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Ce livre aborde le mythe de Narcisse à partir de ses sources antiques et propose d’étudier ses répercussions dans l’art du XXe siècle. Ce mythe constitue un archétype culturel ponctuant la littérature et l’histoire de l’art occidentales... more
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      PsychoanalysisAnthropologyPhilosophyArt History
Deriving from the myth of Narcissus, in which a beautiful youth falls in love with his own reflection, the concept of narcissism was given its first systematic treatment in Sigmund Freud's 1914 essay “On Narcissism.” Since Freud's account... more
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      PsychologyEthicsAristotleLuce Irigaray
Due saggi, apparsi nello stesso volume, relativi l'uno all'interpretazione di un erbario alla luce del mito antico, l'altro alla paternità stessa dell'erbario, che si lega, attraverso curiose vicende, all'opera di Giorgio Santi,... more
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      MythologyBotanical HistoryNarcissusAncient Greek Mythology
In 1929 Nikolas Calas photographed himself in a mirror of a wardrobe, in a room in Tinos with a hand-held camera (ΕΛΙΑ L003.124). The camera is not visible at first sight, as Calas tries to ‘hide’ it, positioning it in front of his tie.... more
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      Translation StudiesModernism (Literature)PhotographyModern Art
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      Mexican StudiesEroticismGeorges BatailleThriller
In the scheme of the Greek myths of masculine love, the myth of Ameinías and Narkissos falls in the category of myths depicting "hubristic eromenoi" (a category that also includes the myth of Promachus and Leucocomas), in other words,... more
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      Homosexuality and LiteratureGreek MythCrueltyNarcissus
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      English LiteratureRestoration and Eighteenth-Century English LiteratureJohn MiltonNarcissus
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      History of Science and TechnologyMythologyMimesisAlchemy
Celebrity and fame can have detrimental effects for poems as for individuals. Poems cherished by 'ordinary people,' - and I could add Robert Browning's 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' to this number - arouse the suspicions of experts with a... more
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      Creativity and ConsciousnessConsciousnessWilliam WordsworthJohn Milton
The article offers a comparative analysis of Ovid's stories of Narcissus and Pygma-lion. The analysis highlights the intertextual link between the two narratives, and uses it as the basis for comparison, focusing on the single aspect: who... more
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      AestheticsNarcissusOvid MetamorphosesPhantasia
Salvador Dali’s work is particularly useful for the application of psychoanalytical theories because ‘It was only after the writings of Freud revealed to him the symbolic world of the unconscious as a buried reality did he give full rein... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyArt HistoryArt
In this essay, I read Moby-Dick as an allegorical description of the process of Ishmael’s healing from melancholy. Ishmael’s inane reveries at the beginning of the story evolve into a productive and self-creative narrative power. His... more
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      American LiteratureEthicsMelancholy19th-Century American Literature
MA Thesis Classics on the reception of the Narcissus myth
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      Narcissism (Psychology)Classical Reception StudiesNarcissusReception of Ovid
This essay shall look into different types of water uses in architecture and the meaning behind each of them in the context it was used. Starting from ancient Egypt, to Greece, Andalusia, renaissance and ending by Louis Kahn’s Salk... more
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      EgyptologyArchitectureRenaissance StudiesNarcissism (Psychology)
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteraturePagan StudiesIntertextuality
The Self. A History, edited by Patricia Kitcher (series: Oxford Philosophical Concepts)
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      Self PortraitureCaravaggioNarcissusArthur Rimbaud
PsikeSinema Dergisi 36. sayıda yayımlanmıştır.
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      PsychoanalysisFilm AnalysisNarcissism (Psychology)Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Yunan Mitolojisi'ndeki Narcissus hikâyesi, geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılan pek çok kültür üzerinde etki alanı oluşturmuştur. Narsis'in su kenarında aksini görerek kendine meftun olması, bir aşk ve taaccüple kendi aksini seyrederek geçirdiği... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologySwedish LiteratureOttoman Literature
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      MythologyEthicsHistory of MedicineSubjectivities
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      Narcissism (Psychology)NarcissusNarcissists and their relationshipsNarsissisme
World literature gives the writers the opportunity to develop and renew literary works to be known across the globe. One of the important genres of literature is mythology; which differs from a civilization to another according to its... more
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      ReligionCultureWorld LiteratureNarcissus
Notre-Dame Déesse & Le Féminicide des Héros est un voyage dans le temps qui illumine notre société. Il est raconté par un homme âgé de culture moyenne, qui s’étonne à chaque pas, et rit, ou se met en colère, comme un enfant. La quatrième... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPsychologyPsychoanalysis
Nostra Signora Dea & Il Femminicidio degli Eroi è un viaggio nel tempo che illumina la nostra società. Lo racconta un uomo anziano di media cultura, che si sorprende ad ogni passo, e ride, o si arrabbia, come un bambino. La quarta di... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPsychologyPsychoanalysis
À la fin du XIXème siècle, la médecine prend en charge de manière prégnante le phénomène homosexuel, à l'aune des découvertes en psychopathologie. Le personnage est non seulement identifié physiquement sur la base d'un certain nombre de... more
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      Gender StudiesEpistemologyQueer TheoryLGBT Literature
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      19th-Century French PaintingMedusaNarcissusSalome
Protagonists of this essay are the Florentine sculptor Benvenuto Cellini, his beloved shop boy Fernando da Montepulciano and three marble statues the master raised in the middle of the Sixteenth century: Ganymede, Apollo and Hyacinth and... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniNarcissusIconography and IconologyGanymede
Our Lady Goddess & The Femicide of the Heroes is a time travel illuminating our society. The tale is told by an old man of average culture, exclaiming in surprise at each step, and laughing, or getting angry, like a child. The back... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPsychologyPsychoanalysis
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      Critical TheoryReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Narcissus in Troubled Waters explores the myth of Narcissus from its earliest sources, to offer a study of its repercussions on the art of the 20th century. The myth is a cultural archetype, to be found all through Western literature and... more
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      PsychoanalysisAnthropologyPhilosophyArt History
Tarih boyunca pek çok düşünürü, şairi, edebiyatçıyı, sanatçıyı hatta tıp alanından insanları bile etkileyen, her disiplinde farklı versiyonlarıyla kaleme alınan Echo ve Narcissus mitinde ortak öykü, kendisine ilgi duyanları (Echo)... more
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      NarcissusSanatYeni Medya Sanatı
The Narcissus myth is here analysed in the Spanish Literature of the Renaissance. The latin poet, Ovid, provides the poets with mythical stories which the renaissance authors use like a pattern for writing their works. Fernando de Acuña,... more
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      Spanish LiteratureRenaissanceThe Classical TraditionMitology
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      MythologyMedieval LiteratureDante StudiesMedieval Studies
The reign of Narcissus. Flower, perfume and plant of an ancient myth is a travel in the world of myth, botany,  medicine, and perfumery, between past and present.
