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Summary: In the following article the author discusses the question of apocatastasis in the light of Christian ontology. The author examines the possibilities of the theological solution for the questions of apocatastasis which could be... more
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      OntologyTheologyPatristicsHistory of Christianity
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      Origen of AlexandriaOrigenism
This essay considers distinct ways of understanding these complexities, specifically by reference to the anthropological and metaphysical thought of St. Maximus the Confessor. Maximus’ understanding of human knowledge and volition and... more
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      MetaphysicsEarly ChristianityTheological AnthropologyMaximus the Confessor
This article is an attempt to search for Origen's inspiration for the theology of the Iconoclastic party, suggested by Father George Florovsky, who proposed that the spiritualistic attitude of the Iconoclastic Emperors of the First... more
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      Byzantine IconoclasmOrigenismChristian Platonism
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      Reception StudiesPatristicsEarly ChristianityChurch History
This paper builds on my previous published thesis that whereas the negative theology of Pseudo-Dionysius entailed the complete unknowability of God as One beyond language, concept and being, Thomas developed a distinctly ‘positive... more
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      HistoryPlatoAristotleNeoplatonism and late antique philosophy
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      Islamic PhilosophyArab Christian StudiesArabic PhilosophyPseudo-Dionysius
Cyril of Scythopolis - The Lives of the Heremits of Palestine, bilingual edition, translated and introduced by Hieromonk Agapie Corbu. A comprehensive Introduction is enlightening the rich context of the fifth and sixth centuries,... more
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      HagiographySpiritualityMonastic StudiesMonasticism
For some time now there's been a trend to study the relations between Maximus's metaphysics and various kinds of Neoplatonism. This has been salutary and useful. But far less attention has been given to the distinctly Stoic shape of... more
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      StoicismMaximus the ConfessorChristian NeoplatonismOrigenism
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      HermeneuticsAllegoryOrigenBiblical Exegesis
Published in: M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica LXX, Leuven 2013, pp. 631-647. The controversy surrounding Pelagius’ theology is mostly related to subjects like free will, grace, original sin, and infant baptism. This underlines how... more
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      St JeromePelagianismOrigenismPelagius
The article was written at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Theology, under the aegis of project NEWCONT (New Contexts for Old Texts: Unorthodox Texts and Monastic Manuscript Culture in 4th- and 5th-Cent. Egypt), funded by the European... more
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      PatristicsEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureMonasticismHeresy
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The essay offers a reassessment of the intellectual origins of Cappadocian theology by studying in particular the relationship between Basil of Caesarea and the so-called homoiousians and, more broadly, the Origenist tradition. The result... more
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      OrigenTrinitarian TheologyBasil of CaesareaOrigen of Alexandria
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      EpistemologyTheologyPatristicsPractical theology
In this paper I present issues of historical methodologies that scholars studying John Cassian and Evagrius of Pontus have operated under. It is my hope that studies like this will highlight the work that is needed to be done in the... more
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      Church HistoryOrigenEvagrius PonticusOrigen of Alexandria
The mysterious figure of Pseudo-Dionysius was probably a heterodox Origenist and monophysite theologian from 6th century Syria, yet he successfully deceived the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches for 900 years into believing he was a... more
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      GnosticismTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureSecrecyProclus
Three steps are necessary for a study of the presence of possible Manichaean influence on the first generation of monastic and eremitical life of what is commonly known as the Coptic Orthodox tradition, and to study the interactions of... more
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      GnosticismRosicrucianismOrthodox ChristianityAncient Egyptian and Coptic
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      PatristicsOrigenMaximus the ConfessorEschatology
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      Pseudo-DionysiusEvagrius PonticusByzantine TheologyOrigenism
From Origen and John Cassian to the Anti-Christian Rome and the Jesuits (with pictures and legends) ----------- Αιγύπτιοι Μεμφιτιστές, Ιρανοί Μιθραϊστές & Ιησουΐτες: από τον Ιησού στον του Κόσμου Άρχοντα & από τον Ωριγένη στον Ιωάννη... more
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      History of ChristianityEarly ChristianityJesuit historyChristology
This paper tries to argue that Origen does not conceive of the body as negatively as later Origenists. Rather, the body possesses an indispensable mediatory and sacramental function in Origen's cosmology.
