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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismLabour Movements
This book offers an in-depth overview of Turkish history and politics essential for understanding contemporary Turkey. It presents an analysis on a number of key issues from gender inequality to Islamism to urban regeneration. Based on... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial PolicyIndustrial RelationsLabour history
This article attributes the crisis in Zimbabwe and the privation of the Zimbabwean people to two malignant factors; the political authoritarianism of the Mugabe regime and the neoliberalism evident in the structural adjustment programme... more
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      ZimbabweLabour MovementsLabor Organizing and Worker's Rights
From Aristotle to social contract theory, contract doctrine has been through transformations, and by the 18th century, it had developed the principle that the state should not interfere with individual contract freedom. As the Industrial... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesHistory of Political ThoughtRepresentation TheoryLabour Movements
The Norwegian folk dance revival can be seen as two continuous parallel threads that, without absolute breaks, began around 1900 and continue to the present day. Many discourses in the histories of various movements have argued the... more
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      NationalismCultural PoliticsEuropean UnionFolk dance
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      Labour LawLabour Movementsthe International Labour Organization (ILO)
Aim of the paper is to give a critical overview on how work and labour have been conceptualized within the heterogeneous degrowth discourse. While degrowth has articulated a sophisticated critique of capitalistic growth not only from an... more
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      CommonsEcofeminismDeGrowthLabour Movements
The anti-colonial movement in French India has invoked much less scholarly interest than that of British India. In French India, anti-colonial resistance came out through the trade union movement of handloom and textile workers under the... more
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      Trade unionismPondicherryLabour MovementsAnti-Colonialism
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      Galician StudiesAnarchismCommunismHistory of Sociability
This research report has been produced in the context of a project entitled ‘The definition of worker in the platform economy’ (CES/FSA/09/2020), which was commissioned by the workers’ group of the European Economic and Social Committee.... more
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      European Labour LawLabour MovementsEmployment/Labour LawGig Economy
Η παρούσα εργασία επιχειρεί να παρουσιάσει τους βασικούς σταθμούς στην ανάπτυξη του εργατικού και συνδικαλιστικού κινήματος από τα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα ως και τα μισά του 20ου αιώνα. Η χρονική περίοδος που εξετάζεται, ξεκινάει από την... more
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      Labour historySocial Movements (Political Science)Modern Greek HistoryTrade unions
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabour historyLabour StudiesChinese Politics
PL Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie rozwoju polskiego ruchu anarchistycznego w okresie od XIX w. do I wojny światowej, jak również wykazanie jego specyfiki na tle ruchu anarchistycznego Europy Zachodniej. Autor w pierwszym... more
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      AnarchismHistory of AnarchismHistory of Political Thoughthistory of Poland
This book was published in 1999. It is an account of the Thai Labour Movement, covering traditions and history and the response to the 1997 economic crisis.
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      ThailandThai HistoryTrade unionsEconomic Crisis
Comparison of the Marxist concept of ideological superstructure in the work of Antonio Gramsci (Italy) and Mao Tse-Tung (China) as communist revolutionaries acting in separate settings.
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      Social MovementsPolitical IdeologyLabour Movements
The paper examines, within the framework of historical sociology, a potential relationship between lack of innovations in India’s brick-kiln production and the existence of bonded labour and caste-based division of labour. The technology... more
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      Social MovementsHistorical SociologySlaveryColonialism
El nacimiento y desarrollo de las Comisiones Obreras en la ciudad de Zaragoza durante el franquismo y su relación con el movimiento obrero del resto del país es un punto clave a la hora de entender la transición a la democracia en España.... more
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      Social HistoryComunismoFranquismoLabour Movements
This dissertation investigates the internal struggles within the labour movement in Dalarna at the beginning of the twentieth century. I investigate Social Democracy, Anarcho-Syndicalism and Communism, the three major factions of the... more
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The intensification of global economic integration, the consolidation of power in multinational enterprises and the increase in the financialization and marketization of politics and of everyday life has undermined the post-war settlement... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsSociology of WorkIndustrial Relations
This article investigates "Rotten Prods" (Protestants) through an archival and historiographical survey of the shipyard expulsions of the summer of 1920. The historical background to the "insult" is discussed, as is racial violence in... more
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      CommunismIrish HistoryBritish and Irish HistorySectarianism
ITC technologies have come to comprehensively represent images and expectations of the future. Hopes of ongoing progress, economic growth, skill upgrading and possibly also democratisation are attached to new ICTs as well as fears of... more
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      Economic SociologySocial MovementsLabor EconomicsDigital Humanities
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      Political EconomyLabour Party (UK)Foreign Policy AnalysisBritish Politics
Discutiremos o anarquismo e os movimentos sociais no Brasil, por meio de uma abordagem ampla, que busca apreender os grandes aspectos que marcaram o longo período de 110 anos compreendido entre 1903 e 2013.
