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      CarbonNuclear Fuel CycleClearanceMicrohardness
This paper examines the attractiveness of material mixtures containing special nuclear materials (SNM) associated with reprocessing and the thorium-based LWR fuel cycle. This paper expands upon the results from earlier studies that... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceInformation PolicyNuclear reactor
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      Nuclear Fuel CycleSpent Nuclear FuelRadioactive waste
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      Water SupplyGround WaterDrinking WaterConceptual Model
The PEBBED code was developed at the Idaho National Laboratory for design and analysis of pebble-bed high temperature reactors. The diffusion-depletion-pebble-mixing algorithm of the original PEBBED code was enhanced through coupling with... more
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      High TemperatureNuclear Fuel CycleMultiscale AnalysisCross Section
An updated and expanded database for the Hanford Mortality Study has been developed by PNL`s Epidemiology and Biometry Department. The purpose of this report is to document this process. The primary sources of data were the Occupational... more
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      Occupational HealthEnvironmental HealthData acquisitionNuclear Fuel Cycle
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyEnergyGlobal Financial Crisis: energy and Finance
Belgium started its nuclear programme quite early. The first installations were constructed in the fifties, and presently, more than 55 % of the Belgian electricity production is provided by nuclear power plants. After 30 years of nuclear... more
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      EngineeringIndustrial AutomationWaste ManagementNuclear reactor
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringLife Cycle AssessmentModel averaging
This paper examines the attractiveness of materials mixtures containing special nuclear materials (SNM) associated with the various processing steps required for a closed fuel cycle. This paper combines the results from earlier studies... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceInformation PolicyNuclear reactor
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      Environmental ScienceChemistryGroundwater ContaminationSoil Mechanics
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      Energy PolicyLife Cycle AssessmentEnergy ConversionComparative Study
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      Performance AnalysisWaste DisposalUnited StatesNuclear Waste
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      Waste ManagementSolid wastePotassiumNuclear Fuel Cycle
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      System Dynamics ModelingSystem DynamicsWaste ManagementNuclear Energy
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyGeochemistryMineralogy
Thorium fuel cycle requires innovative, remote controlled and maintenance-free technologies due to the presence of 232 U and other hard γ-emitting isotopes with its main fissile constituent 233 U. Microwave heating, due to... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringLiquid Fueled Thorium ReactorNuclear ChemistryNuclear Fusion
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      Applied MathematicsFinite element methodFinite ElementNuclear Fuel Cycle
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      ThermodynamicsEnergy SecurityTechnology developmentUnited States
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSustainable DevelopmentNuclear Energy
Rethinking the Light Water Reactor Fuel Cycle by Evgeni Shwageraus Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering on September 8, 2003, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSTRACT The... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringNuclear Fuel CycleNuclear Fuel Performance
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      Quality of lifeSystem IntegrationWaste ManagementSensitivity Analysis
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryChemical AnalysisIon Exchange Chromatography
The potential for thorium as an alternative or supplement to uranium in fission power generation has long been recognised, and several reactors, of various types, have already operated using thorium-based fuels. Accelerator Driven... more
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      Power GenerationNuclear reactorNuclear Fuel Cycle
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      GeologyClimate ChangeCarbon CycleGlobal Warming
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      Sensitivity AnalysisNuclear reactorNuclear Fuel CycleNuclear technology
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      Materials ScienceCeramicsSilicon CarbideHeavy Metal
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      United StatesHeavy MetalNuclear WasteNuclear Fuel Cycle
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      GeologyGeochemistryGroundwater rechargeGround Water
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      Monte CarloEngineering DesignGeometric modelPolyethylene
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      Radiation ChemistryNuclear Fuel Cycle
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      Performance AnalysisWaste DisposalUnited StatesNuclear Waste
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      ThermodynamicsPerformance AssessmentPacific NorthwestSurface Water
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report details the progress made in the development of the Reprocessing Plant Toolkit (RPTk) for the DOE Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program. RPTk is an ongoing development effort... more
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      User InterfaceModeling and SimulationNuclear EnergyNuclear Fuel Cycle
The candidate Liquid Metal Reactor-Alkali Metal Thermal-to-Electric Converter (LMR-AMTEC) is considered to be the first reactor that would use pure liquid potassium as a secondary coolant, in which potassium vapor aids in the conversion... more
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      Waste ManagementHazardous WasteActivated CarbonNuclear power
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      GeochemistryStructural ControlApplied GeochemistrySouth Carolina
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      Materials ScienceCeramicsSilicon CarbideHeavy Metal
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      Multiscale ModellingNuclear EnergyNuclear Fuel CycleUranium Oxide
Seimas (Parliament of Lithuania) approved updated National Energy strategy where it is indicated that first Unit will be shutdown before the year 2005 and second Unit in 2009 if funding for decommissioning is available from EU and other... more
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      ManagementEconomic DevelopmentWaste ManagementEconomic Impact
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    • Nuclear Fuel Cycle
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      Energy SecurityModeling and SimulationNuclear EnergyDesign process
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      GeologyMaterials ScienceRisk assessmentNuclear Waste
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      Nuclear EnergyDynamic AnalysisNuclear WasteNuclear reactor
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      RecyclingSystem Dynamics ModelingSystem Dynamicsglobal Climate change
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      Solvent ExtractionNuclear reactorNuclear Fuel CycleThermophysical Properties
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      Machine VisionIntelligent Transport SystemNuclear Fuel CycleVehicle Detection
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      Nuclear reactorNuclear Fuel CycleNext GenerationMaterials Processing
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      Environmental ScienceEconomicsDesignKnowledge Management
Horizontal nuclear proliferation presents what is sometimes referred to as the “Nth country problem,” or identifying which state could be next to acquire nuclear weapons. Nuclear fuel cycle technologies can contribute to both nuclear... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecuritySouth KoreaNuclear Weapons
Dissertation on the Brazilian Nuclear Program, its history and relations with the non proliferation regime. Nuclear fuel cicle and the challenges facing the nuclear submarine program. Written in Russian, to the Moscow Institute of... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyHistory of Brazilian Foreign RelationsNuclear Submarines