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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySettlement Patterns
Sintetica biografia della vita e dell'attività politica di M. Bruto. Capitolo I, tratto da "La fortuna letteraria di Bruto cesaricida fino all'età augustea".
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      CiceroJulius CaesarMarcus AntoniusMarcus Iunius Brutus
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryClassicsRoman History
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectural HistoryHistory of Art
Version 5.0: expanded, slightly reorganized and with extra notes. Please let me know if you find this sourcebook useful.
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      Roman HistoryOpen Source/Open Access and LibrariesRoman DramaEmperor Nero
"The Star of the Magi" explores a new chronology of Jesus, based upon historical considerations of Nikos Kokkinos' that prove that John the Baptist died in 35 CE. Since Jesus' ministry is subsequent to that of John's, his own death... more
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      ZoroastrianismCometsJulius CaesarProphecy and Apocalypticism
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      Cato the YoungerJulius CaesarCiceronian Invective
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySettlement Patterns
This was my second published article, in a graduate student journal called Past Imperfect (Vol. 15, 2009) out of the University of Alberta. The published version can be found at:... more
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      Roman RepublicCalendarsJulius CaesarAncient Astronomy and Calendars
Analisi del rapporto di amicizia e politico fra M. Bruto e Cicerone, in particolare attraverso una puntuale analisi delle opere dell'Arpinate e di come queste veicolarono il mito di Bruto quale tirannicida. Capitolo II, tratto da "La... more
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      CiceroJulius CaesarM. Junius Brutus
Jeg diskuterer hvordan absolutt ablativ konstrueres og kan tolkes i Caesars de bello Gallico I
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      Latin Language and LiteratureJulius CaesarLatin GrammarAbsolute ablative
Estudio sobre la aristocracia romana del siglo I a.C. y su comportamiento ante la crisis republicana y la actitud de Julio César.
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      Roman RepublicJulius CaesarRoman aristocracy
""""“Barbatuli iuvenes”. Political Activity of Young Roman Aristocrats during the so-called First Triumvirate. On the turn of the 60’s B.C. we could notice a political activity of young men in their twenties who were often termed in... more
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      Late Roman RepublicPompey the GreatJulius CaesarLate Roman Aristocracies
Thucydides was perhaps the most influential historian in antiquity; his work inspired countless subsequent authors. In the past decade, interest in the connection between Julius Caesar’s commentaries and Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War has... more
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      ThucydidesJulius CaesarStasisRoman Civil Wars
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      Roman HistoryRoman RepublicRoman EmpireLate Roman Republic
Violence in Roman warfare is certainly not a myth. But until recently, historians have understood violence in terms of their own standards instead of considering the thresholds of Roman sensibilities. Within the framework of the “histoire... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryRoman History
Romans Never Surrender, or do they? The Crisis facing Cotta and Sabinus at BC 5.26-37 This paper will be read at CAMWS-SS on 28 Oct. 2016. I welcome suggestions, since it is incomplete at the moment. Not surprisingly the Romans... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman GaulJulius CaesarPOWs in the Ancient World
History contains many accounts of speeches given by civic and military leaders before large crowds prior to the invention of electronic amplification. Historians have debated the historical accuracy of these accounts, often making some... more
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      Military HistoryAcousticsJulius CaesarArchaeoacoustics
Julius Caesar, one of the protagonists of Lucan’s Pharsalia, disappears from the scene for a long time after the Battle of Pharsalus. He reappears at the end of Book 9, when he pays a visit to the ruined city of Troy. The function and the... more
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      Civil WarLucanAeneidEpic poetry
In Caesar's Civil War: Historical Reality and Fabrication, Westall combines literary analysis of Caesar's Bellum Civile with a concern for the socioeconomic history of the Roman empire. The Bellum Gallicum and the Shakespearean play are... more
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      Roman HistoryHistoriographyCaesar (Classics)Socio Economics
The issue of audience targeting is crucial in studies of contemporary propaganda. Meanwhile, it is usually ignored in analysis of Roman propaganda despite the fact that studies of ancient rhetoric clearly shows that speakers were well... more
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      Visual propagandaPropagandaCivil Wars (Roman Republic)Roman coins
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      LucanClassical philologyClassical Reception StudiesJulius Caesar
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      ShakespeareFascismBenito MussoliniJulius Caesar
JULIO CÉSAR: O CALVO ADÚLTERO O legado do grande Imperador Romano, que ultrapassou gerações, tem características curiosas REINALDO JOSÉ LOPES E JOSEANE PEREIRA PUBLICADO EM 20/05/2019, ÀS 08H00 250 None Crédito: Wikimedia Commons Muita... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryHistoria AntigaJulius Caesar
La sospecha sobre la incorrecta traducción que se venía haciendo del fundamental texto sobre Mérida de Dión Casio, LIII, 26, 1 (al.ed. LIII, 25, 8, cf. infra, nº 3) me asaltó en 1986 gracias al préstamo, por mi buen amigo Michael Blech,... more
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman Provincial ArchaeologyAugustusJulius Caesar
An atlas of maps to accompany primary source readings in Ancient and Medieval Warfare, including the siege of Syracuse during the Peloponnesian War, the battle of Cynoscephalae, the Granicus, the Jugurthan War, Caesar's Gallic and Civil... more