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      Social MovementsAnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistória do Brasil
Οι κομμουνιστικές και συνδικαλιστικές οργανώσεις του Μεσοπολέμου ακολούθησαν διαδοχικά πολιτικές πολύ διαφορετικές μεταξύ τους. Η Καπνεργατική Ομοσπονδία Ελλάδας (ΚΟΕ) υπό την επιρροή του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος Ελλάδας (ΚΚΕ) αρχικά... more
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      Modern Greek HistoryInterwar Period HistoryHistory of CommunismLabour Movements
The age of global neoliberalism has created a crisis for traditional unionism, yet the belief that labour movements have been fundamentally undermined is spurious. Neoliberal globalisation has created a new operating context for labour,... more
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      Social MovementsSocial Movement UnionismSocial Movements in/and the Global SouthLabour Movements
Di Nunzio D., 2022, Ricerca-intervento e azione sindacale: teoria, metodo e esperienze per un modello adattivo, Working Paper Fondazione Di Vittorio, n.2. *** L’articolo presenta alcune riflessioni teoriche e metodologiche sul rapporto... more
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      Sociology of WorkAction ResearchResearch MethodologyTrade unions
Os arquivos pessoais ganharam um maior destaque na prática arquivística, sobretudo em algumas instituições. O Centro de Documentação e Pesquisa da Cultura das Esquerdas na Argentina (CeDInCI) preserva fundos de pessoas com diversas... more
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      Labour MovementsPersonal and Family ArchivesMovimiento obreroArchivos Personales
Vilka grupper är det som demonstrerar första maj, avseende ålder, kön, klass, sysselsättning, utbildningsnivå, födelseland och facklig tillhörighet? Är de som demonstrerar på första maj partimedlemmar? Och vilka motiv anger... more
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      Social DemocracyLabour MovementsMay DayLeft Wing Parties
The essays in this collection present research on national, class, and gender identities in the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe being conducted by researchers based at the Institute of Contemporary History, Södertörn University,... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGender StudiesContemporary HistoryIdentity (Culture)
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      GlobalizationPoliticsGender and WorkWork and Labour
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      Future StudiesLabour historyTheory of HistorySocial History
Literary scholars have long searched for an unambiguous concept of working-class literature. This article tries a new approach: not based on a new classificatory concept but on a wider scope for new types of texts. Thus, conceiving of... more
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      ChristianityWorking-Class LiteratureGenre TheoryLabour Movements
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      Habsburg StudiesLabour Movements
This dissertation focuses on the evaluation of the obstacles on the way towards a militant and democratic, grassroots trade unionism. Therefore, it is an ethnography of trade union organising. At a general level this study deals with... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical EconomyEtnographyLabour Movements
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsManagementPolitical EconomySociology of Work
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      Social PolicyHousingSocialismVienna
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      Jewish StudiesViolencePolitical Violence and TerrorismJewish History
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      Labour MovementsFoxconnChinese Labour
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEuropean Studies
Anarchist activists in Western Friuli
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      AnarchismLabour MovementsHistory of Friuli Venezia GiuliaWorkers Movement
1980 nyarán Lengyelországra figyelt a világ. A munkások, az értelmiségiek, a parasztok és a diákok összefogva, együtt léptek fel az államszocialista rendszer egyeduralkodó pártjával szemben és létrehozták a Szolidaritás Független... more
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesSoviet HistoryContemporary History
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      World War IISocialismDocumentary FilmCultural power and resistance
The history of first Peoples Hauses in Western Friuli
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      Labour MovementsPeoples Houses
Aquest treball dels historiadors osonencs Joan Torrents i Gerard Vallejo pretén ser un punt de partida per a futures investigacions històriques al voltant del moviment cooperativista a la Catalunya Central. Es tracta d’un compendi... more
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      CooperativesHistoria SocialLabour MovementsWorker Cooperatives
In this Master Thesis, we analyse the role of Marcus Thrane and his workers union in the 19th century Norway and how they have contributed to the preparation of the basis for a modern-day democracy and the creation of political parties in... more
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      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical Philosophy
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      Economic GrowthCapitalismMarxist theoryGramsci
Generalni štrajk u Osijeku iz 1905. godine, proizašao iz demonstracija stolara tvornice Kaiser i Povischil koji su nastojali izboriti povišicu plaće za deset posto te redukciju radnog vremena na deset sati, buknuo je u vrijeme kada je... more
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    • Labour Movements
In this paper I want to investigate whether EU migration should be viewed in terms of collective action and a social movement or an individual act of resistance. Furthermore, as migrants’ class character is heterogeneous yet underlies the... more
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      Social MovementsInternational MigrationMigration StudiesTransnational migration
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      Trade unionismLabour MovementsEurozone crisisPolitical Strikes
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish History