Peter Greenaway
Recent papers in Peter Greenaway
El propósito de este ensayo es poner de manifiesto la confluencia de la tragedia de venganza y las prácticas extremas del arte del cuerpo o body art en la película "El cocinero, el ladrón, su mujer y su amante" (1991) de Peter Greenaway,... more
Among scientific impulses in Peter Greenaway’s film is his interest in biochemistry and evolution. Setting aside the TV biopic Darwin (1993), I draw special attention to his two early films displaying experimental imaginations of men... more
Serpil Aygün Cengiz, 21. Ankara Uluslararası Film Festivali (11-21 Mart 2010) kapsamında Peter Greenaway'in 2008 yılı yapımı "Rembrandt: İtham Ediyorum" (Rembrandt's J'Accuse) filmini çözümlüyor. (19 Mart 2010, Batı Sineması, Ankara)... more
Greenaway'in Tulse Luper Projesi üzerine bir değerlendirme yazısı: 20 yy. 92 valize sığar mı? Tulse Luper, Greenaway’in yarattığı kurgusal bir kahraman. Greenaway’in izleyicisine ‘alter egosu’ olarak tanıttığı Luper, 29 Ekim 1911... more
Couverture et quatrième de couverture
The Pillow Book, P. Greenaway (1996)
Ces deux films questionnent les relations entre le cinéma et les autres modes de représentation artistiques que sont le dessin, la peinture et la photographie. Cette réflexion d'un film à l'autre conduit au thème majeur commun aux deux... more
In the following dissertation I analyze the motif of food in the light of Freud’s theory of Eros and Thanatos in selected films – Stanley Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange, The Shining, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Peter Greenaway’s The Cook, the... more
"The relationship between film and other art forms The Draughtman's Contract of Peter Greenaway applies to a whole number of representations between mediums: painting, photography, literature and music, between reality andfiction,... more
The Pillow Book (枕草子, Makura no Sōshi) of Sei Shōnagon (清少納言, c.965CE–?), written between the end of the tenth and the beginning of the eleventh century, has attained undeniable canonical status in the context of Japanese Literature. It... more
Applying Anthony Vidler's thoughts from The Architectural Uncanny to Peter Greenaway's The Belly of an Architect
From Plato’s dismissal of food as a distraction from thought to Kant’s relegation of the palate to the bottom of the hierarchy of the senses, the sense of taste has consistently been devalued by Western aesthetics. Kant is often invoked... more
In 1911, Ricciotto Canudo labeled the cinema as the Seventh Art and claimed that it was superior to the other so-far existing art forms. In 2012, the British filmmaker Peter Greenaway directed yet another film that makes use of all these... more
Εκκινώντας από την αρχιτεκτονική παρακειμενικότητα του τίτλου "The Belly of an Architect" ταινίας του Peter Greenaway, η παρούσα μελέτη ενδιαφέρεται για τον τρόπο με τον οποίο ο κινηματογράφος αναφέρεται σε έργα άλλων τεχνών, εντάσσοντάς... more
La caratteristica dei cosidetti finti documentari (o più precisamente mockdocumentary, documentari beffardi, burloni con una non casuale sottolineatura sul carattere scherzoso e traditore del termine) è quella di utilizzare la “forma” del... more
Bachelor's degree thesis in History of the Theories of Cinema
Supervisor: Prof. Monica Dall'Asta
Supervisor: Prof. Monica Dall'Asta
réalisation : 3/2019 - 6/2019 révision : 6/2019 - 9/2019 The 7 thematics of Greenaway's "The Belly of an Architect" A Greimas reading Les 7 thématiques de Greenaway dans "The Belly of an Architect" Une lecture de Greimas Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.... more
The paper considers the place of the Bible in the abject world of Peter Greenaway's _The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover_. Two biblical intertexts are evident: Psalm 51, which is sung repeatedly throughout the film as a call to... more
This paper sheds new light on Peter Greenaway's early films made in the 1970s as a remarkable seedbed of his later features. Reframing his experimental position accompanies two correlated registers that can be reexamined together: the... more
A partir de la película "El libro de cabecera" ("The Pillow Book", 1996) del británico Peter Greenaway, se discute la posición del cuerpo en el arte desde las ópticas oriental y occidental. Sobre esta última concepción, se discute al... more
This research aims at providing a Bazinian approach to framing in Peter Greenaway’s The Tulse Luper Suitcases (P. Greenaway, 2003) by discussing both the ontology of the digital image and the aesthetics of internal framing in which... more
Bu çalışmada, Greenaway’in Goltzius ve Pelikan Kumpanyası filmi anlatı açısından değerlendirilirken, Bornstein’in Rüya Poetikası bir mesnet olarak kabul edilecektir. Anlatının bu açıdan incelenmesi; bu film örnek gösterilerek, bu ve... more
Resumen: La obra cinematográfica de Peter Greenaway se ha caracterizado por un componente visual ligado a la pintura. Como defensor de la supremacía de la pintura, ésta se inserta en sus películas de modo literal o metafórico,... more
Louis Andriessen and Peter Greenaway’s opera 'Rosa: The Death of a Composer' (premiered 1994 at Het Muziektheater in Amsterdam) and Philip Glass’s mixed media chamber opera 'The Photographer' (first performed in 1982 at Amsterdam’s Royal... more
Taking the animal and the machine as two ontological others of the human, this paper looks into how they “are added to” and “replace” the humanist others based on race, gender, class, etc. in contemporary cinema. This “supplement” urges... more
La presente investigación estudia un punto de encuentro entre el cine y la pintura mediante la representación del tableau vivant en el filme La ronda de noche (Nightwatching, 2007) de Peter Greenaway en relación con el óleo La ronda de... more
The moving image provides many memorable instances of the allure of food, often reminding us of the proximity of carne and carnality, as in Itami's Tampopo, or the pivotal social function of eating that pervades every episode of The... more
In this text I consider Peter Greenaway's film The Falls as an extended Deleuzian meditation on modes of reception of an Event. I argue that (1) the film deterritorialises the documentary form with the falsifying narration of responses... more
From William Shakespeare's The Tempest to Peter Greenaway's Prospero's Books: an intersemiotic translation
Питер Гринуэй - одна из ярких фигур современного авторского кинематографа. Его фильмы отличаются насыщенной визуальной составляющей и склонностью к взаимодействию с другими искусствами. Статья посвящена основным методам работы Питера... more
Este texto é uma proposta de reflexão em três partes sobre o tema “roupa” em O Livro de Travesseiro, de Sei Shônagon (Japão, séculos X–XI), discutindo a importância dos fazeres relacionados ao têxtil na sociedade aristocrática japonesa da... more
My paper explores corporeality in Peter Greenaway’s Prospero’s Books and draws comparisons with Shakespeare's The Tempest . I am particularly interested in how sixteenth-century anatomy books embody the search for (metaphysical)... more