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In 1899 the great exhibition devoted to Alessandro Volta was meant to open a new season of richness for Como and the Lake. Nonetheless, in 1927 the second exhibition organized for the centennial anniversary of Volta's death was promoted... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesUrban HistoryArchitectural History
The great exhibition of Volta in 1899 and the exhibition of Ercole Ferrata and the Intelvesi masters held in Pellio in 1910 had the merit of focus the attention of scholars on a historical and artistic heritage still largely unexplored as... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritageFascismHeritage Conservation
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      Cultural HeritageMuseologyMuseographyMuseología
Corporate Museum has experienced more than one hundred years of growth, and it has become a significant member of the museum-associated universe because of its unique character. Meanwhile, the commercialization and multiplicity of the... more
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      Museum StudiesInterior Design (Architecture)Museography
Les visites scolaires au musée signifient la rencontre entre deux institutions de transmission culturelle majeures de notre société. Bien que l’école encourage et valorise les déplacements au musée, rien dans le programme scolaire... more
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      AnthropologyIntercultural EducationMuseologyMuseography
Ведибіда Б.О. Інформаційно-методичний огляд Висвітлення історії політичних репресій і радянського тоталітаризму в експозиціях музеїв Західної України / Б. О. Ведибіда (автор-упорядник); Національний музей історії України. – К. : НМІУ,... more
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      Soviet HistoryMuseum StudiesMuseumUkrainian Studies
Compte-rendu de l'exposition "Paul Willems : le ludique et le tragique", organisée par les Archives et Musée de la Littérature (Bruxelles), du 20 juin 2018 au 19 octobre 2018.
Commissaires d'exposition : Christophe Meurée et Saskia Bursens
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      Magical RealismContemporary LiteratureMuseographyBelgian Literature
The Research Project MeLa* - European Museums in an age of migrations was a four year multidisciplinary and collaborative Research Project involving nine European Partners, which was funded in 2011 within the 7th Framework Programme of... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationMuseum StudiesPostcolonial Studies
Наукова концепція експозицій історичних та краєзнавчих музеїв (методичні рекомендації) / А. Д. Шифман, Національний музей історії України. - К., 1993. - 16 с.
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      HistoryUkrainian StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignUkraine (History)
El proyecto Espacio Portus surge en julio de 2019 como un proyecto de educación en patrimonio para dar a conocer la historia y el patrimonio material e inmaterial del puerto y la ría de Avilés. Se trata de un proyecto innovador en lo que... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureIndustrial HeritageArqueología
Ensayo sobre el MUSEO DE CULTURA AINU DE NIBUTANI (平取町立二風谷アイヌ文化博物館) escrito para la asignatura de Museología Antropológica en el grado de Antropología Social y Cultural de la Universidad de Sevilla (US). Se centra más en la representación... more
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      AnthropologyMuseum StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEthnology
Seminario nell’ambito del corso di STORIA DELL’ARTE MODERNA B | a.a. 2021/2022 Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici | Università di Pavia Pavia, Musei Civici del Castello Visconteo, sala del modello ligneo del duomo, giovedì 16 dicembre, ore... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritageArchitectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyComputer GraphicsIconography
Diferents. Revista de museus nace con el propósito de articular un espacio para el encuentro, el debate y la reflexión sobre diferentes aspectos relacionados con la museología y los sistemas expositivos, intentando ocupar un lugar hasta... more
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El autor de cada capítulo describe el aspecto concreto en el que ha intervenido en el castillo abaluartado de Sanlúcar de Guadiana: La documentación histórica y la arqueológica, el proyecto y la ejecución arquitectónica de la... more
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      MuseographyMuseologíaPatrimonio CulturalExposiciones
L'utilisation de plus en plus prégnante des nouvelles technologies dans les musées et bibliothèques (tablettes tactiles, audioguides, écrans interactifs, etc.) diviserait les publics entre ceux qui recherchent la compréhension et ceux... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignMuseographyHolography
"Conservation is about the way the artwork can be perceived and not only about how it is presented.”—Sanneke Stigter The conservation of conceptual art is a true challenge for institutions. This is an interview with Dutch Sanneke Stigter... more
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      Art HistoryArtArt TheoryMuseum Studies
Temporary Exhibition at the castle of Ioannina (Ic Kale) entitled: "From Apeiros Chora to the Great Continent; Epirotes following the migration wave to the USA (late 19th century - WWII)". The exhibition -mainly photographic- also... more
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      HistoryMigrationGraphic DesignMigration Studies
Extraits du Mémoire de Muséologie réalisé à l'Ecole du Louvre,  sous la direction de Sophie Descamps, Jean-Luc Martinez et Emmanuel Schwartz, conservateurs en chef du patrimoine.
Version intégrale et volume d'annexe sur demande par email.
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      Art HistoryMuseologyMuseography
Ponencia en el XXI Curso de Verão "Novas fronteiras, outros diálogos: cooperação e desenvolvimento”. Centro de Estudos Ibéricos. Guarda, Portugal, 6 al 9 de julio de 2021.
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      International MigrationFrontier StudiesMuseography
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignVisual Arts
A Music Instrument Museum does not exist in Mexico. A project, already more than 20 years ago already written, is still eager to be realized. This should be a museum which empaisizes "to explain musical instruments" in the museography... more
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A venticinque anni dalla chiusura, il Museo archeologico di Forlì è divenuto un simbolo della situazione di criticità in cui versa una parte del patrimonio storico e artistico forlivese. Alcune importanti collezioni della nostra città,... more
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      MuseumLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityMuseology
Ковальчук А.О. Методичні рекомендації “Збереження музейних предметів в умовах надзвичайних ситуацій”/ А.О. Ковальчук; Національний музей історії України. – Київ: Національний музей історії України, 2017. – 109 с.
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesMuseumEmergency Shelter
La presente investigación nace de una motivación personal surgida durante mi etapa de estudiante al recorrer el sitio arqueológico de Puruchuco, siendo valioso destacar la importancia histórica del museo, que en su momento fue pionero no... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseologyMuseographyGestión Cultural
The Museography of Ricardo Linares.

We had the opportunity of creating from zero 8 museums at Puebla, Mexico.

Research, design, construction
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      Museums and Exhibition DesignMuseologyMuseography
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 10 (2008): 1-37. This essay examines the conceptual development of Egyptian museums from the mid-nineteenth to the early twenty-first century. It is particularly concerned with the... more
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      EgyptologyMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageEgyptian Archaeology
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryArtMuseum Studies
O MASP de Lina Bo Bardi: Perspectivas Teóricas e Críticas. In: Concreto e Cristal: O Acervo do MASP nos Cavaletes de Lina Bo Bardi Bardi [Concrete and crystal: MASP’s collection on Lina Bo Bardi’s easels], edited by Adriano Pedrosa and... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMuseum StudiesContemporary Art
“Acción de poner en relieve, destinada a todo el público, un conjunto de bienes muebles, inmuebles o inmateriales, según un programa preciso y en un espacio determinado, con el apoyo de recursos variados, esencialmente visuales.” G. Henri... more
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      Museums and Exhibition DesignMuseologyMuseumsMuseography
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      Art HistoryHistory of MuseumsHistory of CollectionsCollecting and Collections
Trabajo final para el Seminario de Museografía Práctica de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de Buenos Aires.
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About new scenarios for management and use of museum storage (and exhibit)
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      DesignMuseum StudiesDigital MuseumMuseums and Exhibition Design
IV Encuentro Transfronterizo de Profesionales de Museos: Museos y Accesibilidad. Castro Marim (Portugal)
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      Museum StudiesMuseumAccessibilityMuseums and Exhibition Design
Maximilian Prince of Wied’s Reise nach Brasilien (1820-1821) is one of the most important accounts of travels in Brazil in the early nineteenth century and a significant source of ethnographic information on the Botocudos and their... more
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      BrazilHistory of Collections19th CenturyMuseography
Il bookshop museale, fin dalle sue origini, è stato il luogo ideale per concretizzare in modo piacevole e di qualità l'esperienza della visita al museo, contribuendo alla definizione del gradimento degli utenti, alla promozione... more
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      Museum StudiesMerchandisingMuseologyMuseums
ミュージアム研究の「展示の政治学(ミュージアムの政治学)」理論についての総覧。... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropology
l libro trae ispirazione da uno dei dibattiti più significativi degli ultimi anni, ovvero il ruolo della memoria in relazione al tema del Conflict Heritage. Le tracce dei conflitti bellici rappresentano un patrimonio difficile da gestire... more
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      Cultural MemoryMuseographyDifficult heritage
Queste considerazioni e appunti introduttivi al tema della prevenzione dei rischi e della gestione della sicurezza nei musei è la rielaborazione di lezioni tenute in corsi di formazione per professionisti museali e in ambito universitario... more
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      Museum StudiesNetwork SecurityMuseologyMuseums
« Les mots ne sont pas innocents ; selon le contexte, ils peuvent jouer des rôles bien différents. Espace et Lieu, par exemple, peuvent parfois se comprendre comme des synonymes, même si l'un n'est que l'alter ego de l'autre, et vice... more
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      ArchitectureMuseum StudiesContemporary ArtModern Art
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      Anthropology of MusicMuseographyCultura MaterialStoria della cultura materiale
vol. 9, Is. 3
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      Cultural HeritageVernacular ArchitectureRegional developmentMuseology
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      Environmental ArtMuseologyMuseographyMuseologia
The traces of war present in the urban foundation of cities as in landscapes, represent a patrimony which is difficult to manage and have a relationship with because they are linked to unpleasant memories, often traumatic ones. On one... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMuseography
Este manual está dedicado a la accesibilidad e inclusión en sus múltiples facetas (física, orgánica, sensorial, mental, social, cultural, etcétera) al patrimonio cultural y natural, y en especial a los museos y exposiciones en su más... more
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      Cultural HeritageAccessibilityInclusive DesignHeritage Tourism
Este libro reúne un conjunto de ensayos sobre la historia y la actualidad del arte tecnológico en América Latina. Organizado en cuatro capítulos temáticos, brinda un panorama sobre el desarrollo histórico de esta producción, las... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary ArtNew Media ArtArt and technology