Middle Palaeolithic
Recent papers in Middle Palaeolithic
The Middle Paleolithic site of Ketrosy studied by N. K. Anisyutkin in 1974–1979 is situated in the middle reaches of the Dniester and can be dated to ca. 100 ka. The materials of cultural layer III (complex 1) have recently been... more
Olaf Jöris & Michael Baales (2003): Zur Altersstellung der Schöninger Speere - FS Mania.pdf
Das Travertinvorkommen im ehemaligen Steinbruch Biedermann in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim, datiert in die Eemwarmzeit und in den Beginn der letzten Kaltzeit (MIS 5e - MIS 5c). Mittelpaläolithische Artefakte stammen aus verschiedenen... more
Vanaf 2006 heeft de tweede auteur op akkers bij Esbeek en Diessen (gem. Hilvarenbeek, prov. Noord-Brabant) bijna duizend artefacten uit het midden-paleolithicum verzameld. De totale oppervlakte van het gebied waar vondsten zijn gedaan,... more
"This paper presents a summary of the first season of fieldwork and archive assessment undertaken in 2010 as part of the Quaternary Archaeology and Environments of Jersey Project. The principle aim of the project is to provide a... more
The Middle Palaeolithic site Salzgitter Lebenstedt (northern Ger many), excavated in 1952, is weil known because of its well-preservedfaunal remains, dorninated by aduit reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). The archaeological assembiage... more
Kedvező topográfiai helyzete, a Zagyva-völgyhöz való viszonylagos közelsége folytán Bér közvetlen térsége a paleolitikum időszakában igen nagy jelentőségű volt. Az Egri-Bükkalja–Mátraalja–Cserhát hegység között feltételezhető migrációs... more
To date, the earliest modern human fossils found outside of Africa are dated to around 90,000 to 120,000 years ago at the Levantine sites of Skhul and Qafzeh. A maxilla and associated dentition recently discovered at Misliya Cave, Israel,... more
Abstract The archaeological excavation of the Puente de los Tres Ojos site, next to Cerro Negro Street (Madrid), has provided new data that has allowed us to go in depth into the human settlement and the palaeoenvironmental... more
The Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic is a technocomplex characterized by broad patterns in the succession of lithic industries through time, but also by significant technological diversity in some contexts. This chapter presents a... more
This study presents and discusses a methodology to study population contact scenarios among Pleistocene hunter-gatherers. It applies this methodology to the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Middle Danube region by testing... more
Kniha vychází z disertační práce a popisuje staro-, středo- a mladopaleolitické nálezy a artefakty, které byly objeveny na území bývalého Východočeského kraje.
Late 2006 a survey project was initiated by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology and the Drents Museum. The project, which is currently directed by the Stone Foundation, was aimed at discovering Middle Palaeolithic surface scatters on... more
Archaeologically, only little is known of the prehistoric, ancient, and medieval periods of central Arabia, the Riyadh Province in particular. And yet, as one of the few watered areas in the Najd, it has played a significant role in the... more
Thermal considerations can help to resolve two of the most challenging problems in later Palaeolithic archaeology: the demise of Neanderthals and the emergence of modern human behaviour. Both of these enigmas can be viewed as reflecting... more
C’erano elefanti in Italia prima dell'arrivo di Pirro? E 'difficile immaginare che due o trecentomila anni fa la campagna romana era attraversato da branchi di elefanti, ma il territorio di Roma è tra i più ricchi al mondo per l’enorme... more
In addition to housing some of the oldest known rock art in the world, Daraki-Chattan is also an important Palaeolithic site because it is one of the very few Indian locations where Mode 1 (pre-Acheulian) occupation evidence has been... more
Донбасс - крупная географическая область на юге Восточной Европы. Основной водной артерией является р. Северский Донец - главный правобережный приток р. Дон. Благодаря особенностям геологической истории, Донбасс изобилует источниками... more
Tarih boyunca insanoğlunun en temel gereksinimi kuşkusuz ki beslenme ve barınma ihtiyacı olmuştur. İnsanoğlu ilk başta beslenme ihtiyacını çevresinde bulunan besin kaynaklarını toplayarak karşılamış ve sonraki süreçte avcılık ile... more
The replacement hypothesis proposes that “modern humans” evolved only in sub-Saharan Africa, through a speciation event rendering them unable to breed with other hominins. They then spread throughout Africa, then to Asia, Australia and... more
The last ten years progresses in characterization and cartography of the Mediterranean northwestern corner lithic resources open new perspectives for the study of the regional Mousterian through the development of techno-economic... more