History of Central and Southeastern Europe
Recent papers in History of Central and Southeastern Europe
Серед подій, які вплинули на майбутню історію України знаковою подією стала битва на Синіх Водах восени 1362 року, коли військо Великого Князя Литовського Ольгерда завдало поразки об’єднаним силам трьох місцевих володарів Орди, яка... more
Країна таврів Зараз ми називаємо давній Крим Тавридою, країною таврів. Почалася ця історія ще за Гомера. Іфігенію, доньку грецького царя і наречену героя Ахілла, греки принесли в жертву богу Посейдону під час плавання до Іліону, відомого... more
The critical literature on peacebuilding has mainly addressed the local and its agency in the post-conflict phase while the nexus between context occurring prior to the implementation of the liberal peace agenda and subsequent... more
The role of the Danube regions in the economic system of Central Europe in the early modern.
The book "Croatian Legal History in the European Context From the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Period" is the first complete university manual of the Croatian legal history since introduction of that course-subject at the Faculty of... more
Rights of citizens and modern institutions: European and Croatian legal traditions. The book focuses on the right of citizens in the period of "the long ninteenth century" as the formative period of the modern institutions. The... more
Wallachia, 16th century, Political Order, Neagoe Basarab
Učebný text smeruje k sumarizácii ústavných dejín a dejín verejnej správy na území Slovenska. Opúšťa prísne chronologický rámec narácie a smeruje k jednotlivým inštitútom a inštitúciám, ktorých historický vývoj je opísaný samostatne. Tak... more
Profondément originale dans sa conception comme dans son écriture, cette enquête historique est une réflexion exemplaire sur les silences du passé. Lire la suite Exception en Europe, un État allié du Reich a refusé de déporter sa... more
Wybór Stefana Batorego na tron Rzeczypospolitej utorował drogę do kariery także członkom jego rodziny. Po niespodziewanej śmierci króla jego ambitne plany usiłowało zrealizować czterech bratanków, przede wszystkim zaś Andrzej, uważany za... more
Tengrism, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, these are the three most popular areas of religious research in Bulgarian scholarship regarding the pre-Christian beliefs in Danube Bulgaria prior to AD 864. This paper tries to shed light to both the... more
Gyarmati, György – Slachta, Krisztina (Hrsg.): Das Vorspiel für die Grenzöffnung: Das Paneuropäische Picknick in Sopron am 19. August 1989. L'Harmattan Verlag - ÁBTL, Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára, Sopron - Budapest.... more
The article provides an overview of cultural, political and economic relations between the Czech lands and Montenegro since their beginnings in the first half of the 19th century until present.
L´article (en tchèque) présente le panorama des traductions poétiques tchèques des œuvres de Paul Verlaine. Parmi ses premiers traducteurs figuraient à la fin du 19e siècle de telles personnalités de la vie littéraire tchèques comme... more
This is an analysis of various forms of ethnic and national identities in the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia using the A-B-C continuum offered by Miroslav Hroch. It contrasts the ethnic and religious homo-geneity of the... more
Този доклад е продължение (втора част) на лекцията озаглавена “Причерноморието – люлка на европейската цивилизация и Тракия като арийска сърцевина”, изнесена пред Международната научна конференция “Древна Тракия – сакрално и профанно.... more
The University Library in Bologna possesses a plan dated circa 1626, by the Florentine architect and military engineer Giovanni Pieroni, concerning proposed fortification with a contemporary survey of Vyšehrad castle, drawn in particular... more
Biographical entry on Serbian philosopher Ksenija Atanasijević
Avtor se spopade z enim najbolj perečih problemov arheologije v Sloveniji, to je problem staroslovanskega svetišča na Ptuju. Predstavi pester potek odkritja zloglasnega objekta v pestrih povojnih letih v Jugoslaviji med velikimi... more
The modelling and visualisation of networks is based on the material in: M. Mullett, Theophylact of Ochrid. Reading the Letters of a Byzantine Archbishop. Birmingham 1997. The first graph is a visualisation of the connections between... more
Na primjeru rijeke Save u članku se nastoje propitati neke kategorije međuodnosa ljudi i rijeke.
Utjecaj češke na hrvatsku arhitekturu 20. stoljeća izuzetno je velik, djelom zahvaljujući djelovanju čeških arhitekata u Hrvatskoj (na primjer u izgradnji kompleksa Batine tvornice u Borovu), no još više stoga što je cijeli niz... more
The question of downfall of communist regime in (Czecho)Slovakia and in the Soviet bloc was a key topic discussed by the Hlinka's Slovak People's Party's post-war exile. Slovak emigrants precepted the collapse of communism in Europe as an... more
Summary THE IMAGE OF BANAT IN THE GERMAN CHRONICLES IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Maria Alexandra PANTEA The writings of Johann Jakob Ehrler, Francesco Griselini and Johann Kaspar Steube from the second half of the eighteenth... more
This paper lays out a new framework for thinking about Albania's participation in the First World War.
The aim of the present contribution is to provide a first sketch of the possibilities for further research in the field of dynastic memory and identity of the Jagiellonians in the preserved genealogical material. We tried to give an... more
This dissertation explores the popularisation of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory in Romania from 1859 to 1918. Placing Darwinism in the Romanian context is important in several ways, as not only gives a picture of the... more
Women, fashion, consumption, luxury, and education are the main subjects of our researchers. The contributors of this volume accompanied women and objects in their travels across Modern Europe and offered thorough and diverse analyses... more
Using the example of the multi-ethnic Austro-Hungarian coastal region and drawing from large and new source material, Péter Techet shows a Catholic Church in which conflicts are rooted in the social interests of marginalized groups. The... more
The article focuses on the drawings and oleography of Ferdinand Quiquerez titled Crossing the Sava River at Brod (1878/79), a visual metaphor of the Austro-Hungarian occupation (and administration) of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The... more
The Balkans offer classic examples of how empires imagine they can transform themselves into national states (Ottomanism) and how nation-states project themselves into future empires (as with the Greek "Great Idea" and the Serbian... more