Jewish Liturgy
Recent papers in Jewish Liturgy
This article traces the narrative source of Avinu Malkenu (Our Father, Our King) through two stories in the Babylonian Talmud, and one in the Jerusalem Talmud. By examining these stories, we can gain clarity on the purpose of this prayer... more
During the fifteenth century Jewish litrugical texts and customs were reconsidered by rabbis living in Austria, Moravia, and neighbouring countries. The writings of two famous rabbis that were active in Brno for some time during the... more
The article is devoted to an examination of the relations between the payytanic epithet (Heb. Kinnuy) and figurative language in Pre-Classical Piyyut (ca. fourth-fifth centuries CE). The poets used epithets when they did not wish to call... more
BUKOVEC, Predrag: Die Vergleichende Liturgiewissenschaft. Eine kleine Einführung anlässlich der englischsprachigen Ausgabe eines Baumstark'schen Klassikers, in: Bibel und Liturgie 88 (2015) 125–128
(שימו לב - ניתן להוריד את המאמר גם אם לא ניתן לקרוא אותו על המסך) קריאה של מאות רבות של פיוטים שנכתבו על ידי יהודים שחיו במרחבים מוסלמים מאז ראשית האסלאם ועד היום, מראה תמונה חד משמעית של איבה קשה כלפי המסולמים וציפייה שהא-ל יקח מהם... more
This paper examines the liturgical placement, meaning and significance of the poem Yedid Nefesh. I will first discuss its composition and entry into the siddur in various locations and then analyze it based on some of the other writings... more
רבי דוד בן רבי יהושע הנגיד, האחרון לשושלת הנגידים שהתחילה ברמב"ם, היה סופר פורה. עד כה פורסם רק חיבור אחד שלו, "מורה הפרישות ומדריך הפשיטות", על ידי יוסף פנטון, שהניח גם את אבני היסוד בזיהוי חיבוריו האחרים. כאן מתפרסמת התחלת פירושו של רבי... more
It is now Leonard Cohen's fifth yahrzeit and, though there has been a myriad of commemorative articles since "closing time," as he would have referred to it, there is always room for another look at his Jewish legacy. Just as the ending... more
The music that the Jewish community of Tangier, Morocco, claims as its heritage is divided by clear gendered boundaries. The music of communal ritual that dominates the public sphere of liturgical practice in the synagogue is performed... more
Si esamina la storia della pianta basilicale della chiesa cristiana, derivata dalla sinagoga, con lo sviluppo della chiesa siriaca che colloca il bema al centro della navata. La genesi di questa struttura consente di mettere a fuoco i... more
Resumen. En este artículo se trata sobre la controvertida cuestión del origen de la amidá, principal oración del servicio religioso judío, en el contexto de creación de la liturgia rabínica tras la destrucción del Templo de Jerusalén en... more
The Mourner’s Kaddish is seared in the mind of so many Jews as a familiar yet mysterious prayer that is taken with the utmost seriousness. In this essay, I will examine three myths of the modern American experience of reciting the prayer,... more
Liturgical music played an important role in the consolidation of the distinct cultural identity of the Portuguese Jewish community of Amsterdam and by extension of most of the Western Sephardi centres that sprung out from it. This paper... more
The most important book of Jewish theology is the prayer book, or siddur. And, within the siddur, the most important Jewish theology of redemption is displayed in the daily morning prayer service, or shacharit. Before offering a careful... more
פירוש על זמר קה אכסוף מהרה"ק רבי אהרן מקארלין זצוק"ל שחיבר נכדו הרה"ק רבי שלום פרלוב מקודיניוב זצ"ל אבד"ק ברהין
מהדורה ניסויית של פרק אחד של הבבלי כשלצידו המקבילות בתלמוד הירושלמי. במהדורה זו מציגים את הסוגיות זו מול זו, וכבר לימדונו רבותינו זיכרונם לברכה שבנושאים אלו 'טוב מראה עיניים ממראה מקום' (ר"ש ליברמן, תלמודה של קיסרין). כדי להצמיד את... more
The apparent absence of Shabbat-specific language in Psalm 92 has long puzzled scholars. An understanding of the psalm’s appropriateness for Shabbat emerges when it is read in the Temple context. Its themes of victory, enthronement, the... more
תקציר במאמר זה שחזור נרחב של ההקשרים הספרותיים והגיאו-תרבותיים של ויכוחים המתועדים בקטע גניזה, ועוסקים בשאלת זהותו של אליהו ותיאורו כפינחס הקנאי. ויכוחים אלו התעוררו בבית כנסת בעקבות אמירת פיוטי הבדלה, ובמאמר אנו מצביעים על עליית מעמדו של... more
תופעה חריגה בתהליך גלגולי הטעמים. בחבלי הארץ המרכיבים את אוקראינה של ימינו וסביבתה בוקובינה, גליציה, מורביה וחלק מרוסיה, התבצרה מסורת של קריאה בטעמי המקרא המקובלים בגרמניה. סקירה נרחבת על מקור הטעמים והתפשטותם ועל הסיבה בה הם כונו "טעמי... more
Introduction to a special volume of Jewish History about Sefer Hasidim
This paper seeks to interpret the liturgical role of a rare form of horizontal scrolls found in the Cairo Genizah. These liturgical fragments all share a unique combination of features: the scrolls follow the Palestinian textual and... more
Bibliography and Developments in Progressive Jewish Liturgy, 1967-2015 After the complete bibliography of prayer books and liturgical material used in European congregations this article analyses the changes and specific developments in... more
An analysis of Jewish responses to the liturgical challenges created by the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, focused on a comparison of three Boston-area synagogues, Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform.
How do Jews pray and why? What do the prayers mean? From where did this liturgy come and what challenges does it face today? Such questions and many more, spanning the centuries and continents, have driven the study of Jewish liturgy. But... more
The AIDS epidemic tragically caused the death of millions of people. This article examines the role that the American Reform Jewish community fulfilled in responding to HIV/AIDS in the 1980s, and what lasting effects, if any, these... more
Book of Mercy is a book of 50 prose-poem prayers published by Leonard Cohen in 1984. In this lecture, delivered in Krakow in 2010, I explore Jewish liturgical, Kabbalistic and Hassidic themes which occur in the book.
Throughout generations, various prayers have been composed to express religious and cultural experiences of the Jewish community, such as holidays life-cycle and national tragedies. However, some social issues, such as sexual assault,... more
The five centuries of the Second Temple era mark a significant transition from Israelite religion to the emergence of practices that would characterize Judaism as it developed after the fall of the Temple. Rituals of circumcision, the... more
Jewish Bible Quarterly 44:3 (2016): 190-196.
This paper seeks to uncover the relationship between psalms and the Weekday Amidah. It proposes a reading of the Amidah as a rabbinic psalm (or set of psalms).
This paper seeks to uncover the relationship between psalms and the Weekday Amidah. It proposes a reading of the Amidah as a rabbinic psalm (or set of psalms).
This is a brief overview and discussion in the context of Jewish Music studies. It is also applicable and potentially of interest to Christian (and other) thinkers with interests in music and Scripture as well as culture.
The papers published in this volume were presented at an international conference organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology of the University of Oslo and held at SOAS, University of London, from 5-7 November 2018. The... more