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Το άρθρο εξετάζει ένα κυπριακό επιτύμβιο επίγραμμα του 2ου π.Χ. αιώνα, το οποίο αναφέρεται στον θάνατο ενός νέου ανθρώπου. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, το επίγραμμα αναλύεται δομικά, αλλά, πρωτίστως, με βάση τους τρεις θεματικούς του άξονες, δηλαδή... more
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      ΚύπροςΚυπριακή λογοτεχνίαθάνατοςξενιτιά
Twice in Petronius’ novel (75.1 and 130.1) a moralizing sentiment is expressed in a pithy fashion regarding the fallibility of human beings. I explore the literary genealogy of this topos and its links with the Petronian passages, and I... more
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      IntertextualityPetroniusNew ComedyPetronius' Satyricon
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      ArtCallimachusHellenistic poetryIonia
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The paper offers the first publication of three metrical inscriptions found in the Southern Suburb of Chersonesos Taurica: a brief epitaph on the ossuary of Pharnaces, son of Dionysios (the second quarter – the middle of the 2nd cent. AD)... more
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      Greek EpigraphyTauric Chersonesos
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    • Hellenistic and Roman pottery
En este trabajo, intentamos buscar las razones por las que Orfeo continua apareciendo en calidad de poeta mitico en los manuales europeos e hispanos de literatura griega a lo largo del siglo XIX. Las razones deben buscarse en la... more
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      Greek LiteratureHumanitiesArtOrpheus
Si tratta di un’antologia multifunzionale, idonea ad accompagnare gli studenti per tutto il corso del liceo. I primi testi scelti (epigrafi arcaiche su lapide o su vaso) possono essere utili già nel primo anno, una volta che gli studenti... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureByzantine Literature
In this work we study νυκτιπόλος as an epithet of Dionysus in the fragment 472 of Euripides’ Cretans and we place it in relation to the Orphic rituals that the fragment seems to refer to. Our conclusion is that the adjective probably... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek ReligionAncient Greek Religion
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek ReligionAncient Greek Religion
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyHellenistic LiteratureHellenistic History
Framing and Exploring the Rebbe Nachman's Tikkun Klali
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      HassidismKabbalahLurianic KabbalahChassidus
Antologia de Spoon River é a obra máxima do poeta norte-americano Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950). Nesta obra-prima da poesia norte-americana, 244 personagens nos falam através de seus epitáfios, inscritos nas lápides do cemitério da vila... more
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      DeathHellenistic poetryReception of AntiquityGreek Epigram
Presentation of some of Libanius’ declamations (no.s 5, 12, 25, and 26), showing that these ingeniously crafted pieces of witty rhetoric deserve to be read even today.
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    • Classics
This chapter discusses several comic and parodic fragments in which extracts of epic text are examined, quoted, or ridiculed. Two questions are posed: first, what prompts comedy to engage with Homeric texts and what effect it might have... more
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      Ancient Greek ComedyFragmentationAncient Greek Scholarship
Parece verosímil que este fragmento 912 Kannicht pertenezca a los Cretenses, como han pensado algunos estudiosos. El fragmento 472 Kannicht, que pertenece a esa tragedia, presenta un cuadro religioso indiscutiblemente órfico. En él, el... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek ReligionAncient Greek Religion
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      Greek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryEarly Greek poetryGreek poetry
Este capítulo se centra en dos cuestiones: en primer lugar, el tratamiento que recibe la figura de Orfeo por parte de los autores trágicos; en concreto, observamos los atributos de esta figura y los episodios de lo que se podría llamar... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyAncient Greek ReligionAeschylus
In the present article, a sequel to a contribution published elsewhere in this issue of Lampas, I discuss afrocentric attempts to amend James’ story of the plundering of the Royal Library at Alexandria by Alexander and Aristotle. The aim... more
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      AristotleAfrocentrismGraeco-Roman AlexandriaAfrocentricity
The present contribution, the first panel of a diptych, discusses a claim put forward by George G.M. James in his book Stolen Legacy (1954). According to James, the Macedonian king Alexander III in association with the philosopher... more
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      AristotleAfrocentrismAlexander the GreatGraeco-Roman Alexandria
A Mold-Made Bowl from the Kahramanmaraş Archaeology Museum The Hellenistic Period mould-made bowls were a popular type of ceramic during that era. Typically hemispherical and decorated with relief on the exterior, these drinking bowls... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Hellenistic poetry
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      ArtClassici Contro
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Quite contrary to what nineteenth‑century critics had tried to pontificate, the legacy of the historian Herodotus in Hellenistic and Imperial literature is beyond dispute, not only, as might be expected, among the epigones of the... more
