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in M. Jufresa; F. Mestre; P. Gómez; P. Gilabert (eds.), Plutarc a la seva època: paideia i societat, Barcelona 2005, 425-430.
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      AristophanesMenanderPlutarchGreek New Comedy
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyAristophanesMenander
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      Greek ComedyMenanderGreek PapyrologyAncient Greek Literature
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      Greek ComedyMenanderNew ComedyPlautus
Este livro reúne artigos voltados ao estudo de aspectos da literatura helenística e de sua influência na produção literária posterior, abrangendo variados assuntos, tais como épica, historiografia, mimo, teatro, biografia e filosofia. A... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureMenanderNarrativeCicero
Classical Philology 112/2 (2017) 246-252, on the form ἐργαστήριον in Menander, and on the concept of 'blocking' in derivational morphology.
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      MenanderLinguisticsNew ComedyWord formation
An interpretation of Martial 10.4, arguing for a deep intertextual relationship with Greek New Comedy, and for the latter's status as a counterpoint to Alexandrian and Callimachean literary values. CQ 68/2 (2019) 603-11.
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      Greek LiteratureMenanderM. Valerius MartialisCallimachus
A Final Paper of mine, concentrated on the film of Woody Allen.
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      AristophanesMenanderFilm StudiesAristotle
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      Greek ComedyMenanderHellenistic and Roman theatreGreek New Comedy
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      MenanderAncient Greek Comedy
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      Greek ComedyMenanderPlutarchGiacomo Leopardi
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      Gender StudiesGreek LiteratureGreek ComedyHellenistic Literature
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      Greek ComedyMenanderPhilology, Codicology, Critical Edition
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    • Menander
Esistono forti legami fra scienze archeologiche e scienze filologiche, ed è chiara l’importanza che l’aspetto interdisciplinare assume in indagini lessicografiche: nei nostri studi hanno parte fondamentale non solo i dati papirologici... more
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      Greek LiteratureMenanderGreek PapyriAncient Greek Literature
Notes for my lectures on Middle and New Comedy, for an undergraduate course once taught in our department. Topics treated include: the evolution and changes of comic forms during the 4th century B.C.; themes, plots, and characters in... more
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      MenanderRoman ComedyDyskolosMiddle Comedy
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      MenanderApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
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      MenanderProverbsAncient Greek ComedyMenandro
Traducción, introducción y notas al Discolo de Menandro de Atenas. Menandro de Atenas es, después de Aristófanes, el comediógrafo griego más conocido de la Grecia antigua. No sólo tuvo éxito en vida ganando varios certámenes teatrales en... more
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      MenanderLetras Clásicas, Griego, Latín, Poesía, Teatro, Cultura ClásicaComedia NuevaMenandro
The collection of moral maxims known as the “Syriac Menander” has much in common with the new Christian educational models of the fourth–fifth centuries, which established the Bible, especially the books of Proverbs and Jesus Sirach, as... more
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      MenanderLate AntiquityGregory of NazianzusSyriac Studies
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    • Menander
Το άρθρο επιχειρεί την παράλληλη ανάγνωση του Ίωνα, της ευριπίδειας «ιλαροτραγωδίας», και των Επιτρεπόντων, της μενάνδρειας «ιδιαίτερης» κωμωδίας, η οποία αντλεί πολλά στοιχεία από την ευριπίδεια τραγωδία– και δη από τον Ίωνα, ως προς το... more
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyMenanderComparative Study
The new volume 11 (2021) of our journal, the Logeion, is now available. The contents and abstracts have been uploaded to the website of the journal ( With this volume, the Logeion is beginning its... more
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyAristophanesMenander
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      Greek ComedyMenanderTranslation
Πτυχιακή εργασία με θέμα την αττική κωμωδία στην Κυπριακή σκηνή και συγκεκριμένα τον Αριστοφάνη και τον Μένανδρο
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      AristophanesMenanderTheatre StudiesTheatre History
El presente estudio pretende identificar motivos y recursos empleados en el género de la comedia griega, sus personajes y su puesta en escena para determinar su posible influencia en los cortometrajes y películas de Charles Chaplin. Se... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanesMenander
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyMenanderMetatheatre
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyMenanderDrama
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanesMenander
This article is conceived as an introduction to questions concerning the relationship between various versions of a Buddhist text known in its Pāli variant as Milindapañha, and in its Chinese versions as Nàxiān bǐqiū jīng (那先比丘經; T 1670... more
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      BuddhismMenanderChinese BuddhismPali literature & language
This chapter on the manuscript tradition of the moral maxims (sententiae) associated with the mimographer Publilius has already appeared in the volume "Aliento. La traversée européenne des Proverbia Senecae: de Publilius Syrus à Érasme et... more
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      Latin LiteratureMenanderManuscript StudiesMime
A Statue with Many Lives. Biographies of a Hitherto Unpublished ‘Roman’ Menander from a Private Collection in Genoa Abstract: Adopting the object-biographical approach, this paper discusses a previously unpublished statue from a private... more
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      MenanderRoman SculptureBiography of ObjectsGreek and Roman Portraiture
IT: La mia tesi di laurea triennale si concentra sul problema del Sicionio di Menandro: ad un'introduzione sul periodo storico di Menandro seguono un testo greco con traduzione e apparato critico, un commento ai principali problemi... more
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      Greek LiteratureMenanderClassical philologyGreek Philology
"Hellenistic oratory remains an elusive subject as not one Greek speech has survived from the end of the fourth century BC until the beginning of the first century AD. This collection of fourteen interdisciplinary essays offers a... more
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      Greek ComedyHellenistic LiteratureMenanderRoman Drama
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      Greek ComedyMenanderHistory of MedicineGreek Theatre
Although new inscriptions have surfaced in the last twenty years, providing valuable information on the chronology of the early kings of Central Asia and North-West India and the important events associated with their reigns, the... more
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      MenanderCoin HoardsBactria, Hellenism, Indo-GreeksAzes era
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      MenanderNew Comedy
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryAristophanesMenander
This thesis is strictly focused on the Theravāda Pāli "Milindapañha" (Chinese Translation-Nāgasena Bhiksu Sūtra"), mainly recorded in the middle of the second century BC, about five hundred years after The Buddha’s parinirvāna.... more
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      BuddhismGreek LiteratureMenanderPali
The fragments of Alexis’ comedy Agonis or Hippiskos suggest a scenario based on a love intrigue: a young man is in love with a hetaira (presumably the title-heroine Agonis) but is impeded by a foreigner (a rival or a pimp); he therefore... more
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      MenanderNew ComedyMiddle ComedyAncient Greek Comedy
In the following pages I will consider the existing comic fragments related to Sappho, the poetess from Lesbos.2 My aim is to challenge the scholars who have claimed that Sappho was ridiculed in the comic... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureMenander
According to main studies, Phaon’s figure was somehow connected to the Aphrodite’s cultural sphere: it was thought to be a solar figure related to Adonis and Phaeton who in turn, were likely to be inserted in aphroditic contexts. This... more
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      ArchaeologyClassicsLatin LiteratureMenander
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      Greek ComedyMenander
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      MenanderGnomic literatureTextual TransmissionMenandri Sententiae
Sepulchral epigrams of poets, in the Palatine Anthology, frequently use paradoxical rhetoric to underline the dead poet’s greatness, in contrast to the smallness of what remains of him after his death. If the rhetorical features are... more
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      HomerMenanderGreek and Latin EpigramSophocles
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      Greek TragedyMenanderGreek TheatreAeschylus
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      MenanderAncient Greek RhetoricGreek PapyrologyEuripides
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      Greek ComedyMenanderAncient Greek LiteratureAspis