History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Recent papers in History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Публикация переписки выдающихся русских ориенталистов - академика Н.И. Конрада и Б.Б. Вахтина. Затрагивается широкий спектр вопросов российской ориенталистики и истории науки
This article is a revised version of Chapter 5 (entitled “French in Diplomacy and Other Official Domains”) of Derek Offord, Vladislav Rjéoutski, and Gesine Argent, The French Language in Russia: A Social, Political, Cultural, and Literary... more
Монография посвящена историку, ректору Московского университета, академику Вячеславу Петровичу Волгину (1879–1962). Выпускник историко-филологического факультета, революционер, публицист после Октябрьской революции стал непосредственным... more
This paper is devoted to an analysis of the first French language manual ever printed in Russia, the New French Grammar (Новая французская грамматика, Saint Petersburg, 1752) by V. E. Teplov. We provide a brief overview of Teplov’s... more
Настоящая публикация посвящена творчеству видного государственного деятеля России елизаветинского и екатерининского времени Г. Н. Теплова, ярко проявившего себя в музыке и изобразительном искусстве. Статья представляет собой исправленную... more
D. G. Messerschmidts wotjakische Materialien. Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, Dezember 1726. Der deutsche Gelehrte Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt (1685-1735), war der erste westeuropäische Erforscher Sibiriens, des Urals und des europäischen... more
История исследований древней Южной Аравии в России и в СССР насчитывает чуть более столетия. Совершенно новый этап в развитии сабеистики в СССР начался со стартом работ Советско-Йеменской комплексной экспедиции (СОЙКЭ). Деятельность... more
Summary in English The book describes the earliest history of tsar Peters Kunstkamera. It explaines why Peter needed a Kunstkamera. What the function of Kunstkamera's was in Peters time. Why Peter bought two big naturalia collections for... more
В коллективной монографии на архивных материалах освещены важные аспекты взаимодействия государственной власти Российской империи и Императорской Санкт-Петербургской Академии наук с момента ее основания до 1917 г. Публикуемый онлайн... more
How does science move between cultures? This thesis explores the introduction of science into Russia in the eighteenth century through the history of the first decades of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. I show how the... more
Десятый выпуск альманаха «Scripta antiqua. Вопросы древней истории, филологии, искусства и материальной культуры» посвящен исследованиям широкого круга актуальных научных проблем из сферы истории Древнего Востока и античного мира,... more
Первое издание эпистолярного наследия выдающегося мыслителя ХХ века Питирима Александровича Сорокина. Публикуется избранная переписка (377 писем) с видными представителями мировой научной, политической и общественной жизни;... more
Unpublished Scientific Heritage of S.F. Oldenburg (Towards 100th Anniversary of the End of the Works of Russian Turkestan Expeditions); S.F. Oldenburg. Scientific Expeditions. Lectures. by I.V. Tunkina (St.-Petersburg), M.D. Bukharin... more
The letters of a linguist-turkologist S.E. Malov to S.F. Oldenburg, Permanent Secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, are published here and commented.
In the late 1930s and early 1940s, European science plunged into a period of regional isolation and the breakdown of established international ties. As a result, rumour replaced reliable verifiable information. A notable case in point was... more
In 2018‒2020 members of the research group within the framework of the project “Second Russian Turkestan expedition of 1914‒1915 of S.F. Oldenburg. Unpublished materials from the archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (No.... more
In the mid-1920s, Russian academic science underwent radical reforms initiated by the state. In particular, not only the stuff composition of the Russian Academy of Sciences changed, but also the structure of the Academy itself. The... more
La filologia medievale e umanistica greca e latina nel secolo XX. Atti del Congresso Internazionale Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Università La Sapienza 11-15 dicembre 1989. Roma 1993, 769–819 (Testi e Studi... more
The article analyzes the reports of academician J. A. Güldenstädt from the fonds of the Central state Archive of the Republic of Daghestan, which allows to review several essential issues concerning the development of the Caucasian spas... more
The article examines a pedagogical essay written at the end of the 1720s on behalf of the vice-chancellor Count Andrei I. Osterman by Georg B. Bil’finger, a member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, in order to provide... more
Статья посвящена реконструкции контактов выдающегося византиниста, литургиста и археографа А. А. Дмитриевского с различными византиноведческими организациями России и Украины. Кроме преподавания в Богословско-Пастырском училище и на... more
Landscape & Ethnos: Reading Gumilev-Introduction the 3rd installation of a revision in progress further & deeper contextualisation in the first comprehensive English language study of Gumilev's work and its implications across sciences &... more
On the basis of the archival sources and memoirs of the contemporaries, the authors of the article reconstruct the university career of an outstanding Russian Slavic scholar V. I. Lamansky (1833–1914): from the period... more
Lomonosov’s activity in St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences was not limited to research, but also included administrative work and management. In 1757 professor Lomonosov became one of the leaders of the Academy. Among the institutions... more
Introduction. In the second half of the 1760s – the first half of the 1770s Ivan I. Betskoy implemented a far-reaching reform of Russian education. It appeared that the problems of two Russian universities had not been the key issues of... more
Valerii Alexeev (1929 - 1991) a Russian scientist, proposed to name Homo rudolfensis the KNM ER 1470 fossil, having a cranial capacity estimated of 700 cm³, uncovered in 1972 by Richard Leakey’s team near the shores of Lake Rudolf... more