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Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
Often simply called the Holy Mountain, Mount Athos was the most famous center of Byzantine monasticism and remains the spiritual heart of the Orthodox Church today. This volume presents the Lives of Euthymios the Younger, Athanasios of... more
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      HagiographyAsceticismByzantine StudiesMount Athos Studies
Шумило С. В.  Прп. Иоанн Вишенский Святогорец и его связи с Волынью и Галицией // Історія та сучасність Православ'я на Волині: матеріали VІI науково-практичної конференції (Луцьк, 8 листопада 2016 р.). –  Луцьк, 2016. – С. 42-53.
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      Ukrainian StudiesMount Athos StudiesRussian OrthodoxyUkraine (History)
Traducere din limba greacă de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2016 Această carte transcrie rezumativ predarea prin viu grai a vieţii monahale trăite de autor alături de Gheron Iosif Isihastul. Învăţătura orală a acestuia a... more
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      PatristicsSpiritualityOrthodox TheologyMount Athos Studies
The Cultural Heritage of Strandzha: Wealth, Risks, Challenges. Ed. by Angel Nikolov. Sofia, 2019. Collected papers from an international scientific conference held in Burgas, 28-29 September 2019.
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      Cultural HeritageMedieval ArchaeologyBulgariaByzantine Studies
Leone il Grande fu abate del monastero da lui fondato per alcuni anni, non oltre il novembre 991. Gli archivi benedettini del X e XI secolo non menzionano il proprio cenobio sul Monte Athos. Tuttavia essi ci offrono precise, pur se... more
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      Byzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesByzantine monasticismMonasticism
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    • Mount Athos Studies
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    • Mount Athos Studies
東洋の修行法において、呼吸は極めて重要な位置を占めている。インド思想では、調気法prANAyAmaが成立する以前より、呼吸は生命の象徴としてとらえれ、ウパニシャッドでそれが成立して以降は、ヨーガや仏教において、心の働きを鎮め、解脱に導くものとして、多様に実践されてきた。... more
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      YogaYoga PhilosophyMount Athos StudiesTaoism
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      Mount Athos StudiesOttoman BalkansMedieval NobilityMedieval Serbia
Статья посвящена изложению взглядов различных греческих православных богословов XX–XXI вв. на проблему влияния латинской богословской традиции на мысль преподобного Никодима Святогорца (1749–1809). Наиболее ярким критиком св. Никодима... more
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      Mount Athos StudiesModern Greek TheologySt. Nicodemus HagioreitesThe Guide to confession (Ἐξομολογητάριον)
Афонские монастыри с X в. были крупнейшими землевладельцами. В XVII–XVIII вв. они получили в дар огромные поместья в Молдавии и Валахии, доходы с которых позволили монастырям приобретать новые угодья в Македонии и на островах Эгейского... more
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      Historical DialectologyMount Athos StudiesGreek DialectsHistorical Greek Grammar
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureIntercultural CommunicationJapanese Literature
At the end of Russia’s old regime, the transformation of society initiated by the Great Reforms of the 1860s had also transformed the Orthodox Church. After the Emancipation, former serfs found new opportunities as laborers, factory... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsRussian Orthodox ChurchMount Athos Studies
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      Mount Athos StudiesHistory and tradition of monasticism at mount Athos and MacedoniaHistory and traditions of monasticism at mount Athos and MacedoniaOttoman Halkidiki
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      Greek HistoryMonastic StudiesOrthodox TheologyByzantine Studies
Traducere de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2009. Cartea de faţă cuprinde Cuvinte ale Bătrânilor din Athos. Avem însă de-a face cu Părinţi din vremurile noastre, de curând mutaţi la Domnul, dar care, precum va şi vedea... more
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      HagiographySpiritualityMount Athos StudiesMonasticism
For the first time, the arts and crafts of Thessaloniki, once the second largest city in the Byzantine Empire after Constantinople, are examined thoroughly through archaeological remains, historical sources and epigraphic records.More... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesBalkan StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyByzantine Studies
This paper considers the emergence of Mount Athos' monk elders in Greek society in recent decades until the current economic crisis. Their social influence has grown over these decades, especially after some of them were recognized as... more
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      Sociology of ReligionAsceticismMount Athos StudiesModern Greece
В истории «даров волхвов» из монастыря святого Павла на Афоне можно проследить по историческим источникам следующие периоды: 1) «дароносивые златые сосуды, иже принесоша Христу с дары волсви» в XI-XII вв. хранились в ризнице св. Софии; 2)... more
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      ReligionLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
Шумило С. В. Розвиток українсько-афонських духовно-культурних зв’язків у XVІI – першій третині ХІХ ст. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 26.00.01 «Теорія та історія культури» за напрямом –... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesMount Athos StudiesOrthodox ChristianityUkrainian History
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      Mount Athos StudiesEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Byzantine economyChalkidike
This article looks at the encounters between the hesychast and Ignatian traditions. What elements of agreement are there and how can two apparently quite distinct traditions be placed side by side? The article starts with a brief... more
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      Contemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityMount Athos StudiesSpirituality & Mysticism
A collective work with articles about all the Athonite Saints from the beginnings of the history of Monasticism at Mount Athos to the present day accompanied by special bibliography .
