National Character
Recent papers in National Character
The term “memory” is used with increasing frequency in Anthropology, Moral Philosophy, Ethics and other Social Sciences. The present paper proposes to clarify the connections between the common usage of the term and the psychosocial... more
این مقاله که در مجموعه سه جلدی گزارش وضعیت اجتماعی کشر (1395) منتشر شده، اولا تعریفی از خلقیات ارائه می کند، ثانیا نظریه ها و داده های خلقیات ایرانی را دسته بندی و تحلیل می کند و در انتها تببین جدیدی از ضعف اخلاق اجتماعی در ایران ارائه می... more
This paper summarizes the author's recently published findings about differences in people's work-related values among 50 countries. In view of these differences, ethnocentric management theories (those based on the value system of one... more
"The Study of Culture at a Distance (hereafter TSCD) was originally published in 1953 by the University of Chicago Press and Cambridge University Press. It was edited by Mead and her frequent collaborator, Rhoda Métraux. A book of... more
This essay explores the context of Francesco De Sanctis' conception of national character in the lessons of his First Neapolitan School (1839-1848). It argues that this conception was a means of maintaining regional Neapolitan values from... more
Although recent findings indicate that people can reflect either adaptively or maladaptively over negative experiences, extant research has not examined how culture influences this process. We compared the self-reflective practices of... more
My contribution to the body of knowledge consists of a delineation of representations of the German as temporally and spatially Other, as different in Time and Space, in literature, travel writing, and political cartoons, 1870-1914. I... more
"A Hungarian is as passionate as an Italian… A Slovak is, like a Pole, devoted to liquor…": The National Character of Slovaks and Hungarians in Hungarian and Austrian Statistics up to 1848 National character (Nationalcharakter,... more
Abstrac The three local languages mentioned in the National Language Policy formulated in the Language Politics seminar organized by the Language Center (now the Agency for Language Development and Development) in 1999 function as a... more
Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα «Νεοελληνική Γραμματολογία και Ιστορία των Ιδεών (18ος-20ός αι.)» του Τμήματος Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών του ΙΙΕ, σε συνεργασία με το διατμηματικό/διιδρυματικό ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα «Θαλής»: «Πολιτισμικές διαμεσολαβήσεις... more
The essay analyzes Hans Steinhoff's film "Der ewige Rembrandt" from 1942. The author is able to show how much the director uses Rembrandt myths, which since the 19th century have transformed the Dutchman into an artist who should... more
Национальный колорит позволяет более реалистично раскрыть содержание произведения искусства. В драматургии Н. В. Гоголя национальное мировоззрение представлено на социокультурном уровне типическими персонажами, а на экзистенциальном... more
The suggested article is the first attempt to make a comparative assessment of the national character in G.F. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko’s and L. Sterne’s sentimental works. The research aims at tracing the writers’ world outlook, imagination... more
A large body of research documents cognitive differences between Westerners and East Asians. Westerners tend to be more analytic and East Asians tend to be more holistic. These findings have often been explained as being due to... more
In the spring of 1848, already after the ides of March, on 6 April, before the passing of the April Laws that established the constitutional monarchy, the enthusiastic newspaper reader could raise an eyebrow when picking up the newest... more
Synthesizing material derived from Norbert Elias, Pierre Bourdieu, Karl Polanyi, Max Weber, Benedict Anderson and Ernest Gellner, in Part I the concept of “national character” is delineated as a special case of “habitus” relating to the... more
این کتاب مجموعه نوشتههای نویسنده است دربارۀ سفرنامهها و سیاحانی که به نظرش جامعۀ ایرانی را دقیقتر دیدهاند و با ایرانیان ارتباط بیشتری داشتهاند. این افراد عبارتند از: موریه، وامبری، گوبینو، ادوارد براون، او دانل، شوستر
Although Seyed Mohammad-Ali Jamal-zadeh is known as one of the three founders of contemporary Iranian literature in the field of story, it's not the only reason for his fame. He has also published a book named Iranian's Character in 1345... more
مصاحبه با روزنامه ایران. 12 مهر 1397. نسبت ترس و انسان ایرانی عنوان درج شده در روزنامه ایران «اصلی ترین خصلت روح ایرانی» است در حالی که من در مصاحبه ام، کلمه روح ایرانی را بکار نبرده ام. تیتر یپشنهادی من، «مودب، دیندار و بافرهنگ، اما... more
A large body of research documents cognitive differences between Westerners and East Asians. Westerners tend to be more analytic and East Asians tend to be more holistic. These findings have often been explained as being due to... more
Il saggio parte dalla dolorosa percezione di sdoppiamento etico, intellettuale, valoriale, che sta alla base dell’identità italiana. Questa è polarizzata fra l’ideale di un Paese «normale» e una realtà del tutto differente. L’Italia è... more
Book review, “Balázs Trencsényi, The Politics of “National Character”: A study in interwar East European thought (Routledge 2011)” in: The Hungarian Historical Review 2:3 (2013) p.p. 645-649.
During the Georgian and Victorian periods, the fourteenth-century hero Edward the Black Prince became an object of cultural fascination and celebration; he and his battles played an important part in a wider reimagining of the British as... more
Israeli society and politics often appall diplomats and foreign observers. Commentators are bewildered by what seems to be Israeli aggression, irrationality and stubbornness. Some foreign commentators suggest, indeed, that Israeli actions... more
The article is in Bulgarian language
America is a land of familiar paradoxes. An agreeable civility habitually prevails in most everyday relations among people in America – yet the United States is factually a socially highly unequal society. In most parts of America, the... more
کتاب تا دهم این مجموعه با عنوان «ایرانیان در زمانه پادشاهی: خلقیات منفی ایرانیان در نگاه بیگانگان به جامعه ایران از اولین نوشتهها تا 1357» به طور خاص بر خلقیات منفی ایرانیان تمرکز داردند و با روش تحلیل محتوا و بهرهگیری از الگوی ارزشهای... more
Notes on English character and culture, written in 1973-74.
مصاحبه با مجله صنعت و توسعه در باره ریشه های ضعف اخلاقی در ایران
شماره 121. آذر 1397
شماره 121. آذر 1397
Travel book about the cultures in various countries where
I have lectured on semiotics and media studies.
I have lectured on semiotics and media studies.
Mending the Boat While Sailing: Languages of Linguistic Reform in the German Territories, c. 1750–1815 traces the ways in which projects of language reform in the German territories were framed. It identifies two different ‘languages’ of... more
در کتاب ششم که بخش دوم کتاب پنجم و ادامه روایت سفرنامهنویسان از آن دسته خلقیاتی است که بر مبنای ارزش اساسی امنیت، تنظیم شدهاند، خرده ارزشهای نظم اجتماعي، امنيت خانواده، جبران لطف ديگران، سلامت و احساس تعلق داشتن مطرح شدهاند و در تقابل... more