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      Civil Wars (Roman Republic)The Hundred Years WarAncient WarfareMedieval Warfare
"Una volta finita la battaglia, allora sì che avresti potuto comprendere con lo sguardo quanto grandi fossero state l’audacia e la forza d’animo nell’esercito di Catilina. Infatti, quasi la stessa posizione che ognuno, da vivo, aveva... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsRoman History
El libro parte de la imposibilidad de ofrecer una biografía de César, en el sentido propio del término, ante la falta de documentación esencial. Sólo podemos asistir al derrumbamiento de la vieja República y localizar en ese convulso... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawRoman RepublicCaesar (Classics)
In “The Armstrong and Nuffler Heads and the Portraiture of Julius Caesar, Livia, and Antonia Minor,” John Pollini discusses two little known basalt portraits of high quality. The Armstrong Head, representing an older male, may be an... more
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      Julius CaesarLiviaRoman ArtAlexandria
Agrippa's Pantheon remains the subject of lively debates. A much-discussed passage is found in Cassius Dio's Roman History (53.27.2-3), which is most often treated as a stand-alone, self-explanatory whole. However, in order to be... more
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      Roman ReligionTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Cassius DioRoman Empire
Resumo: Apresenta-se a tradução anotada da Defesa de Ligário, de Marco Túlio Cícero, precedida de uma introdução que explicita o contexto do discurso e as estratégias persuasivas do orador.
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      CiceroJulius CaesarSociété Internationale des Amis de CicéronCiceronian Eloquence
En el siguiente trabajo se presentará el análisis de las obras Julio César y Othello de William Shakespeare partiendo de la problemática de la elocuencia y el manejo del discurso como disparadores de la acción en las tragedias. Se... more
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      European StudiesEnglish LiteratureShakespeareJulius Caesar
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      Roman HistoryComics and Graphic NovelsJulius Caesar
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      Roman RepublicRoman political cultureCivil Wars (Roman Republic)Augustan Principate
The inseparable relationship between the cult of Dionysus and politics in antiquity emerged as early as in archaic poleis and continued to evolve until late-antique times. Surprisingly enough, most monographs dealing with Greek and Roman... more
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      Religion and PoliticsRoman ReligionFriedrich NietzscheAncient Greek Religion
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      Roman HistoryCivil Wars (Roman Republic)Historia AntigaJulius Caesar
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      Ancient RomeJulius CaesarRoman Conquest of Gaul
Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more
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      HistoryAncient HistorySociologyLaw
When the Early Imperial Roman writers imagined the cultural processes taking place in the newly-conquered Gaul, they frequently had recourse to a rhetoric that can appear strikingly similar to some later, colonial narratives of... more
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      Latin LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesColonialismSubaltern
We present the historical context and the first results of the field survey of the Caesarian battlefields around Ulia/Montemayor, and the excavation of the Iberian Iron Age chariot mor wagon from Cerro de la Horca (Montemayor).
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyConflict ArchaeologyRoman military history Le jour où César provoqua la chute de la République romaine « Alea jacta est ». L’expression est désormais entrée dans le langage courant pour évoquer une décision irrévocable :... more
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      HistoryClassicsRoman HistoryCivil War
Het museum moet worden gezien als het medium van het geheugen. Dat betoogt Wim Hupperetz, directeur van het Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam, in zijn oratie als bijzonder hoogleraar Nederlandse Cultuurgeschiedenis. Er moet meer... more
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      Media StudiesMuseum StudiesMemory StudiesEdfu
[Open access] The first part of a three-part study.
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      History and Classical tradition studiesThe Classical TraditionClassical Reception StudiesTacitus
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Two well-known icons of modern French culture: the Gauloise cigarette packet and the Asterix strip cartoon. Why is the former, in effect, a right-wing nationalist symbol, but the latter, to generalize a little, a left-wing version? To... more
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      Roman HistoryFrench HistoryClassical Reception StudiesRoman Gaul
Throughout his life, Caesar did not simply seize opportunities that presented themselves; he also created his own opportunities and forged his own path to power and glory. Caesar was an intelligent, ambitious and charismatic man. He was... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoryWar Studies
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      Roman RepublicIron Age Britain (Archaeology)Roman military historyCaesar (Classics)
Campaigns of Germanicus, AD 13-16 describes briefly the campaigns, joint and combined ops., tactics, strategy, foreign policy, espionage, intelligence gathering, and strategy between ca. 60 BC and AD 150 with particular focus on... more
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      Military IntelligenceTactics (Military Science)Naval Tactics (Military Science)Roman History
In 2015, Polis—The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities held an international conference on Hellenistic Egypt's most famous center of scholarship and learning. The interdisciplinary event gathered historians, archaeologists,... more
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      Library ScienceHellenistic HistoryAncient ScienceBiblical Studies