Nature-based tourism
Recent papers in Nature-based tourism
Prírodný turizmus sa, predovšetkým v menej rozvinutých oblastiach Slovenska, javí ako jeden z primárnych nástrojov na sprostredkovanie reálnej ekonomicky ako aj ekologicky udržateľnej alternatívy s výrazným potenciálom pre rozvoj daného... more
Zadaća ovoga priručnika i seminara je približiti kasnoantički obrambeni sistem Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, slikovito prikazati arheološke lokalitete te prirodu koji ga okružuje: povijest, arheologiju, biologiju, arheološke lokalitete, živi... more
The purpose of this research is to explore the role of online photography in creating experience value in nature-based tourism, and what types of experience value are conveyed through photography-based user-generated content. The paper... more
If you have ever gone off the track riding over rough terrain, then you can relate with the feeling one gets, after a long ride with life’s best mountain bike when sweat is dripping and muscles are tired but we still laugh and enjoy the... more
Skryté krásy Veľkej Fatry a Moravského Krasu. Martin 2014 (co-editor: Jana Stehlíková).
The Delos3 Workshop The third workshop of the Delos Initiative took place from 1 to 3 July 2010. in Inari, Lapland, Finland. It was organised jointly by the Delos Initiative and Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services that was the local... more
This paper explores local perception and preferences concerning the development of nature tourism in Hong Kong. The results of a sample of local residents (n = 376) confirm a domestic market of relatively older, better educated and higher... more
Within little more than a generation, whale-watching has been subject to global industrial development. It has been portrayed by destinations and business operators, and advocated by environmental groups, as a sustainable activity and an... more
This dissertation contributes to developing knowledge on the commercialization of natural resources through tourism. This is achieved by means of understanding the main avenues through which natural resources are commercialized, and... more
La recuperación, la construcción y la promoción de la identidad del territorio es un proceso fundamental en las estrategias articuladas para su sostenibilidad hacia el futuro. La identidad territorial está conectada con las imágenes, las... more
There is great potential for the development of adventure tourism in Southern Africa for a number of reasons. One is the variety of landscapes provided by South Africa's natural environment that are suitable for adventure tourism... more
As human beings, we continue to have significant impacts on the environment and its resources. Environmental education seems to be the best tool for providing the public with an understanding of the ramifications of their actions and... more
Esse plano de trabalho é associado ao projeto de pesquisa “A ecomotricidade no estado de Sergipe”, iniciado no ano de 2014. Ecomotricidade é compreendida como a intencionalidade do ser em suas inter-ações com a natureza, desde que essa... more
Taiwan consists of one main island, 12 surrounding islets (with an area over 5 km 2), and a further 153 smaller islands with a combined terrestrial area of 36,193 km 2. Two thirds of the main island consist of a mountainous backbone that... more
As tendências das dinâmicas do lazer e desportivas verificadas nas últimas décadas, a par da crescente procura dos espaços naturais, têm levado à expansão e à diversificação do turismo na natureza e de aventura. Regiões como os Açores... more
Esse plano de trabalho é associado ao projeto de pesquisa “A ecomotricidade no estado de Sergipe”, iniciado no ano de 2014. Ecomotricidade é compreendida como a intencionalidade do ser em suas inter-ações com a natureza, desde que essa... more
The focus in this chapter is on the results from a survey of visitors to Lamington National Park (LNP), an outstanding subtropical national park located in southeast Queensland, Australia. A sample of 622 day and overnight visitors to the... more
The Hibiscus Coast Municipality assumed it had the authority to issue or amend by-laws to formalise an existing nudist friendly beach within the Mpenjati Nature Reserve. Following a complaint, the Public Protector concluded the same when... more
Wildlife tourism is often considered environmentally friendly, but it has the potential to cause various negative effects on populations, behaviour and welfare of wildlife. A search of local and international literature, coupled with... more
This article examines the growth of Community-Based Tourism within the broader discipline of tourism. New topics in the field have emerged such as responsible tourism, pro-poor tourism, sports tourism and moral impacts of tourism. This... more
This article re-examines the theoretical basis for environmental and heritage interpretation in tourist settings in the light of hermeneutic philosophy. It notes that the pioneering vision of heritage interpretation formulated by Freeman... more
This report starts with a presentation of the main characteristics that define nature-based tourism, together with an overview of nature-based tourism in Russian protected areas. Some illustrative cases taken in the North-West Federal... more
Özet Turizm destinasyonlarının etkin bir şekilde yönetilebilmesi ve pazarlanabilmesi için, doğru planlama elzemdir. Plansız bir gelişim, beklenen getiriyi sağlayamadığı gibi bölge kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliğini de olumsuz... more
ABSTRACK This article tries to realize a solution how to make use of geology for eco-tourism and economic activities at the site management level. The paradigm in the management of geowisata is how the management of tourism is able to... more
Azores are a group of 9 volcanic oceanic islands located remotely in the North Atlantic Ocean, part of the Portuguese territory, and an Ultra-periphery region of the EU. The Azores have been experiencing an increase on the number of... more
In Crooked Tree the fledgling ecotourism industry is entirely locally managed but it promises no household a full income. The wildlife sanctuary is home to growing numbers of Jabiru storks, roseate spoonbills and other spectacular... more
On lit très souvent dans la presse que le Var est un des plus beaux départements de France, grâce à ses paysages remarquables, divers et son climat très ensoleillé. Selon l’insee, le Var est le département le plus dynamique de la région... more
Melonta ja soutu -lehdessä 2/2012 ilmestynyt populaari artikkeli Oulujärven perinnekohteista.
Carr, A.M. & Higham, J.E.S. (2001) Published by Department of Tourism, University of Otago. ISBN 0-473-08221-7. 76 pp.
Nature-based solutions harness the power and sophistication of nature to turn environmental, social and economic challenges into innovation opportunities. They can address a variety of societal challenges in sustainable ways, with the... more
Nature-based tourism has grown in importance in recent decades, and strong links have been established between it and ecotourism. This reflects rising incomes, greater levels of educational attainment and changing values, especially in... more
In the Azores archipelago, an outmost Portuguese region, the natural areas are its main tourist attraction. Among those, protected areas (PA) are most valued to nature-based tourism, but are also the most sensitive to its impacts. In... more