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      NarcissusAncient Greek MedicineAncient BotanyAncient perfumery
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      Ted HughesLiterature & PsychologyJohn MiltonDante Alighieri
Fotografías de narcisos silvestres ibéricos realizadas durante el año 2016 en distintas poblaciones y ordenadas mediante láminas, cada una de ellas representando la variabilidad de una población concreta.
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      NarcissusTaxonomía de AngiospermasAmaryllidaceae
In: Irodalomtörténet, 2018/4, 381-401p
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      PoetrySonnetsModernismHungarian Literature
Chapter from this prize-winning book. The medieval obsession with the magic, science and symbolism of mirrors was the catalyst for the production of self-portraits rather than the invention of crystal glass mirrors in c.1460. Includes... more
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      Self PortraitureLeon Battista AlbertiJan Van EyckNarcissus
En el presente trabajo nos proponemos abordar algunos aspectos de la reflexión plotiniana acerca del sí mismo. Para ello examinamos, por una parte, dos relatos que Plotino retoma e interpreta alegóricamente en el marco de su doctrina... more
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      PhilosophySelf and IdentityHermeneuticsPlotinus
Narciso o l'amante di se stesso (per la prima volta in traduzione italiana) e Pigmalione. Scena lirica sono due opere teatrali che mettono in scena due miti di amore e metamorfosi: l'adattamento settecentesco della storia di Narciso,... more
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      English LiteratureMedieval LiteratureItalian StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Este ensaio tem como seu objectivo analisar um dos mitos fundamentais da cultura ocidental ou, se se preferir, nas palavras de Julia Kristeva, na obra Histoires d’Amour (1983), o mito fundador dessa mesma cultura, a saber, o mito de... more
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      Narcissism (Psychology)NarcissusMitologiaMythologie
Das Unheimliche wird in Elfriede Jelineks „Die Kinder der Toten“ (1995) radikal ausbuchstabiert. Der Roman spielt in einer Berglandschaft, die sich zu Beginn als eine horrorhafte Lebensumwelt der Untoten, Doppelgänger, Vampire und anderer... more
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      German LiteratureMedia StudiesLiteratureElfriede Jelinek
Baudelaire blamed the bourgeois society and its photographic narcissism which leads to a perversion of the mythical posture and to a loss of consciousness of the ontological dissimilarity between reality and its image. That is why... more
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      French LiteraturePhotographyImaginationNarcissus
Estimates on how many selfies are uploaded daily vary – from one million to 93 million. One could argue that sharing self-portraits online is entirely harmless and that doing so perfectly illustrates McLuhan’s (1962) notion of a global... more
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      PhotographsPhotographyDigital PhotographyNarcissism (Psychology)
Blending the new analytical tools offered by such databases as Manos (previously Manos Teatrales) and a philological examination of rhyme and meter, this article ponders the dramatic effect of the e-o assonances found in Pedro Calderón de... more
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      MitologyPedro Calderon De La BarcaNarcissusPedro Calderón de la Barca
In this article, the National Media Museum’s Curator of Television Iain Logie Baird identifies underlying themes in the film 'Equus' (Sidney Lumet, 1977) to better understand our visceral relationship with modern electronic media,... more
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      Museum StudiesR D LaingHuman-Animal RelationshipsAnthropomorphism
Since antiquity and mythical culture, the mirror has played a significant and changing role in our collective culture and history for centuries. The way that we interpret them on a philosophical level has changed too. These changes in the... more
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      ArchitectureGlassLudwig Mies van der RoheBARCELONA PAVILION
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Based on the ode of narcissus scroll by zhao Mengjian--a painter of the Southern Song Dynasty, this thesis investigates how the scholars in the past dynasties viewed Zhao Mengjian and narcissus scroll under the influence of the mentality... more
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      NarcissusNarcissismEstudos de RecepçãoEgotism