Recent papers in Ottoman
Osmanlı Devleti’nde ilmiye mesleği kadrolarına yapılan istihdamda belli bir hiyerarşi takip edilmekteydi. Her ne kadar mesleğe girişte tüm adaylar mülâzemet sistemi denilen bir düzene tabi tutulmuşlarsa da, ulemâ çocuklarının diğer... more
This study is based on why during the second stage of the development of nationalism in Iran, anti-Turkism became the focus of attention of Iranian nationalists and the consequences of this approach for the position of the Turkish... more
تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز جهود الفرنسيين والجزائريين في ترجمة وتحقيق المخطوطات الجزائرية خلال العهد العثماني. ولئن برز في الآونة الأخير اتجاه يدعو صراحة إلى اعتماد مثل هذه المقاربات لكتابة تاريخ الجزائر في العهد العثماني، وما اتصل من... more
"Like all multi-lingual computing, Arabic computing is now firmly in the domain of Unicode. Unicode is an industrial protocol with the status of international agreement. It is designed to encode the elements of all known script systems in... more
"Like all multi-lingual computing, Arabic computing is now firmly in the domain of Unicode. Unicode is an industrial protocol with the status of international agreement. It is designed to encode the elements of all known script systems in... more
Osmanlı Devleti Eğitim Sistemi
Osmanlı Devleti’nin yıkılışı ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluşu, tarihsel süreklilik içinde etkilerini bugün hala devam ettiren çeşitli sosyo-ekonomik/politik gelişmelerin ürünüdür. Nitekim Osmanlı döneminde başlayan ekonomik gelişme ve... more
This is a work on the Turkish conception o homeland and teritory-building in geography textbooks between 1930-1950.
4. Ulusal Kutup Bilimleri Çalıştayı TÜBİTAK MAM/KARE (Kutup Araştırmaları Enstitüsü) Cumhuriyet ve Osmanlı Arşivlerinde Kutuplar / 22 Ekim 2020 Earth’s Poles in The State Archives of The Republic of Turkey and Ottoman / October 22,... more
Osmanlı Devleti kuruluşunu tamamladıktan sonraki süreçte askeri başarılarına bağlı olarak sınırlarını üç kıtaya yayacak oranda genişletmiş, bu bağlamda merkez ve taşrada devrin şartlarına bağlı olarak sürekli gelişim ve değişim gösteren... more
The present dissertation was written to explain the conquest of the city of Belgrade by the Ottoman Empire in the events of Istanbul in 1453, 1456 and Belgrade in 1521. In particular, the answer to the question of why the success achieved... more
Bosnia and Herzegovina, which became independent after the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia, is a small model of it in one respect. The Muslim-Bosniak, Orthodox Slav and Catholic-Croat identities, represent the mirror image of the... more
According to proponents of the “Military Revolution” theory, musketry volley fire was among the military innovations that fundamentally altered early modern field warfare. The origins of European volley fire date back to the 1590s, but no... more
In this study, sexual orientations and gender in the Ottoman Empire produced in homosocial spaces were discussed. Although it was attempted to explain how the places and the practices of space were positioned in Ottoman culture and art in... more
The current study is the first attempt to study the relations between Russian-Georgian relations within the context of international political processes, in particular, the Seven Years' War and the plan for the redistribution of Europe,... more
H. 1233-1241 Tarihli I Numaralı Ahısha Şeriyye Sicili'ne göre 1828-1829 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı Öncesi Osmanlı Devleti’nin doğudaki komşuları İran ve Rusya Devletleri ile Gürcistan’daki krallık ve prensliklere karşı izlemiş olduğu siyasete... more
Multifunctional T-shaped buildings, referred to as zaviye or imaret in contemporary Ottoman sources, played a key role in the Ottoman urbanism implemented in Anatolia and the Balkans during the formative and the early period of the... more
From the 18 th century, the Ottoman State started the activities of adopting the developments which seen in European armies. For this aim, It had bought weapons and had transferred technology from France and England which are greatest two... more
Halil İnalcık - Devleti Aliyye Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Üzerine Araştırmalar 2
Résumé La présente étude traite de la contribution des photographes français au développement de l’art photographique dans l’Orient méditerranéen et des leurs collaborations avec les photographes locaux. Plus précisément, nous nous... more
Ottoman, Smederovo, Serbia, Hungary, 18th. Century
In the 16th century, Ottoman Empire began to have serious crisis in Anatolia especially because of the effects of movements of heterodox thought that arose in the east of the Empire. Economic disruptions that were accompanied by these... more
Kütüphanelerin oluşumunda uygulanan bir yöntem olarak bağış, kütüphaneyi zenginleştiren ama genel koleksiyonda sorun oluşturma potansiyeli de olan hassas bir mevzudur. Bu çalışmada bağış mefhumu ve kütüphaneye etkilerinden ziyade bağış... more
Silifke Akkale, Akdeniz bölgesinde, Mersin ilinin Silifke ilçesine bağlı bir mahalle olan Taşucu'ndadır. Stratejik konumundan dolayı bölgede, Antik Çağlardan itibaren birçok medeniyet tarafından hâkimiyet kurulmuş, 1571'de Kıbrıs'ın... more
Osmanlı Devleti’nin sınırları konusu bugüne kadar belli açılardan ve belli tarihler etrafında nispeten çeşitli araştırmalara konu olmuş ve genel çerçevelerle araştırılmış mevzulardan birisi olmasına rağmen hâlâ kapsamlı ve karşılaştırmalı... more
With the inclusion of Buda in 1541 as a province of the Ottoman Empire, the Ottomans and the Austrian Habsburgs became neighbors and after the Peace of Zsitvatorok (1606) the diplomatic traffic between the two powers increased. Among the... more
The chapter details the life and career of a prominent Ottoman-era concubine and queen mother. It thus contributes to a growing body of scholarship on women in elite Ottoman circles. The period known as the sultanate of women, one in... more
This article pays a particular attention to an Arab army physician and scholar from the mid-19th century who placed empirical science at the center of Islamic thought and situated it within Qurʾānic exegetical debates. He is the Egyptian... more