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The taxonomic limits of Loxopus Townes are reviewed. The genus is characterized by the lateral margin of the clypeus projecting as subtriangular lobe; lateral lobes of fourth tarsomeres distinctly longer than mesal lobes; fore wing vein... more
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      EntomologyUkrainian StudiesEcologySystematic Entomology
Phloeosinus aubei (Perris, 1855) was previously recorded from Romania only from Orşova, the warmest area of Romania, characterised by sub-Mediterranean climate. Recently, the species was found on a dying tree of Thuja occidentalis L. in... more
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      Forest EntomologyParasitoids EcologyParasitoidforestry Entomology
Two parasitoid wasps, Torymus artemisiae Mayr and Torymoides violaceus (Nikol'skaya), were reared on Artemisia herba-alba (Asteraceae) galles, in central Iran. Torymus artemisiae and T. violaceus were developed from the gall midges:... more
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    • Parasitoid
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      EntomologyBiologyParasitoid BiologyHymenoptera
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      EntomologySystematic EntomologyHymenopteraFicus Carica
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      EntomologyEcologyAgricultural EntomologyParasitoid Biology
Eleven species of Metaphycus Mercet (Hym.: Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) are listed for Ira-nian fauna. A new record is presented and a new species is described as M. davoodii Lotfalizadeh sp. nov. reared from Coccus hesperidum L. (Hem.:... more
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      IranNew SpeciesParasitoidCoccidae
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      EntomologyInvasive SpeciesAgricultural EntomologyBiological Control
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      EconomicsAgronomyConservation BiologyAgroecology
Dolichomitus Smith is a widely distributed pimpline genus with more than seventy known species. There are eight species previously reported from South America: D. annulicornis (Cameron), D. bivittatus Townes, D. hypermeces Townes, D.... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ColombiaTaxonomyBiodiversity
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)EntomologyEcologyAgriculture
Trichogramma and Trichogrammatoidea are the most studied egg parasitoids in biological control programs. Information on geographical distribution and status of those genus are limited in Indonesia. The research sought to study community... more
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      Conservation BiologyParasitoid
Trichogramma and Trichogrammatoidea are the most studied egg parasitoids in biological control programs. Information on geographical distribution and status of those genus are limited in Indonesia. The research sought to study community... more
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      Conservation BiologyParasitoid
The parasitoid complex of several lepidopteran pests were studied in maize plantations in the Southeast Anatolian Region of Turkey during 2003-2004. Apenteles sp., Bracon hebetor (Say.), Chelonus oculator Panzer, Meteorus rubens Nees... more
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      BiologyLepidopteraMaizeKey words
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      EntomologyBiological ControlTemperatureLife Cycle
Species of Sceliphron show varying degrees of prey-specificity, capturing only one or several species of spiders. In Paujul (Caqueta), Sceliphron asiaticum only captures individuals of Alpaida veniliae. This fact suggests the development... more
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      ColombiaPrey SelectivityParasitoid
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      EconomicsAgronomyConservation BiologyAgroecology
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      EntomologyAgricultural EntomologyParasitoid BiologyBiological Control
The aim of this study was to investigate the biological control of the green shield scale, Pulvinaria psidii Maskell (Hemiptera: Coccidae), on guava trees in Gahrbiya, Egypt, by the release of two of its natural enemies. For this purpose,... more
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      BiologyBiological ControlParasitoidAphelinidae
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      ZoologyPlant BiologyBiologyHymenoptera
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyBiodiversityInsect Taxonomy
Two new species viz., Chelonus (Areselonus) caeruleus sp. nov., and Chelonus (Areselonus) lithocolletiscus, sp. nov., are described as new to science from the northern part of India. These two species were reared from Acrocercops caerulea... more
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      Parasitoids EcologyParasitoidParasitoidsParasitoid Hymenoptera
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      EcologyHymenopteraUkraineParasitoids Ecology
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionDrosophila melanogasterParasitoid
During parasitoid development, the immature parasitoid is confined to the host species. As a result, any potential to modify the physiology or behaviour of the host could play an important role in parasitoid fitness. The potential for... more
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      Animal BehaviorSymbiosisBiologyMedicine
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyPhylogeographyBiology
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      TaxonomyKey wordsParasitoidLarva
Dolichomitus Smith is a widely distributed pimpline genus with more than seventy known species. There are eight species previously reported from South America: D. annulicornis (Cameron), D. bivittatus Townes, D. hypermeces Townes, D.... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyGeography
Urban gardens are a prominent part of agricultural systems, providing food security and access within cities; however, we still lack sufficient knowledge and general principles about how to manage pests in urban agroecosystems in distinct... more
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      AgronomyConservation BiologyEcologyAgriculture
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      Risk assessmentPlant transgenicsImpact AssessmentTransgenics
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    • Parasitoid
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)EntomologyJapanese StudiesTaxonomy
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      EcologyJapanMutualisms and ParasitismsHymenoptera
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)ToxicologyTaxonomy
The long-term goal of this report is the documentation of the sublethal effects of pesticides to parasitic Hymenoptera. The objective of this laboratory study was to determine if parasitoids can be conserved or augmented againstBemisia... more
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      Biological ControlParasitoidBemisia tabaciNon-target effects
The taxonomic limits of Acorystus are reviewed. The genus is characterized by a body surface shiny and mostly impunctate, supra-antennal area with a conical horn, epomia and posterior transverse carina of propodeum entirely absent,... more
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      Integrated Pest ManagementDNA BarcodingParasitoidMesostenina
SummaryMillions of years of co-evolution have driven parasites to display very complex and exquisite strategies to manipulate the behaviour of their hosts. However, although parasite-induced behavioural manipulation is a widespread... more
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      Animal BehaviorBiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
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      BiologyAgricultural BiotechnologyHymenopteraPCR
1. The number of natural enemies that should be introduced to control a pest is a controversial subject in biocontrol. A previous semi‐mechanistic model parameterised using a laboratory system consisting of two parasitoid wasps,... more
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Insect outbreaks are expected to increase in frequency and intensity with projected changes in global climate through direct effects of climate change on insect populations and through disruption of community interactions. Although there... more
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      BotanyEntomologyGeographyEnvironmental Science
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      BiologyEcologyAnimal EcologyPhenology
Absract: Encarsia sophia (Girault and Dodd) ) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was reared from Pealius mori (Takahashi) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), an exotic whitefly species recently found infesting mulberry, Morus alba L. (Moraceae) in Giza,... more
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Fitness, defined as theper capitarate of increase of a genotype with reference to the population carrying the associated genes, is a concept used by biologists to describe how well an individual performs in a population. Fitness is rarely... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyBiologyInsect Physiology
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      IranNew SpeciesParasitoidCoccidae
The effects of various honey produced in Turkey on the longevity of the adult lepidopteran parasitoid, Bracon hebetor was investigated. Experiments were carried out in laboratory conditions, 25±1ºC and relative humidity of 60±5%. There... more
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      Parasitoid BiologyHoneyParasitoids EcologyParasitoid
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      Biological ControlParasitoid
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      EntomologyAquatic EcologyAgricultural EntomologyJapan