Recent papers in Neoclassicism
II Congreso Iberoamericano redfundamentos: Experiencias y Métodos de Investigación (17-18 de diciembre de 2018), Madrid, 2018, pp 225-238. ISBN: 978-84-09-08594-1 En el siglo XVIII, la tratadística destacó por su importancia en la... more
Never entirely analyzed until now, the pictorial iconography of Maria Carolina looks more vivacious and interesting than that of her sister Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, both for its various languages from different countries, as the... more
La produzione architettonica del primo Neoclassicismo “funzionalista”, introdotta negli Stati romani dal genio del Vanvitelli, con le sue opere giovanili nelle Marche aveva definito un nuovo linguaggio compositivo ed un particolare gusto... more
Дом на Моховой улице в Москве, возведенный по проекту И.В. Жолтовского (1932–1934), явился одним из манифестов «сталинской» архитектуры; как и конкурсные проекты Дворца Советов, это здание продемонстрировало поворот к историзму и... more
The 8th Annual Conference of the Finnish Network for Nineteenth-Century Studies: The Inner Worlds, the Worlds within Works of Art, the World on a Map.’ Helsinki, 28–29.1.2016.
One of the determinant factors contributing to the professional development of teachers is the school manager, since the school managers' administration manner determines the speed and capacity of development. With this study, the... more
Rapport d'étude réalisé pour la Commission Royale des Monuments et des Sites, 2019. Entre 1775 et 1860, l’action conjointe d’architectes, d’ingénieurs et de l’autorité publique donne naissance à un paysage urbain néoclassique,... more
Nella seconda metà del XVIII secolo questa bella cittadina romagnola divenne uno dei più importanti centri del Neoclassicismo italiano e lo stesso Antonio Paolucci, direttore dei musei vaticani ed importante critico d'arte, indica il... more
Nel 1819-23 fu attuato il piano generale di “ampliazione e perfezionamento” del Palazzo dell’Università di Pavia redatto dal prof. Giuseppe Marchesi. Il piano prevedeva anche la realizzazione di un nuovo scalone monumentale, appropriato... more
The article discusses the 'Car of History', published on occasion of the bicentenary of the largest chariot clock ever made to date.
Key Words: Peace and War c.1776, Pompeo Batoni, The Art Institute of Chicago, Neoclassicism, European Art, Grand Tour
Whole of texts and historical testymonies by and on Giannantonio Selva, venician architect, professor at Accademia di Belle Arti, artist author of the Gran Teatro La Fenice in Venice. The book collects also texts by Selva on Michele... more
The musical production of the Group of the Eight followed the path of neoclassicism initiated in Spain by Manuel de Falla (1876-1946) when trying to evoke the forms and sounds of the previous centuries, especially the XVIII. Within... more
An overview of the artistic movement known as "The Grand Manner" and the resurgence of realism it brought.
This article investigates the provenance of the Dancing Girl with Cymbals by Antonio Canova now in the Bode-Museum, Berlin, from the completion of the marble by Canova in his studio in Rome, to its transfer to the Razumovsky Palace in... more
Fanny Montoya
Sandra Morales
Diana Colín
Miren Mears
Sandra Morales
Diana Colín
Miren Mears
Este trabalho propõe a criação e produção de uma coleção de moda inspirada no neoclassicismo do século XIX como uma maneira de resgatar a importância da moda enquanto objeto de estudo de períodos artísticos e históricos, assim... more
Cats and dogs have lived alongside humans and inspired artists for thousands of years. This exhibition catalogue "Always by Our Side: Cats and Dogs in 16th-19th-century Art" gives an overview of the menaings of cats and dogs in art and... more
Paper and abstract deleted to prevent data scraping
The book deals with a paper reconstruction of Pliny the Younger' s (c. AD 61-112) villa near Ostia, some twenty kilometres from Rome. This unique work was created in Rome in the years 1777-78 by a young Pole, Count Stanis³aw K. Potocki... more
PowerPoint di un approfondimento didattico per i ragazzi di classe Quarta di un'Istituto Alberghiero
This article presents four small mythological paintings in tempera on paper, recently on the art market and securely attributable to the great Italian Neoclassical painter Felice Giani. These pictures were mounted early on within a single... more
Este artigo aborda a forma como a construção da Matriz Nova de Campinas, atual Catedral Metropolitana, foi utilizada para dotar a cidade de um grande símbolo. Campinas construiu, ao longo do século XIX (de 1807 a 1884) a maior igreja do... more
Mostra temporanea. 25 luglio 2015 - 28 febbraio 2016, Gispoteca Canoviana
Biblioteca del Viaggio in Italia. Studi. 115
ISSN 2036-2552
ISBN 978-88-7760-115-5
Novembre 2015
[email protected]
ISSN 2036-2552
ISBN 978-88-7760-115-5
Novembre 2015
[email protected]
Russian-Italian architectural ideas, Neoclassical and Modernists Themes in Italian and Russian Architecture
Настоящее научно-популярное издание, продолжающее тему «Архитектура и градостроительство Новосибирска в ХХ веке», посвящено архитектурному наследию 30–50-х годов прошлого столетия, рассмотренному в контексте мировой и отечественной... more