Pluricentric Languages
Recent papers in Pluricentric Languages
Among the diverse national varieties of Postcolonial English (Schneider 2007), Australian English is an interesting example of the potential a non-dominant variety of English can have nationally and inter¬nationally. After only having... more
The character of this interesting monograph is best captured (or should we say “alluded to”?) by its somewhat catchy subtitle: this is not yet another history of the emergence and character of Canadian English (CanE); there are plenty,... more
Paperback edition (Dec. 2020) of the original title (May 2019). With discount code.
German dialectology has had a central role in the conceptualization of political borders in language continua at least since Kremer's pioneering work (1979). In the early 1980s, Michael Clyne (1984, 1992, 1995) developed the concept of... more
Response to Nils Langer’s review of Dollinger (2019), The Pluricentricity Debate: On Austrian German and Other Germanic Standard Varieties. Abingdon: Routledge. Published ahead of Print in Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur... more
This article presents the result of a 10-year project revising the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles, First Edition (DCHP-1). DCHP-1 was the product of a period of nationalist zeal in Canada. Rushed to publication in... more
Dieser Aufsatz handelt von Werbetexten, deren Kennzeichen, Funktionen und Ausformungen (Anglizismen als manchmal sogar unverständliche, aber moderne, sprich Mode-Wörter, Sprachspiele) im Deutschen sowie im Polnischen. Bei jeder... more
Es ist Ende Jänner 2020, also schon ein Zeiterl her. Der ORF-Korrespondent in China berichtet gerade über einen neuartigen Virus, der in Wuhan die Runde macht. Er sagt dabei: “das Virus”. Dieser Gebrauch, Artikel das, war für mich... more
The lexicography of Canadian English is a niche field today. Once looming large, the field was abandoned by academic linguistics in the early 1980s. Since around 2000, Canadian dictionary publishing has proven to no longer be economically... more
Niniejsza publikacja zawiera: • 100 dokumentów wydanych przez różne instytucje i firmy w Austrii, w tym dokumenty metrykalne, szkolne, notarialne, policyjne, sądowe, bankowe, ubezpieczeniowe, księgowo-podatkowe, medyczne, •... more
Lexical variation counts to-date as one of the largely neglected system levels of modern variationist linguistic research on German. In particular, vertical-social variation on the dialect/standard axis have only sparingly been... more
Praise by Peter Trudgill: "For this brilliantly researched book, Stefan Dollinger bravely ventured to parts of the archives other scholars had never reached. He emerged with the fascinating story of how the "Lennon & McCartney of Canadian... more
The study of Canadian English (CanE) has undergone phases of considerable activity in the 20th century and must today be considered a field in its own right. The purpose of this overview is to present the research on CanE from a... more
Estudio de actitudes hacia variedades del Caribe en hablantes de la región (Cuba, Puerto Rico y República dominicana) y en hablantes peninsulares.
Chapter 1, Table of Content, frontmatter and index of the upcoming monograph in Routledge's FOCUS series (May 2019) The present book argues that linguistic concepts need to be applicable across various languages and philologies in... more
Pluricentric approaches to international varieties have been a mainstay in English dialectology since the 1980s, often implied rather than expressed. What is standard lore in many philologies is today seriously questioned in one... more
The paper examines European language policy shaped by its two differing inclinations, that is, standardizing national regimes and language emancipation. The case of the Bunyev language, the most recent offspring of the former... more
Die Arbeit stellt einen Beitrag zu den Forschungen zur Plurizentrik des Spanischen dar, die untersuchen, ob innerhalb der spanischen Sprache unterschiedliche Standardvarietäten koexistieren und in welchem Verhältnis diese zueinander... more
Der Beitrag will einen Forschungsüberblick zur Sprachvariation und zum Sprachwandel in Österreich liefern. Der Fokus wird dabei auf aktuellen Forschungsansätzen und ihren Ergebnissen im Umfeld des Spezialforschungsbereichs (SFB) „Deutsch... more
Patrick Dockar Drysdale, Paddy to those who knew him, passed away on 9 December, 2020 in hospital in Oxford, England, after a brief illness. Canadian linguistics owes a lot to Paddy. A longtime member of the Canadian Linguistic... more
This article presents a proposal for Arabic varieties hierachization within the frame of linguistic pluricentrism. In order to do so, it provides a definition of this concept–linguistic pluricentrism– and differentiates it from the... more
Designed for Portuguese learners in US Higher Education, Plural: Português Pluricêntrico introduces the language by exploring contemporary issues in Portuguese-speaking communities based on social justice pedagogy, pluricentric... more
Dutch, a West-Germanic language, is spoken by approximately 23 million people worldwide. In Europe, it is the language of all of the Netherlands and the northern part of Belgium, called Flanders. It is often said that since the Dutch and... more
German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Standard German and Swiss Standard German. The most popular variety for German language learners is German used in Germany but sometimes the... more
Despite a history of rigorous linguistic research on the regional variation of German as well as professional initiatives to promote German, Austrian, and Swiss Standard German as equal varieties, there is still a lack of awareness and... more
Esta obra invita al lector a conocer la importancia del lenguaje y de las lenguas como señas de identidad de una comunidad, vehículos de comunicación y socialización que proporcionan mucha información sobre quiénes somos y cómo somos. Es... more
Gegenstand des Bandes sind die sogenannten „kleineren“ romanischen Sprachen, die die Romania „minor“ ausmachen. Obwohl diese für die romanistische Forschung eine hohe Relevanz besitzen, ist ihre Erforschung in vielerlei Hinsicht noch... more
Based on the history of the Serbian language, with particular attention being given to the Serbian migration to Austria since the end of the 17th century, this paper will consider the development process of the Serbian language variety as... more
Verleger kennen das Wort "Abfluss" mit einer branchespezifischen Bedeutung: aufpassen, damit man den Nachdrucktermin bei "abfließendem" Lagerbestand nicht verpasst, um Lieferengpässe zu vermeiden. Der noch am 1. April scherzend... more
The present paper explores “Canadianisms” in Canadian desk dictionaries. The Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles (Avis et al. 1967) defines Canadianisms not only as words, expressions and meanings native to Canada, but... more
Föredrag vid Svenska litteratursällskapets i Finland årshögtid den
5 februari 2016
5 februari 2016
26.05. 2022, Toboľsk, talk at "Sibir Tatar Language Situatin: Problems and Their Resolution"
Es ist Ende Jänner 2020. Der ORF-Korrespondent in China berichtet gerade über einen neuartigen Virus, der in Wuhan die Runde macht. Er sagt dabei: “das Virus”. Dieser Gebrauch, Artikel das, war für mich merkwürdig, hatte sich damals aber... more
The present paper aims to chart the historical entanglements of “nation” and “language” as it relates to the prescriptive standardization of non-dominant varieties, which are characteristically “created” via applications of standard... more
En Arnoux E. y S. Nothstein (eds.) Temas de glotopolítica. Integración regional sudamericana y panhispanismo. Buenos Aires: Biblos.