Recent papers in Natality
In my paper I interrogate Maurice Merleau-Ponty's examinations of 'the origin of space' and 'the primordial spatial level' in connection to his cryptic remarks about breathing. According to Merleau-Ponty the respiratory body gives us our... more
This essay addresses Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt’s anti-historicism and their rejection of any teleological account of history. Arendt stresses that action loses its potentiality when being subsumed into a necessary historical... more
This article focuses on motherhood as a point of arrival for the biological and social spheres, as well as the public and private, the physical and psychic. Feminist philosophies of our age converge and confront each other around this... more
This paper reads Karel Čapek’s R.U.R. through the lens of Hannah Arendt’s critique of technology in The Human Condition. Arendt and Čapek share a suspicion that modernity’s attempts to overcome labor through the use of technology... more
Pro kontra tentang selamat natal dan selamat hari raya agama lain yang disampaikan oleh ulama tentu saja memiliki dasar argumennya masing-masing. Dalam makalah ini peneliti tidak sekedar menyampaikan perbandingan-perbandingan pandangan... more
Hannah Arendt's philosophical project is an untiring attempt to argue that the world with all of its failures an weaknesses does and should matter. Refusing to succumb to the destructive tendency within modernity, she cultivates... more
Abidin Özmen 1930’larda kaleme aldığı ve ‘siyah rapor’unda, devletin nüfus verilerine dayanarak Kürt nüfusunun Türk nüfusundan ‘anormal’ derecede hızlı arttığı iddiasında bulunmuştu. Bu rapor ve dile getirilen iddialar, Uğur... more
The theme of natality is key to the 21st century. Several philosophers have written books or articles on this issue (Max Scheler, Hannah Arendt, María Zambrano), but more than that, the ideas that the subject is bodily situated in the... more
In his 1934 essay, “Reflections on the Philosophy of Hitlerism,” Levinas raises important questions about the subject’s relation to nature and to history. His account of the ethical significance of paternity, maternity, and fraternity in... more
The title Irationality of a Wager on Life in the Context of Benatar´s Antinatalism points to the topic of the thesis, which is a work by David Benatar. As a subject of this thesis I choosed conceretely Benatar´s defence of antinatalism,... more
This paper explores the contrasting views of Hannah Arendt and Martha Nussbaum on childhood and the purpose of education.
‘Is there a renunciation when truth seizes me? Certainly not, since this seizure manifests itself by unequalled intensities of existence. We can name them: in love, there is happiness; in science, there is joy (in Spinoza’s sense:... more
Arendt's " natality, " a promising foundation for humanness that might be expanded to include those with profound cognitive disabilities, emerges in part out of Arendt's... more
Inclusive education currently appears to be undergoing a crisis and re-examination. This paper presents a new approach to thinking about inclusiveness in the school context. Many positions within inclusive education seem to take... more
Hannah Arendt's concept of natality spans birth and action, which combine to inaugurate the new. Natality is used here to examine childhood as a prefigurative form of biopolitics. This concerns practices that seek to actualise envisioned... more
Recent scholarship on Pentecostalism in the global South gives the impression of a singular trajectory of inexorable growth. In this chapter, I offer a counternarrative, not in denial of the widely reported statistical evidence but in... more
Après l’introduction de Jean-Pierre Chevènement (pages 7-9), l’auteur retrace d’abors l’histoire de la population de la France et ses enseignements, avant d’examiner l’évolution depuis la révolution de la fécondité. Il interroge ensuite... more
Da anni il tasso di natalità in Italia continua a calare. Le politiche finora praticate a supporto della maternità e della famiglia non hanno incrementato le nascite. Servirebbe, da un lato, adottare misure per la parità tra i genitori... more
The Gift of the Other brings together a philosophical analysis of time, embodiment, and ethical responsibility with a feminist critique of the way women’s reproductive capacity has been theorized and represented in Western culture. Author... more
The text is a re-reading of “The Human Condition” by Hannah Arendt with emphasis on the concept of natality, showing connections between this book from 1958 and the author’s dissertation written three decades earlier. The linking point is... more
This essay centres upon Hannah Arendt's concept of 'natality', which she expounds in her book The Human Condition, to argue against the distinction which Peter Singer makes between a human person and human non-person; with reference to... more
Understanding the processes that lead to species extinctions is vital for lessening pressures on biodiversity. While species diversity, presence and abundance are most commonly used to measure the effects of human pressures, demographic... more
Despite the diversity of cosmopolitan philosophical thought, two constants remain: the significance of shared humanity and the idea that this fact should shape the way people live with each other, both of which lead to a philosophy that... more
日本では2005年に出生率が過去最低の女性一人あたり1.26人を記録した。本研究の目的は日本女性が子供を産みたいと思う欲求を抑えている主な要因を明らかにすることである。主として日本女性に対する聞き取り取材を通じて、それらが(1)未婚では産みにくい日本社会の風潮(2)高学歴の社会的な影響(3)育児と仕事の両立の難しさの3点であると結論づけられるであろう。つまり、多くの日本女性は子供が欲しくないのではないのだ。そうではなく、子供を産んで育てる環境が整っていないことが出産と育児を難... more
أدّت الحوادث التي عاشتها سورية منذ مطلع عام 2011، إلى تغيّرات جوهرية في التركيب الديموغرافي للسكّان وأثّرت في البنية المجتمعية التي ينبني هذا التركيب الديموغرافي في إطارها. هذه الدراسة هي محاولة لمقاربة بعضٍ من هذه التغيّرات من خلال مثال... more
How can the narrative of our ungrateful experiences, the facing of unbearable sufferings, bring hopefulness, love for our destines, and pride for who we have been in life, and a sort of reconciliation with the world, reconciliation with... more
Understanding how the dominant Western paradigm valorizes death and dominance is critical to the work of reconstructing a life-affirming paradigm based on Hannah Arendt’s philosophy of natality. This ecofeminist study exposes seven... more
This article searches for the origins of the notion of natality in Arendt. We will examine the crisis in the notion of time at the beginning of the XXth century in Europe, as well as Heidegger’s existential analysis of the Dasein.... more
In recent years, higher education across the globe has been increasingly marketized, accompanied by a technocratic approach that views education as a utilitarian tool in service of economic ends. A value-neutral, managerial approach to... more
This is the French version of my paper, "Love Strong as Death: Jews against Heidegger (On the Issue of Finitude)", which appeared in the special issue of "La Regle du jeu" after the conference on "Heidegger and the Jews" organized by... more