Recent papers in Pluralism
My theoretical work is organised around two heuristic hypotheses: 1) contemporary Continental Philosophies can usefully be viewed as metaphysical research programmes in Karl Popper's sense 2) within the domain of contemporary Continental... more
This is a PDF file of my 1990 book: Myth and Philosophy: A Contest of Truths (Chicago: Open Court, 1990)
Abstraksi: Krisis solidaritas di satu sisi dan politik identitas yang menyangkal kebhinekaan di sisi lain merupakan persoalan besar yang tengah mendera bangsa Indonesia. Persoalan ini coba dibaca dalam kaca mata diskursus filosofis... more
Wittgenstein’s Investigations proposed an egalitarian view about language games, emphasizing their plurality (“language has no downtown”). Uses of words depend on the game one is playing, and may change when playing another. Furthermore,... more
This paper contributes to the debate about the absence of nonhuman animals in environmental and sustainable education (ESE) and the challenge of the anthropocentric characterisation of European education. Relating to the debate about a... more
Abstract: In this paper, we outline a number of features of an interdisciplinary and pluralistic approach to economics. As a suitable example of how an interdisciplinary cooperation can unfold, we focus attention on the relations between... more
"Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nin çarpıcı bir özelliği, dönemin yetkin kamu hukukçularının, karşılaştıkları güncel sorunlara yoğun bir ilgi göstermeleri ve bu çerçevede kapsamlı tartışmalar yürütmeleridir. Kelsen ve Schmitt arasındaki... more
The social model of disability has demonstrated political success for disabled people in society. At the same time, it has been labelled an outdated ideology in need of further development. While the social model of disability has been... more
Liberal theories of justice typically claim that political institutions should be justifiable to those who live under them – whatever their values. The more such values diverge, the greater the challenge of justifiability. Diversity of... more
In this Huffington Post profile of Paul Pribbenow, president of Augsburg College in Minneapolis, I show how the theological concept of "semper reformanda," usually taken to mean "always reforming" but more fully to be understood as... more
This article deals with the missional self-understanding of the so-called Danish folk church (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark). It argues that especially two important factors have hindered such a self-understanding: first, the... more
The main objective of this research is to assess the existence (or lack) of media concentration in the Portuguese dailies newspaper sector, and to evaluate the extension to which this situation may be compromising fundamental society... more
Practical in focus, grounded in social interaction, and written in a strong narrative style replete with concrete examples, Intercultural Communication: Pathways to Better Interactions provides readers with an examination of diverse... more
Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit sozialen Dynamiken pluralistischer Gesellschaften, wie mit dem ökonomischen Flexibilismus, dem demografischen Wandel und Trends bezüglich Mobilität, Migration und Bürgerrechten. Der zweite Teil... more
El presente trabajo realiza una descripción del acceso a la justicia para las mujeres arhuacas dentro del casco urbano del municipio de Pueblo Bello, Cesar. Para ello, se realiza una comparación entre la jurisdicción propia del pueblo... more
Resumen En el debate global sobre la eutanasia el caso de Colombia, que la despenalizó en 1997, no suele ser discutido en profundidad. En este artículo se examinan el contexto socio-político y jurídico que permitió que la Corte... more
En este texto, veremos algunos aspectos de la pluralidad de las prácticas de curaciones en los Andes en algunos enfermos y la asistencia de sus familiares cercanos, en la búsqueda de una solución. El acompañamiento a esta prácticas serán... more
ETHICS: A PLURALISTIC APPROACH TO MORAL THEORY, FIFTH EDITION provides a comprehensive yet clear introduction to the main traditions in ethical thought, including virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology. Additionally, the book... more
How do ‘new’ and ’old’ Islamic actors in contemporary Albania define religious legitimacy, the nation and religious otherness? This chapter uses Olivier Roy’s analytical distinction between accommodationism and neo-fundamentalism as a... more
Unity of science was once a very popular idea among both philosophers and scientists. But it has fallen out of fashion, largely because of its association with reductionism and the challenge from multiple realisation. Pluralism and the... more
How the recent discovery of ancient Gandharan scrolls settles the question of what the Buddha really said.
Howard Callaway here has given us a thoroughly annotated new reading of James’s 1909 pragmatic classic, then one last sword-thrust at the dying Absolute of metaphysical idealism, now the enduring final note of America's most distinctively... more
Abstraksi Artikel ini mengelaborasi narasi tentang tumbuhnya kelas menengah Muslim baru pada masa Reformasi dan sikap mereka terhadap wacana pluralisme di media sosial. Kemunculan kelas menengah Muslim baru merupakan dampak dari stabilnya... more
The article argues that several American Muslim organizations that had roots in political Islam are now moving away from their roots and embracing American Exceptionalism.
Corrected and authorized English translation Revue française de science politique (R.F.S.P.) published my article “Systèmes partisans compétitifs: quelle divergence entre Duverger et Sartori?“ in no 3/2015 (Revue française de science... more
O livro se volta para o estudo de mecanismos de estímulo ao pluralismo interno de conteúdo na radiodifusão televisiva, compreendidos como ferramentas jurídico-regulatórias que incidem sobre a programação, estabelecendo direitos e deveres... more
In Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don’t Agree with or Like or Trust (2017), Adam Kahane co-creates a new story about col- laborating in our highly polarized social and political landscapes. Adam is a director... more
Аутор се у раду бави анализом неких од основних појмова у Лајбницовој Монадологији, кроз призму актуелних расправа у филозофији духа. Идеја рада је да се сугерише да традиционално читање Лајбница као плуралисте и паралелисте, иако по себи... more
In an era where a lot is being talked about Pluralism and the need for an Inclusive society and where despite being constitutional provisions, the tribal people are still being neglected by the existing institutions of governance in India... more
Preface Introduction: Globalization, Secular States, and Religious Diversity / Bruce J. Berman, Rajeev Bhargava, and Andre Laliberte Part 1: Historical and Theoretical Approaches 1 Religious Pluralism as a Self-Evident Problem in the... more
This was a brief lecture given to second year undergraduates in the module "Global Citizenship". This presentation worked on making students think about alternative modes of producing knowledge, beyond science, and asking how different... more
This paper explores the relationship of historical narratives to contemporary political theory by considering the merits of the rival theories of pluralism and democracy presented by John Rawls and Charles Taylor. While Rawls and Taylor... more
Multiculturalism has acquired many meanings. As policy, it is variously thought of as designed to foster immigrant integration, improve race relations, reduce communal conflict, encourage good citizenship, support national cohesion, and... more
There is a widespread view according to which the denial that the conditions of knowledge are truth-evaluable inevitably leads to a form of epistemic pluralism that is both quietist and internally incoherent. It is quietist because it... more
Apa yang saya maksud dengan narasi dan praksis keseharian adalah wacana dan relasi kemanusiaan yang kita selami sehari-hari yang terkadang dianggap remeh, namun sebenarnya punya peran besar dalam membangun kelenturan sosial atau yang... more