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Un ouvrage collectif coordonné par Anne-Marie BRISEBARRE, Pablo VIDAL GONZÁLEZ, Guillaume LEBAUDY (Cardère ed., Coll. Hors les drailles) 184 pages. 18 articles de divers contributeurs : anthropologues et ethnologues, réalisatrice,... more
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      Cultural HistoryHuman GeographyPhotographyCultural Heritage
Chaque jour, la presse se fait l'écho d'incidents ou d'accidents aériens, d'exploits d'aviateurs et d'aviatrices, et de constructions d'engins volants plus gros, plus rapides et plus sûrs. L'aviation, balbutiante avant la guerre, est... more
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      Aviation History (Transport History)Marocco
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesMoroccan Studies
L'articolo presenta la didattica dell'italiano Ls in Marocco.
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      MaroccoItaliano LS
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic StudiesSufismContemporary Sufism
This article reports on the existence of bolstered stone blocks in the Islamic architecture of Spain and Morocco. It especially describes the findings of the Almohad period at Seville (Giralda tower) and Rabat (Al-Hassan minaret). This... more
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      Islamic' ArchitectureHistory of ConstructionMedieval SpainAlmohad Empire
1.8.1. Il mondo arabo: la popolazione, il territorio, le lingue, L'espressione "mondo arabo" ha una connotazione di tipo politico e sta a indicare i paesi che hanno l'arabo come lingua ufficiale dello stato, fatto imprescindibile al fine... more
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      MaroccoItaliano L2Didattica dell'italiano L2
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      Social GeographyUrban GeographyMarocco
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      MoroccoMaghreb studiesMarocMarocco
The Mezora cromlech, located in northern Morocco, has been the object of our studies for the last three years. It concerns an excavated site studied for almost two centuries in the traditional Archaeology manner. A series of expeditions... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMegalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)
a research paper based on interviews based in Meknes, Morocco. the problematic of the research was to discover the effective uses of Marrocan,Arab and French in Morocco , involving in this research different strata of the Maroccan society... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsAccessibilityArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesAfrican StudiesEuropean Studies
The task to reshape governments in the countries confronted with the Arab Spring prompts the question whether there are necessary conditions to realize a stable society that simultaneously seeks to eliminate the elements that have led to... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologySocial ChangeSocial Theory
La réalité géopolitique du Maghreb suppose d’analyser l’ensemble de ses composantes démographiques, économiques et politiques, antérieures et postérieures à l’indépendance. La géographie physique et humaine, ainsi que l’histoire... more
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      ReligionDemographyAfrican StudiesInternational Relations
The exhibition includes some three hundred objects, most of them displayed to the public for the first time, opening up the world of Ibn Battuta, following the route of his travels (1325-1354) and presenting different aspects of life with... more
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      Historical GeographyIslamic LawAestheticsMedieval Literature
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      TransnationalismCitizenshipMaroccoDual Nationality
Maroc Festival National des Arts Populaires archive photos by Paola Ghirotti, 2022 Nei primi anni Duemila la fotografa Paola Ghirotti per molti mesi ha percorso il Regno del Marocco per lavoro, un nutrito archivio fotografico in... more
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      MusicHorse cultureDance and AestheticsPhotobook
More than two hundreds dipictions of engraved charriots
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      Rock ArtHorsesMaroccoRock Engravings
revolution of arab countries, insights.
