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Este artículo es una reflexión en torno a la percepción que contrapone la infancia a la adultez, haciendo una comparación entre cualidades que hacen salvaje a la niñez y al proceso de domesticación que ejercen los adultos formadores sobre... more
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    •   7  
      EducationEducaciónCultura VisualCreatividad
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    •   20  
      EngineeringPathologyComputer ScienceChemistry
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    •   20  
      EngineeringPathologyComputer ScienceChemistry
This present aims at identifying and describing the misconception faced by primary school teachers in natural science subject. This is a descriptive qualitative study which is conducted to 50 primary school teachers. The data are gathered... more
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      EducationMathematics EducationDidacticsEducational Research
Background Despite the availability of effective HPV vaccines, their acceptance in Islamic countries is often influenced by religious beliefs, practices, and misconceptions. Objective This review aimed to identify the current literature... more
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    •   13  
      ReligionCommunicationHealth CommunicationEpidemiology
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    • Education Sciences
Penelitian ini ialah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan maksud untuk menganalisis miskonsepsi yang dialami siswa pada materi bentuk aljabar serta penyebab miskonsepsi siswa.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 22 Barru. Subjek... more
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    •   3  
      Mathematics EducationMisconceptionTeaching and Learning Mathematics
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    • Humanities
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    • Psychology
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    •   20  
      EngineeringPathologyComputer ScienceChemistry
El arte es una característica claramente humana pues somos nosotros quienes le damos esa dimensión etérea de su capacidad estética, somos capaces de divinizarla o condenarla pues depende de las emociones y sentimientos para reconocerla e... more
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Bu calismanin amaci, 6. sinif ogrencilerinin Sosyal Bilgiler dersinde yer alan cumhuriyet, saltanat, yonetim sekilleri, kuresel sorunlar, dis ticaret acigi, ithalat ve ihracat kavramlari konusundaki algilarini ve kavram yanilgilarini... more
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Günümüzde bilgi ve iletişime yönelik geliştirilen araçların kullanımı her geçen gün artış göstermektedir. Fakat insanlık bu teknolojilerden eşit bir şekilde faydalanamamaktadır. Bu farklılığın kaynağının ülke, konum, sektör ve bireysel... more
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      Uzaktan eğitimAçık ve Uzaktan EğitimAçık ve Uzaktan Öğrenmedijital uçurum
Eğitimdeki dijitalleşme ile birlikte öğrenme ve öğretme sürecine çeşitli teknolojiler ve teknolojik araçlar entegre edilerek eğitimin kalitesi ve verimi artırılmaya çalışılmaktadır ve bu teknolojik araçlardan biri de üç boyutlu... more
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      Educationsistematik analizüç boyutlu model
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menelaah hasil belajar mahasiswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran think talk write (TTW) dibandingkan dengan yang menggunakan pembelajaran biasa pada mata kuliah matematika ekonomi. Penelitian dilakukan... more
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    • Mathematics Education
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    • Physics
Introduction: Rabies is a highly fatal viral disease. Rabies and dog bite is prevalent in India but multiple myths are associated and they determine the post-exposure treatment seeking behavior of animal bite victims. The resent study was... more
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      MisconceptionRabiesDog Bites
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    • Kimia
Mnohé oblasti poznání procházejí v současné době bouřlivým rozvojem, paleoantropologie patří bezesporu mezi jednu z nich. Hlavním cílem tohoto článku je korigovat některá zastaralá fakta o evoluci člověka. Mnohá z nich se stále objevují v... more
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    •   5  
      Human EvolutionTextbookMisconceptionTeaching Biology
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      OptometryOphthalmologySri LankaMedicine
This study aims to analyze the feasibility of the four-tier diagnostic test items given to class XI high school students. This research is a quantitative descriptive study, which collects student answer sheets as data which is then... more
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We investigate how religion concordance influences the effectiveness of preventive health campaigns. Conducted during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in two major Indian cities marked by Hindu-Muslim tensions, we randomly... more
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    •   8  
      ReligionEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsHealth Economics
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      Mathematics EducationEducation Sciences
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    •   4  
      PsychologyPhysicsHumanitiesMathematics Education
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    • Sociology
From 1930 onwards, György Lukács considers ‘uneven development’ the typical relational form between economic progress and the corresponding evolution of other fields of human activity. In the early thirties Lukács focuses on the problem... more
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      MarxismKarl MarxUneven DevelopmentGeorg Lukács
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      Computer ScienceCognitionSpringer Ebooks
Bu eksiklikleri” ve “kavram yanilgilarinin” “calisma yapragi” kullanilarak tespiti ve sinif ici tartisma ile giderilmesi amaclanmaktadir. Bilgi eksiklikleri ve kavram yanilgilarini tespiti icin, maddenin hal degisimi konusunda... more
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      SociologyTurkish Studies
Dear readers: I warn you again that some of my works have typing, grammatical, stylistic misand "in English" mistakes that I noticed later after publishing them. Of course, they have not changed their basic meaning/s. Please accept my... more
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    • Misconception
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    •   3  
      PsychologyPhysicsRotational Dynamics
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    • Medical Education
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      Kavram YanılgısıTest Geliştirme
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BackgroundStudents frequently hold a number of misconceptions related to temperature, heat and energy. There is not currently a concept inventory with sufficiently high internal reliability to assess these concept areas for research... more
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      EngineeringPsychologyEducationEngineering Education
Many people misinterpret histograms. The conjecture is that some of these misinterpretations emerge from the application of interpretation strategies associated with case-value plots. To investigate this, eye-movement data were collected... more
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      PsychologyEye trackingStatistics EducationDidactics of Mathematics
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      PsychologyPerceptionRisk Perception
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    • Mathematics Education
Practical guide books need to be prepared to ensure a good practicum activity. The sample used in the practicum should also be chosen carefully so as not to lead to misconception in students. This study aims to develop and test the... more
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    • Practicum
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IPA merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang memperlajari tentang alam. IPA dibagi menjadi tiga bidang yaitu biologi, fisika, dan kimia. Pada bidang biologi ini terdapat materi tentang fotosintesis dan respirasi tumbuhan. Fotosintesis dan... more
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The purpose of students learning biology is to understand the concepts in biology, be able to connect one concept to another, and apply the learned concepts in daily life. Inability to properly connect concepts may cause misconceptions... more
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      Mathematics EducationMisconceptionMultiple Choice QuestionsThink Talk Write
Understanding the concept is one ability that students must master in learning mathematics because concepts in mathematics are related to each other. Based on the result of observation, it showed that not all students had a good... more
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    • Psychology
This study aims to identify students’ misconception in terms of mathematics anxiety level. The type of this study was descriptive research with qualitative approach. The methods of data collection in this study used questionnaire, test,... more
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    • Psychology
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      PsychologyDistance EducationMathematics EducationPandemic
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