Health Law
Recent papers in Health Law
Modern biotechnologies are among the reasons explaining the new focus on the idea of human dignity in public, political and scientific discourses. Topics being debated range from assisted reproduction, cloning, genetic diagnostics and... more
Apresentação destinada à I Conferência Internacional de Bioética "Proteção de Dados". Organizada pelo Centro de Estudos de Bioética - Pólo Madeira, Funchal. Dia 28 de maio de 2022.
This opinion piece considers the minor's right to refuse life-saving medical treatment in the context of the UK teenager (Hannah Jones) who wished to refuse to undergo a heart transplant.
Relational theory starts from an understanding of human selves as relational. This theory informs some significant current developments in the areas of philosophy, ethics and legal theory that re-envision key concepts including autonomy,... more
Background: Some patients do not receive adequate pain and symptom relief at the end of life, causing distress to patients, families and healthcare professionals. It is unclear whether undertreatment of symptoms occurs, in part, because... more
Constitutional Guarantees of Information Privacy Protection in Light of New Technologies Development The development of new information technologies has contributed to a significant change in the methods of collection, processing and... more
Inspired by a notion that machines can emulate human touch, the paper first examines the adoption of surgical robots in operating rooms at the global and local levels. The adoption of the technology has occurred almost concurrently in... more
A Review of David Lemberg’s Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare
(1st Edition)
(1st Edition)
Amidst an explosion in digital health product investment, increasingly frequent cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and a scattered regulatory framework, the digital health marketplace requires a clear, measured approach to consumer safety and... more
Despite Nigeria's ratification of virtually all human rights instruments recognizing health as a human right and endorsement of the Millennium Declaration, the state of maternal health in the country remains atrocious. That the... more
Recently, problems associated with aging receive global attention. Growing interest in gerontology seems to stem from increase in gerontic population, their frailty/vulnerability, and principle of natural justice. According to World... more
Si la médecine de transplantation avait davantage d’organes à disposition, elle pourrait sauver de nombreuses vies. La juriste Mélanie Mader exige l’introduction d’incitations étatiques afin d’augmenter le nombre de donneurs.
In only the second case dealing with posthumous conception in South Africa – Ex Parte SN – a woman approached the High Court seeking an urgent order allowing her to have sperm removed from the body of her comatose husband, so that she... more
In Toombes v Mitchell (Toombes), the England and Wales High Court (Queen's Bench Division) revisited established legal principles in respect of claims for, so-called, "wrongful life": specifically, does a cause of action exist for a... more
Mindfulness is a burgeoning field of study and practice within mental health care and medicine. Yet ethical codes, and the philosophy of the therapist-client relationship, differ greatly between disciplines, and even more between those... more
The failure to prosecute Dr Jayant Patel successfully for any of the deaths associated with his time as Director of Surgery at Bundaberg Base Hospital was received in some quarters as an abject failure of the criminal law to deal... more
Disputes about withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment are increasingly coming before Australian Supreme Courts. Such cases are generally heard in the parens patriae jurisdiction where the test applied is what is in the... more
Розглядається питання місця та ролі особливих норм, так званих «м’яких» норм міжнародного права – у регламентації питання прав людини (пацієнта) у сфері охорони здоров’я. Звертається увага як на особливості характеру дії норм м’якого... more
Objective: This paper intends to evaluate inflammatory proteins and hematological factors concurrently blood obtained during the cupping and with the venous blood. Methods: About 30 samples of 10 men participated in this... more
La médecine de transplantation représente un progrès médical considérable. Son succès est toutefois limité par un problème majeur, une pénurie chronique d’organes. Ce contexte de pénurie accentue davantage le rôle de l’Etat dans le... more
Much has been written about whether end-of-life law should change and what that law should be. However, the barriers and facilitators of such changes – law reform perspectives – have been virtually ignored. Why do so many attempts to... more
NOTE: Since January 2015 the Director of NHF is appointed by the Minister of Health (no longer by the Prime Minister) + other changes
Este estudo parte da relação privada entre o médico seu paciente considerando-a uma relação de consumo, com a aplicação das regras e princípios do Código de Defesa do Consumidor – CDC. Caracterizada a informação como direito subjetivo do... more
Health care services in post-independent Zimbabwe have undergone turbulence with periods of seemingly significant improvements and other periods of definite decline. This thesis looks at health-care systems in general and in particular,... more
This article explores the rules governing the prevention and control of contagious diseases in occupied territory under international law. Although the article refers to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, its scope is broader and encompasses... more
The eugenics movement provided the motive for dozens of laws that remained in force for more than a century in the United States, a significant number of which specifically targeted people with disabilities for legally sanctioned... more
This is an experiment in applying open scholarship principles to legal research. My aim is to share research processes and materials so others can use them. This paper offers a search strategy and annotated bibliography of scholarly... more
Çalışmamız kapsamında “Tıbbi Uygulamalarda Ekip İş Birliği Ve Güven İlkesi” konusu incelenmiştir. Tıbbi uygulamalar, insanlığın neredeyse karanlık tarihine kadar uzanmakta ve insanlığın gelişimiyle beraber gelişmekte ve genişlemektedir.... more
This paper comprehensively reviews the Queensland legislation that governs decisions to withhold and withdraw life-sustaining medical treatment. It identifies a number of problems with the current law and suggests ways in which it might... more
There are few issues more emotional and divisive than what has become known as “the right to die.” One camp advocates the “death with dignity” approach, according to which the patient is an autonomous being who can form his or her own... more
El presente artículo tiene un objetivo simple y práctico: servir de disparador para el debate que debería darse sobre la relación médico-paciente y la violencia actual que la caracteriza. Y, en última instancia, también constituye un... more