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      International RelationsSocial SciencesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyDemocratization
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      Arabic PhilosophyArab worldArabic Culture, Contemporary Arabic StudiesMarocco
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesMoroccoMaghreb studies
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      Gender StudiesTechnologyGenderSocial Innovation
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      Islamic LawMoroccan StudiesIslam and Human RightsApostasy
Quand débute la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Jean Vaugien est un tout jeune officier à la tête d’un goum, une unité composée de berbères marocains. Il mène brillamment cette unité pendant les campagnes d'Italie, de Provence et des Vosges. Il... more
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      Second World WarItalyMarocMarocco
Resumen: La guerra de Ifni-Sáhara (1957-1958) fue el último conflicto colonial español. Sin embargo, durante los meses que precedieron al estallido de las hostilidades se sucedieron toda una serie de acontecimientos que evi-denciaron la... more
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      CensuraMaroccoLibertà Di StampaKing Hassan II
Tradcraft, Periodical of the Scientific board of Military Security Office, 2010, Special Issue, 76-94 oldal,
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
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      Social GeographyMaroccoCircus
This study identifies the main current vulnerabilities of local and regional authorities (LRAs) in Southern Mediterranean countries regarding public procurement and public services, and provides a systematic assessment of priority avenues... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceRegional and Local GovernanceGovernanceIsrael/Palestine
Some few drawings of bovids with particular style and method of engraving
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      Pre-Historic RockartMaroccoEngravingsBovids
The karst Tabular Middle Atlas Causses reservoir is the main drinking-water supply of Fez-Meknes region (Saïs Basin) in Morocco. Recent analyses showed a decline in associated groundwater chemical quality and increased turbidity. To... more
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      Stable Isotope GeochemistryConceptual ModellingKarst hydrogeologyHydrogeology, Hydrochemistry
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      Islamic ArtIslamic art historyArchitectural Decoration-BauornamentikMarocco
La casa sottosopra Riflessioni sul potenziamento e depotenziamento di un luogo Casa-interiorità-lotta-confinamento La casa è il riposo, i buoni sentimenti, quattro mura dentro cui nessuno ti può vedere. Zohra, autunno 2018, quartiere di... more
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      CasaDidattica a DistanzaMaroccoTanger
The discovery of a new genus and species of gavialoid at the Danian–Thanetian boundary, in the Oulad Abdoun Basin of Morocco, is consistent with an African origin of Gavialoidea. Argochampsa krebsi, n.g. n.sp., exhibits a particular shape... more
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      AfricaCrocodyliansVertebrate PaleontologyCrocodyliformes
Articoli di DANILO CARUSO sulla rivista InStoria
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      PeronismStoria RomanaStoriaMarocco
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      Social GeographyMigrationMarocco
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      ArcheometriaMaroccoGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Organisé par la Société d'Histoire des Juifs de Tunisie, en partenariat avec l'UMR Framespa (UMR 5136), le Groupe Sociétés, religions, laïcités (UMR 8582) et la bibliothèque de l'AIU
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      Jewish StudiesFrench HistoryFrench StudiesJewish History
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      Cultural GeographySocial GeographyMarocco
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial TheoryPostcolonial LiteratureSouth African Literature
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      HistoryCuban StudiesWar StudiesSpanish History
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      Postcolonial StudiesGlobal citiesPostcolonial TheoryPostcolonial Literature
Saggio storico di DANILO CARUSO / Palermo, novembre 2014 INDICE Introduzione pag. 1 1. Caruso di Sicilia pag. 3 2. L’Alhambra di Granada pag. 8 3. Xenia di San Pietroburgo pag. 11 4. Il vecchio Wembley Stadium pag. 13 5. La... more
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      Russian StudiesRegnum SiciliaeRussian HistoryRussian Orthodoxy
Tra i Paesi del Maghreb, il Marocco è l'unico ad aver mantenuto la struttura tradizionale monarchica. Come si combina la presenza del re, con un'autorità anche religiosa, con una Costituzione che si richiama alle Carte Costituzionali dei... more
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      Political ScienceMoroccoDiritto Costituzionale ComparatoMarocco
Riassunto Attilio Mastino, Un decurione dell'ala. III Asturum, praepositus castelli Tamudensis, in una nuova dedica a Giove nel dies natalis di Settimio Severo, p. 247-270. Tra le rovine dell'accampamento militare di Tamuda (oggi Suiar,... more
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      AfricaLatin EpigraphyMarocco
This paper investigates code switching between MA and English that is used by semester six students of the English department at Moulay Ismail university from a linguistic perspective. This study includes 16 utterances that were collected... more
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      SyntaxCode-SwitchingMorphosyntaxArabic Syntax
Il numero 222 (aprile -giugno 2021) di Studi Emigrazione si propone di illustrare diversi aspetti delle migrazioni odierne, prestando particolare attenzione a quelle in entrata o in uscita dalla Penisola. Un primo blocco di sei articoli... more
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      ArgentinaFootballTunisiaSex Trafficking
Iran’s goal in its activity in the Western Sahara is to subvert Morocco, a moderate Sunni state, as part of the Iranian regime’s policy of spreading the Shi’ite revolution.
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism