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      SwedenFinlandBiological SciencesNorway
The stone marten is a widely distributed mustelid in the Palaearctic region that exhibits variable habitat preferences in different parts of its range. The species is a Holocene immigrant from southwest Asia which, according to fossil... more
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      PhylogeographyGene FlowPopulation GeneticsPrincipal Component Analysis
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      Biomedical EngineeringGeometric MorphometricsPrincipal Component AnalysisPhylogeny
Seventy-two free-ranging American martens ( Martes americana ) in Michigan were immobilized using isoflurane from 2011 to 2015. In total, 129 anesthetic procedures were performed with no mortalities. Hypothermia and hyperthermia were the... more
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      ZoologyWildlife DiseasesMustelidaeUnited States
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      GeneticsForensic ScienceDNA BarcodingMultidisciplinary
The differences of the postcranial skeleton of the two marten species Martes martes and Martes foina are described. The metric characteristics of the genus Martes are recorded with indices. With this method, the bone of the two similar... more
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      MorphometricsMartes foinaMustelidaeMartes Martes
Zonas de interés para la nutria en Álava
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      ZoologyCarnivore EcologyRiver Otters (Lutra lutra)Mustelidae
Large ‘apex’ predators influence ecosystems in profound ways, by limiting the density of their prey and controlling smaller ‘mesopredators’. The loss of apex predators from much of their range has lead to a global outbreak of... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyCarnivore EcologyFelidae
Ferrets ( Mustela putorius Furo ) are Domestic animals ad since 70 ́s have been used as laboratory animals.(15) Belonging to the family of mustelides as the weasel, the stoat or ermine, the mink, the polecats, Black footed ferret in... more
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      EthologyAnimal BehaviorMustelidaeFerret
Relationships of Holarctic weasels (Mustela nivalis), based on cranial variables, sizes and proportions of body and tail, and coloration of summer pelage were analysed. It is possible to divide M. nivalis into three groups: large... more
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      Veterinary MedicineMustelidaeExotics PetsSkunks
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      Population DynamicsAnimal HusbandrySwedenBiological Sciences
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      Greek LinguisticsCretan StudiesMustelidaeModern Greek Studies
Ceré Cave (Verona, Italy) is a karst fissure infilled with an ossiferous breccia and was first excavated in the first half of the twentieth century. Revision of the material stored in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona was made... more
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      Pleistocene VertebrateLarge CarnivoresFelidaePleistocene
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      ZoologyMammalogyHistory of the MediterraneanMammals
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      Evolutionary BiologyClimate ChangeConservation BiologyEvolutionary Ecology
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      Evolutionary BiologyEcologyEnvironmental ChangeBiological Sciences
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      BotanyConservation BiologyEcologyDISTRIBUTION
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The genus Mustela includes 17 species. Comparative analysis of skull structure, dentition, bacular structure and external characteristics make it possible to divide the genus into 9 subgenera: Mustela, Gale, Putorius, Lutreola, Kolonokus,... more
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The ability of nonhuman animals to project individual actions into the future is a hotly debated topic. We describe the caching behaviour of tayras (Eira barbara) based on direct observations in the field, pictures from camera traps and... more
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This paper characterises the fossils of the ancient badger Meles iberica Arribas & Garrido, 2007 discovered at the Fonelas P-1 late Upper Pliocene site (MNQ18 zone; Guadix Basin, Granada, Spain). The anatomical features that identify... more
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      MustelidaeLate Upper PlioceneGuadix BasinFonelas P 1
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      Environmental ManagementMotorcyclesTransportationMultidisciplinary
En el estado de Guanajuato se confirmó la presencia de tlalcoyote (Taxidea taxus) mediante fototrampeo. Estos registros se localizan en la zona de influencia de la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato (rbsgg) y complementan... more
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      Natural HistoryEcologyMammalsMustelidae
Knowing the distribution of a species, including its elevational range, is of great importance to understand its ecology and natural history (Richter & Schauber 2006). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to enrich the knowledge about M.... more
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      PhysiologyZoologySkeletal muscle biologyMorphology
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      MustelidaePalni Hills
La Grotta del Cerè (catasto n. 258 V VR) si trova nel comune di Ceredo (Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo, VR) a circa 750 m slm. Conosciuta fin dal 1735, la grotta consiste in una singola sala di 6,5x5 m. Pasa (1954), che studiò il sito, riteneva che... more
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Analysis of morphometric variation in 26 cranial characters were studied in 85 individuals of marbled polecat Vormela peregusna from Turkmenistan demonstrated a low level of sexual dimorphism in the species. The properties of sexual... more
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      MammalogyCarnivoraSexual dimorphismMustelidae
To distinguish two closely related species, like the pine marten (Martes martes) and the beech marten (Martes foina), most scientists use the cranial features. The aim of this paper was to define other characteristic, morphological and... more
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      MorphometricsMartes foinaMustelidaeMartes Martes
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      ParaguayCarnivoraEndangered SpeciesLarge Carnivores
As of 2010, approximately 55,000km 2 , or 12% of Sumatra island, was subject to oil palm cultivation. This has resulted in the mass clearing of tropical forests, which has led to many isolated forest fragments, as well as the disruption... more
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      IndonesiaForest FragmentationMustelidaeViverridae
Tuberculosis of free-ranging and captive wildlife, including species implicated in the maintenance and transmission of Mycobacterium bovis, is a difficult disease to diagnose and control. Historically, diagnosis of tuberculosis has relied... more
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Animals use vocalizations to exchange information about external events, their own physical or motivational state, or about individuality and social affiliation. Infant babbling can enhance the development of the full adult vocal... more
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      Animal BehaviorAcoustic CommunicationBehavioral EcologyMustelidae
This mainly bibliographical work discusses a number of general anatomical characterisitcs of the Order Carnivora and of its families and genera represented at the Fonelas P-1 site, against the background of their respective... more
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Developing short tandem repeat (STR) profiling systems for forensic identification is complicated in animal species. Obtaining a representative number of individuals from populations, limited access to family groups and a lack of... more
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      Forensic SciencePolymorphismEnglandBiological Sciences
The role of southern European peninsulas as glacial refugia for temperate species has been widely established, but the role of cryptic northern refugia has only recently been addressed. Here, we describe the phylogeographic pattern of... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeEcologyPopulation Dynamics
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A morphological differentiation (i.e., the amount of morphological space occupied) in two polecat species, Mustela putorius and M. eversmanii, has been studied. These closely related species are similar in the body size, the age of... more
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      MorphologyMustelidaeCranial Variation
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      Immune responseBiological SciencesMustelidaeTuberculosis
Abstract: Originally published in the Otter Specialist Group Bulletin (Duplaix, Groenendijk, Schenck, Staib & Sykes-Gatz, 2003) and subsequently on, the Giant otter bibliography strives to list nearly all... more
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      Conservation BiologyBiodiversityMustelidaeGiant Otters
We analyzed a concatenated (8492 bp) nuclear–mitochondrial DNA data set from 44 musteloids (including the first genetic data for Lyncodon patagonicus) with parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods of phylogenetic and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)PhylogeneticsPhylogeny
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      Treatment OutcomeVeterinaryMustelidaeProspective studies