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      The BodyOrigenBodily ResurrectionSacramental Theology
Shenoute the Great, archimandrite of the White Monastery in Sohag, is considered to be one of the firmest adversaries of Origenism in Egypt during the 5th century. The early Origenistic controversies describe the reaction of certain... more
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      Coptic StudiesBook of Song of SongsOrigen of AlexandriaShenoute of Atripe
Having established in two previous studies that the 'Questions and Answers' pseudonymously attributed to Caesarius, the brother of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, are in fact the magnum opus of Theodore of Caesarea, nicknamed the Wine-sack... more
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      PatristicsOrthodox TheologyByzantine StudiesBiblical Exegesis
In a series of papers, Thomas P. Flint has posited that God the Son could become incarnate in any human person as long as certain conditions are met (Flint 2001a, 2001b). In a recent paper, he has argued that all saved human persons will... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionChristologyAnalytic TheologyIncarnation of Christ
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      PhilosophyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesGraphs TheoryByzantine Studies
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      PatristicsOrigenOrigen of AlexandriaHistory of theology
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From Origen and John Cassian to the Anti-Christian Rome and the Jesuits ----------- Αιγύπτιοι Μεμφιτιστές, Ιρανοί Μιθραϊστές & Ιησουΐτες: από τον Ιησού στον του Κόσμου Άρχοντα & από τον Ωριγένη στον Ιωάννη Κασσιανό - Ωριγενισμός,... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionRoman HistoryHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
Studiu introductiv la ediţia bilingvă Chiril de Schitopolis - "Vieţile pustnicilor Palestinei", trad. din lb. greacă veche de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2013.
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      PalestineMonasticismEvagrius PonticusOrigenism
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      PatristicsHistory of ChristianityApocalypticismHermeneutics
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      PatristicsReception of the BibleOrigenOrigen of Alexandria
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      TheologyPatristicsEarly ChristianityByzantine Studies
This paper addresses the issue of the presence of "Origenist heretics," so-called, in the court of Justinian. It analyses the historiographic testimonies on the role of Domitian, originally abbot of the Monastery of Martyrius, later... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsByzantine StudiesHeresy and Orthodoxy
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      GnosticismHistory of ChristianityHermeneuticsTheological Hermeneutics
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityEcumenical Theology
A study of the pseudonymous canons of the apostolic council at Antioch, which suggests that they are an Origenistic document originating in the late fourth century, roughly contemporaneously with the 85 apostolic canons. Une étude des... more
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      PatristicsChurch HistoryPatristic StudiesPatristics and Late Antiquity
The contribution, after a short overview of Bucer’s general attitude towards the Church Fathers, focuses on the presence of Origen in the writings of Martin Bucer. Differently from other Reformers, who rejected Origen and his allegorical... more
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      Reception StudiesReformation StudiesOrigenOrigen of Alexandria
Pseudo-Hierotheos’ Book of the Hidden Secrets of the House of God, commonly known as Book of Hierotheos, represents one of the most obscure and sumptuous chapters in the history of Syriac Medieval mysticism. The only existing edition of... more
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      PhilologyTheologyTextual CriticismEarly Christianity
Scrinium 9 (2013) Acc. to Philoponus, the resurrected human bodies will be composed from completely different incorruptible "elements". My point is that the impossibility of reconstructing Philoponus' thought about the Resurrection... more
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      PatristicsByzantine StudiesAristotelianismBodily Resurrection
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      PhilosophyTheologyRenaissance HumanismEriugena
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      ClassicsTheologyPatristicsEarly Christianity
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
PhD Dissertation (defended January 17, 2013, VU University Amsterdam). (The pdf contains: preface, table of contents, bibliography, summaries [ENG, NL]). A study of some fundamental aspects of Pelagius' confession of faith ("Libellus... more
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoCarthage (History)Christian Heresies
In this paper I shall establish one aspect of the reception of Origen of Alexandria‟s philosophical and theological ideas in the works of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. The Disputatio de salute Origenis is the longest section of his... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCanon LawReception StudiesHistory of Ideas
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityCoptic StudiesChurch History
This article examines three passages in Nonnus' Paraphrase of the Gospel according to John (19.21-25; 19.118-132; 20.81-82), all of which mention pieces of clothing in the context of Christ's passion and resurrection. It argues that... more
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      TextilesChristologyLate AntiquityNonnus
A Defence of the Traditional Orthodox Christian Teaching on Heaven, Hell and the Last Judgement in Contrast with the Heretical Teaching of Fr. John Romanides
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      Radical Orthodoxy (Theology)Orthodox TheologyEschatology and ApocalypticismEschatology
В статье описывается история исследования оригенизма в христологической полемике Леонтия Византийского от первых исследований до самого недавней работы И. Перцеля. Кратко описываются аргументы в пользу этой теории, выдвинутые Д.... more
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      OrigenismLeontius of ByzantiumNeochalcedonismanthropological paradigm
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      HistoryLate AntiquityAugustine of HippoByzantine monasticism