Hellenistic Sculpture
Recent papers in Hellenistic Sculpture
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
A brief critique of scholarship on the Victory. The work is preliminary to a broader, more comprehensive study of the monument now in progress (ismark.info/archeo)
Ky botim, i shtypur në 2000 kopje, nuk është në shitje. Iu shpërndahet falas të gjithë të interesuarve që vizitojnë Muzeun Arkeologjik Apolloni deri në përfundim të rezervave. Fotografitë e publikuara në këtë botim janë origjinale dhe të... more
During the Hellenistic period, Boeotia was one of the most important anthemion-stele producing centers in Greece. Due to the antiluxury decree of Demetrios of Phaleron (317-307 B.C.) in Athens, many Athenian artists immigrated to nearby... more
statue of Hercules, black-figured lecythos from Delos
The gravestele which found in Notion is in Museum of Efes. A sitting woman on chair and standing a man are described between two servant figures on the upper part broken stele. All of the figures on the stele are high relief like a... more
The main aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the socio-political similarities between the Amarna and Hellenistic periods have had a (partially) similar impact on the portrait sculptures that emerged from each period. Despite... more
A statue of Cybele, found during the excavations in 2016 in the fortress of Kurul, within the borders of Ordu (Kotyora) in the region of eastern Black Sea, has once more proven that the fortress had been used not only for defence... more
Nul ne doute plus aujourd'hui du rôle majeur qu'ont joué les couleurs et l'or dans la structuration des sociétés grecques antiques, au long des siècles. Tout suggère une passion grecque pour la couleur étendue à tout type de production... more
By comparing the plaster casts of the two portraits of Cleopatra VII in the Vatican and in Berlin, we can deduce information on the quality, dating and reconstruction of both marbles. Presumably, they were sculpted during the Caesarian... more
The calm serenity of the gods featured on the narrow upper frieze of the chryselephantine couche found in the chamber of Philipp'II tomb is in marked contrast to the impassioned movement of the more active mortals on the front of the wide... more
“Dünya Sanat Tarihi” ve “Sanatın Öyküsü” adlı kitaplara göre Antik Yunan heykel sanatının arkaik, klasik ve helenistik dönemlere göre genel özellikleri anlatılmıştır.
The paper focuses on the iconographic analysis of a carparo statue from the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto. Thanks to several comparisons, it is possible to argue that it is a representation of Dionysus, dressed in pardalis and... more
On 4th of May 2009, in Shallalat Gardens of Alexandria, a marble statue was found, during theexcavations held by h.r.i.a.c.(Hellenic Research Institute of Alexandrian Civilization). The stat-ue represents a standing naked man in a form... more
Short paper on the observer'role in the hellenistic sculpture. Also on phantasia, Herakles Farnese; Terme Boxer, Ermafrodito Borghese.
The Iconography of Macedonian queens from Macedon (5th and 4th century B.C.) to the Hellenistic kingdoms. Roots, associations, developments, later tradition.
Wie kaum eine andere Skulptur zieht der Barberinische Faun die Betrachter in seinen Bann, dient als Folie moderner Kunst und als modische Ikone. Hierbei stehen nicht zuletzt die erotischen Aspekte der Figur im Zentrum des Interesses –... more
Παρουσίαση της γνωστής από τη βιβλιογραφία αρχιτεκτονικής γλυπτικής δημόσιων και ιδιωτικών χώρων των νησιών του Αιγαίου κατά τους ελληνιστικούς χρόνους και σύντομη πραγμάτευση των ερμηνευτικών προβλημάτων τους. Διπλωματική εργασία που... more
The book is devoted to the reconstruction of the history of a single kind of statue, the cuirassed statue. To address this issue, I took into account a single type of cuirass, the Hellenistic armour, used by Alexander on the battlefield,... more
Deux portraits trouvés sur le site de Iol-Caesarea-Cherchell (Algérie) ont fait l'objet de diverses interprétations. Leur étude nous apprend que ces deux figures en ronde bosse considérées comme ceux de Cléopâtre VII, n'appartiennent... more
Hellenistik dönem içerisinde yapılmış heykellerin ele geçen Roma kopyaları ile incelenmesi, tarihsel süreçteki yerleri, önemleri, grup heykellerin mitosları ile ilgili lisans bitirme tezidir.
Lukas Nickel’s article “The First Emperor and Sculpture in China” in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (2013) has drawn significant attention to the issue of Hellenistic influence on the making of the terracotta... more
IN ENGLISH At some point in his reign, Alexander had coins issued in which Herakles’ face was indeed incorporated in the king’s portrait. This might betray an attempt at his deification. Thus the Herakles coin iconography and its... more