need for a good practice guide to enable the navigation community to deal with features of archaeological and heritage interest in the development of navigation infrastructure projects. Whilst... more
"30 Jahre nach den Ausgrabungen mehrerer Hafenanlagen von Haithabu hat Sven Kalmring nun erstmals die ganze, bisher kaum zu übersehende Fülle von Dokumenten zusammengeführt, digitalisiert, analysiert und so neue Erkenntnisse über das... more
Μέχρι τώρα, το σχέδιο Μάρσαλ στην Ελλάδα και η παρουσία της Αμερικανικής Αποστολής Βοήθειας στην Ελλάδα έχει μελετηθεί γενικά. Απουσιάζει όμως η εξειδίκευση σε συγκεκριμένα έργα. Το αρχείο της ΟΛΘ ΑΕ, διαθέσιμο στους ερευνητές, προσφέρει... more
The paper offers an overview of the on-going project EOS - Etruscans on the Sea, dedicated to the Etruscan port city of Spina in the Po Delta.
Perhitungan berat satuan geobag berdasarkan tinggi gelombang, gelombang pecah atau tidak pecah, peletakan geobag di ujung atau badan causeway, jetty, groin atau break water. Susunan konstruksi penahan gelombang menggunakan geobag