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Hellenistic relief pottery provides an excellent case study for investigating how this specific class influenced other ceramic classes, even those far removed geographically from the original centre of production. This study aims to... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Hellenistic poetryTraditional handcraftPottery Technology
The purpose of this article is to reexamine the interpretation of comics 363-6 in Marvel's The Mighty Thor series as a retelling of the Hellenistic mock epic poem Batrachomyomachia, a view expressed by scholars such as Nicholas Newman in... more
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      ClassicsHomerHellenistic LiteratureComics Studies
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      PhytochemistryPhytomedicineHerbsHerbs and Spices
This paper traces the reception of two towering figures of Ancient Greek literature, namely Homer and Sappho. Although both are viewed as epitomes of poetic talent, the fact that Sappho is a woman makes her stand out in the literary... more
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Resumo Este título reúne um conjunto de textos, agrupados em duas secções: uma Parte 1, nas questões suscitadas pela narrativa de Heródoto, e uma Parte 2, sobre a receção que o autor conheceu na própria Antiguidade. Suscita, assim, as... more
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      Hellenistic LiteraturePlutarchAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek History
In this paper I will look at the representation of space in the Argonautica, the third century BCE epic poem by the Alexandrian poet Apollonius of Rhodes, with an eye on its politico-ideological overtones. The Argonautica relates the... more
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      GeographyMythologyLiteratureSpace and Place
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      Roman HistoriographyArtPoetryAncient Historiography
La presencia de la cultura clásica en la poesía completa de José María Álvarez. En Voces helenas en la poesía hispánica. Presses Universitaires du Midi, Universitñe de Toulouse, ISBN 9787-2-8107-1273-1
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      Poesía Española ContemporáneaNueve novísimos
8th Open Conference of the Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song
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      PhilologyGender StudiesClassicsGreek Literature
This paper contains the notes to my biographic novel "Strategos", a tentative reconstruction of the memories of Aratus of Sicyon (271-213) which has produced many new findings of scientific interest. Elected 16 times strategos of the... more
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      Ancient HistoryHellenistic LiteratureHellenistic PhilosophyHellenistic History
This paper shows that: 1) the adespoton SH 1185 is handed down by a number of sources greater than that reported by its last editors: not only Zonaras, but also Et. Gen. (AB), Et. Sym. (EF), and Magna Grammatica (Magna Grammatica and... more
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      Greek LiteratureLexicographyEpic poetryHellenistic poetry
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      Greek LiteratureHomerGreek and Roman Imperial LiteratureQuintus Smyrnaeus
Mold-made ceramics from the Brown University excavation of the Roman Bath in the Palaiopolis of Kerkyra. They date from the Hellenistic period to the Early Christianity. It includes the most extensive catalog of so-called Corinthian... more
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      Early ChristianityGraeco-Roman EgyptRoman PotteryRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
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    • Horace
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This is an abstract of a conference paper intended to be read at Bibliotheca Alexandrina (The Alexandria Centre for Hellenistic Studies), 8-10 April, 2011, on: "Alexandria and the Hellenistic World: New Finds and Interpretations." The... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureLiterature
An interdisciplinary analysis of thatrical masks and comedies on gender-specific expressions of fear. Under some respects, fear characterizes women, but is it rather role-specific, because it is typical of weak characters such as slaves... more
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    • Roman bronze lamps
This paper aims to investigate myrtle and mauve’s symbolic meaning in Adv. Ind. 3, in which Lucian parodies Hesiod’s Theogony (vv. 5-34) to attack his opponent – an ignorant book collector. Making a satirical comparison between Hesiod’s... more
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      Greek LiteratureParodySatireGreek and Roman Imperial Literature
Resumen. La creencia homérica en la inanidad de la vida de las almas en el Hades choca frontalmente con la doctrina de los misterios, según la cual las almas de los iniciados, por el solo hecho de serlo, gozan de una bienaventuranza... more
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[Typescript—please cite by the published version in Helios 50 (2023) 17-49.] The apotheoses in Augustan poetry, which range from tropes of a leader's fame reaching the stars to full-blown catasterisms, participate in a Roman... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureAugustan Poetry
[Typescript—please cite by the published version in Helios 50 (2023) 17-49.] The apotheoses in Augustan poetry, which range from tropes of a leader's fame reaching the stars to full-blown catasterisms, participate in a Roman... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureAugustan Poetry
The paper deals with passages from Theocritus (7.113–114), Callimachus (H. 4.206–208), Nicander (Ther. 174–176), and Oppian (Hal. 1.620), united by the joint mention of the Nile and the Ethiopians. The appearance of these two details... more
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      CallimachusTheocritus (Classics)Hellenistic poetryPliny the Elder