Mongolian history
Recent papers in Mongolian history
This article deals with an important festival in Tibet dedicated to the future Buddha Maitreya. It was held on three days in summer when three giant thangkas showing Buddhas Amitābha, Śākyamuni and Maitreya were put on public display.... more
Collection of articles published between 1973 and 2011(French, English, Russian)
By examining Mongol and Chinese documents, this article analyses Mongolian official titles from the 14th to the 16th centuries. It shows that there are many historical layers in the set of official titles. The titles inherited from the... more
Milk and milk tea occupy a special place in Mongolian hearts. Historical writings of Roman Catholic missionaries confirm the sacredness of milk and its abundant use for Mongolians. Milk offerings, sprinkled into the air, are offered to... more
Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades February 2021 Seminar
А.Янагисава. Хуучин Баргын үүсэл, хувьсал, Historia Mongolarum XI (Department of History, National University of Mongolia), 2012, 79—97.
Walther Heissig (1913–2005) was certainly one of the most influential researchers on Mongolian, well thought of by his fellows and esteemed by his students. This edition of archive materials concerning Heissig's life and work (cited below... more
Энэхүү ном зүйд ХХ зууны 40-өөд оноос хойш 2015 оны эх хүртэлх үеийн монголын эрдэмтэн судлаачдын философийн чиглэлээр туурвисан хамтын бүтээл, нэгэн сэдэвт бүтээл, гарын авлага, сурах бичиг, товхимол, эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл, илтгэл,... more
Prior to the work of Peter Jackson, a scholarly consensus had developed arguing that the Battle of Ayn Jalut represented a truly decisive event in the history of the Near East. It has been argued that the Mongol incursion into Syria was a... more
The death of Jamugha in the "Secret History of the Mongols" (SHM) is found in two versions, one cited in Rashid al-Din's "Compendium of Chronicles," the other in the SHM. Comparing the two versions, the SHM's version heightens the drama... more
Хүннүгийн түүх, соёл, археологи, палеоантропологийн судалгаанд холбогдох 700 илүү ном бүтээлийг хамруулсан анхны ном зүйн энэхүү бүтээлийг Төв Азийн нүүдэлчдийн түүх соёлыг судлагч хэн бүхэнд зориулав. First special bibliography... more
Since the beginning of the Qing dynasty, Mongols have viewed Wutai Shan as a substitute for Tibet pilgrimages. Relying on various Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, and Western sources (stone inscriptions, local gazetteers, travelogues,... more
Одоогийн Монгол улсын Хөвсгөл, Булган, Сэлэнгэ, Төв, Хэнтий, Дорнод аймгуудад олон цөөн тоотойгоор буриад монголчууд оршин суудаг. Эдгээр буриад монголчууд нь XX зууны эхэн үед тухайн үеийн Хаант Орос болон Зөвлөлт Холбоот улсын нутгаас... more
This monographic study is the 3rd volume of a series of works on the study of Deer Stones, the emblematic symbol of Mongolian ancient civilization and the best representative of monumental art. The 1st and 2nd volumes contain a brief... more
Лонжид З, Эрдэнэбат Да. Бидний дээд үеийнхэн хэдэн зууны турш байнга хэрэглэсээр ирсэн хүнс буюу идээ ундааг бор хоол (улаан идээ), цагаан идээ хэмээн хоёр ангилдаг. Энэ хоёрын аль алинтай нь хавсран хэрэглэж болдог таван зүйлийн тариа... more
Horse accompanied burials of Syrgaly Within this article, we are publishing excavation materials of horse accompanied two burials, in Syrgaly-II and Syrgaly-III cites in Tsengel sum, Bayan-Ulgii aimag. The excavations were made in 2010... more
ნაშრომში განხილულია XIII-XIV საუკუნეებში მახლობელ აღმოსავლეთსა და კავკასიაში გამავალი სავაჭრო გზები. დეტალურადაა მოცემული ჯალალ ად-დინის, მონღოლების და თემურ-ლენგის მიერ საქართველოზე განხორციელებული ლაშქრობების შედეგად სავაჭრო გზების... more
Түүхийн тэмдэглэл төдийгүй монголчуудын оюуны баялгийн өргөн цар хүрээг хамран тал бүрийн мэдлэг ухааныг шингээж, түүх, хууль цааз, уран зохиол, шашин суртахуунаас аваад утга зохиолын олон төрөл зүйлийг яруу тансаг бичгийн хэлээр хамтад... more
A detailed analysis of an extraordinary painting made in Mongolia's quintessential monastery Ikh Khuree in early twentieth-century.
Electronic version of the book of papers based on presentations at the International Conference 'Baron R.F. von Ungern-Sternberg in Mongolian History', devoted to the 100-years anniversary of the restoration of Mongolia's independence by... more
Although climate science suggests that the Yuan era in China witnessed a number of natural disasters, historians have yet to consider such data in their accounts of the Yuan dynasty's rapid fall. The dominant view largely blames their... more
The present article deals with the earliest known sources on a Mongolic language discovered in 2014 by the international team Dieter Maue (Germany), Mehmet Ölmez (Turkey), Étienne de La Vaissière and Alexander Vovin (both France) on two... more
This paper will briefly discuss the nature of the Mongol armies and some of their successes before exploring their shortcomings in a select number of regions. For each theatre of war, the obstacles faced by the Mongols will be identified... more
Reflections of the Divine features the collection of Ulrich Wörz, which is comprised of twenty-two Tibetan paintings that were made from the middle of the thirteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. Coming from the... more
In this paper I discuss the attested names of the so-called "Xiōngnú" in the context of Inner Asian naming practices. I conclude that the term "Xiōngnú" is almost certainly not a pre-existing ethnic term (Inner Asian dynastonyms almost... more
Concise Encyclopedia on the archaeology, history and culture of Xiongnu (3rd c. BCE - 2nd c. CE), the first empire in Mongolia.
The funeral complex of Tamir Ulaan Khoshuu is a unique Xiongnu monument with the largest quantity of pottery within the same culture. Currently, more than 70 graves have been excavated at the site, and more than 200 pottery vessels have... more
This article is a sequel to the interpretation of the Khüis Tolgoi inscription published in the previous issue of the Journal Asiatique. The Bugut inscription is at least twenty years older than the Khüis Tolgoi inscription, being... more