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      Mount Athos StudiesByzantine HagiographyHistory and traditions of monasticism at mount Athos and MacedoniaOrthodox Monasticism and Mt. Athos
This article deals with certain aspects of the systematic correction of the Church Slavonic translation of the Great Canon of Repentance by St. Andrew of Crete, performed in the beginning of the 14th century in the monasteries of Mount... more
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      Mount Athos StudiesTranslation Greek into Old Church Slavonichistory of Russian Language, Old Church Slavonic, Byzantine and Slavonic luturgical poetryТекстология
This paper presents the missing aspect of the theology of St Maximus the Greek that is organically connected with his biographical destiny. Especially are considered the circumstances of the second trial against St. Maximus the Greek in... more
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      Byzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesByzantine IconographyMonasticism
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      ArchaeologyMount Athos StudiesAchaemenid HistoryHistory of ancient Thrace
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      Mount Athos StudiesGreek manuscripts
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLiturgical StudiesMedieval HistoryLiturgy
In the Archive of Xeropotamou Monastery a letter (June 19, 1906) by the renowned teacher of Byzantine music Petros Philanthides (1840- 1915) is kept. With this letter Philanthides forwarded to the monks of Xeropotamou a... more
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      Church MusicMount Athos StudiesByzantine MusicByzantine Musicology
Apart from their productive and financial role, the athonite metochia, and especially those which were established in urban environments, were distinguished also for another function which corresponds to the spiritual nature of Athonite... more
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      Monastic StudiesMount Athos StudiesMonasticismHistory of Monasticism
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      Eastern ChristianityMount Athos StudiesChristian SpiritualityOrthodox Monasticism and Mt. Athos
Trad. rom. şi cuvânt introductiv de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2017. O alegere ca aceea a Capetelor despre dragoste, făcută de Părintele Emilianos Simonopetritul pentru a le tâlcui fiilor și fiicelor sale duhovnicești,... more
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      TheologyPatristicsAsceticismTheological Hermeneutics
The article presents a study and edition of the Slavic text of a letter that provides previously unknown details about the psycho-physical method of prayer used by the fourteenth-century hesychasts. The research shows that it was written... more
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      Mount Athos StudiesByzantine monasticismHesychasmSlavic Studies
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      Monastic StudiesMount Athos StudiesBulgarian historyIcons
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      History of ScienceByzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesRussian Orthodoxy
Trad. rom. de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2011. Tâlcuirile la Psalmi ale Părintelui Emilianos ne fac să întrezărim mai bine statura duhovnicească a Părintelui. Tâlcuirile, prin metodă şi duh, sunt în deplină continuitate... more
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      AsceticismOld Testament TheologyTheological HermeneuticsMount Athos Studies
The spiritual tradition of hesychasm is arguably one of the most distinguishable features of Athonite monasticism. This chapter explores hesychasm’s deep intertwining with Mount Athos, by following its historical unfolding from its... more
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      AsceticismByzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesChristian Spirituality
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      Ottoman HistoryBalkan HistoryMount Athos StudiesOttoman Balkans
Monastic life at Mount Athos today claims to merely continue the same age-old traditions that have been at work on the peninsula for the past thousand years. This article argues that during the last few decades, Athonite monasticism has... more
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      Liturgical StudiesAsceticismMonastic StudiesOrthodox Theology
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      Byzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesByzantine IconographyByzantine monasticism
Our recent research in the mss and old printed books of the Library of the monastery of Annunciation at the place Leukada of Ikaria island, brought to light some new evidence for the early history of this monastery, related to the... more
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      Orthodox TheologyMount Athos StudiesHistory of MonasticismPhilokalia
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      Mount Athos Studies19th Century Historical ScholarshipLefkas
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      Mount Athos StudiesPostbyzantine Art
Traducere din limba greacă de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2008. Cartea de faţă cuprinde o biografie a Bătrânului Iosif, precum şi câteva scrisori ale sale, până astăzi needitate. În primul rând, deci, o biografie... more
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      AsceticismMonastic StudiesOrthodox TheologyMount Athos Studies
The thesis explores history and impact of the movement of Kollybades, which began in mid-18th century at Mount Athos and continued into19th century. Among the foci of the research are monastic and liturgical renaissances, phenomena of... more
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      Mount Athos StudiesModern GreeceHesychasmKollybades
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      ReligionGreek LiteratureTheologySpirituality
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      Anthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageMount Athos StudiesAnthropology of Eastern Christianity
Выпуск №№ 5 – 6 альманаха «Афонское наследие» приурочен к 295-летию со дня рождения прп. Паисия Величковского (1722 – 1794), оставившего неизгладимый след в духовности и культуре Украины, России, Молдовы, Румынии, Греции и других... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryUkrainian StudiesByzantine Studies
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      Byzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesMedieval and Renaissance Greek Manuscripts; Greek Paleography; Byzantine ScriptoriaGreek Manuscripts (Palaeography, Codicology, Text Transmission)