Garden History
Recent papers in Garden History
El pazo de San Lourenzo de Trasouto aparece entre las ramas de una antigua robleda donde la ciudad de Santiago de Compostela queda suspendida, en el confín del barrio al que da nombre. Antiguo convento franciscano, retiene aún muchos de... more
recensione a "Frammenti di Paradiso", mostra Reggia di Caserta - 1 luglio - 16 ottobre 2022 - "La Lettura" del Corriere della Sera, 19 giugno 2022
L’individuazione dei soggetti finora non identificati, presenti in una raccolta epigrafica manoscritta ha consentito di ricostruire la ricca dotazione di iscrizioni del giardino fatto costruire da Diomede Leoni, procacciatore di antichità... more
Le monde belge de l’architecture du paysage et de l’horticulture de la première moitié du XXe siècle a jusqu’à présent fait l’objet de peu d’investigations. Une série de lettres inédites (Archives de la construction moderne-EPFL Lausanne)... more
A reconstruction of Henry of Huntingdon's "Anglicanus ortus" from the surviving, fragmentary manuscripts, along with an edition of Henry's verse lapidary "De gemmis preciosis".
Henry, archdeacon of Huntingdon, England (ca 1088–ca 1154) has been admired for centuries as the author of the monumental Historia Anglorum. The recent discovery of the Anglicanus ortus opens a new window onto this important English... more
a cura di P.E. Falini, C. Bonora Previdi, M. Brignani, Del Gallo Editori, Spoleto, 2018
AVVERTENZA: Sulla base della normativa in materia di diritti d’autore, oltre che di una norma etica fondamentale, non è concesso utilizzare questo testo illustrato in qualsiasi forma – copia, citazione, riassunto etc. – senza menzionare... more
In the common public perception, contemporary gardening is understood as suburban, as leisure activity, as television makeover opportunity. Its originary narratives are seen as religious or spiritual (Garden of Eden), military (the... more
Lessons for Australia from Spain, which retains Europe’s oldest public landscaped space (748AD) and oldest surviving garden (c1250AD) and is rich in garden history. Waves of invasion, conversion to and mediation between cultures have... more
The presentation will outline the value of the cultural botany project to both the Moroccan community in London and the botanic garden community in stressing the current polemic of gardens speaking as much of capitol and control as of... more
Tegen het einde van de zestiende eeuw begon Amsterdam met het planten van bomen langs grachten en op pleinen. Amsterdam was niet de eerste Hollandse stad die dat deed. Bomen werden tijdens de zeventiende-eeuwse stadsuitbreidingen een... more
Storia e sviluppo: Il palazzo della Corte Tomba; Il giardino sotto il palazzo e altre delizie.
Situazione attuale.
Situazione attuale.
NB: by "chicanery," I refer to Morocco's record of corruption and lack of oversight and enforcement of its laws, which could use reinforcement. On nearly the eve of hosting the twenty second Conference of the Parties to the United... more
Medici patronage in quattrocento Florence plays a pivotal role in the aesthetic articu-lation of the analogy between horticulture and culture. As an acorn fortunately planted may grow to an oak tree, a seed of an idea properly cultivated... more
Avec ses vastes pelouses vallonnées, ses massifs d’arbres, ses nombreuses rocailles et ses étangs, le parc de Woluwe (Bruxelles) est aujourd’hui un lieu de promenade public très apprécié des citadins en quête de détente et de... more
My most recent list of publications
The article summarizes existing knowledge of romanticizing modifications of the landscape undertaken by the noble family Liechtenstein between Vranov u Brna and Křtiny. Their first phase took place near the village Josefov (in the... more
Un grand jardin médiéval effacé redessiné vers 1650 : l'enclos de Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume
A team from the University of California, Davis, and Kyoto University started a four weeks intensive workshop to teach a course on Japanese gardens and traditional urban design in Kyoto, Japan, in the summer of 2001. We provided a variety... more
The inter-related natural and cultural heritage of Rosa spinosissima and Scots Roses. Peter D. A. Boyd Independent Researcher and Holder of UK National Collection of Scots Roses (Plant Heritage) Probably, no other plant has such a... more
The landscape garden of the Csáky family at Hotkóc is a well-known and important relic in the History of Hungarian sentimental gardens, owing to the contemporary descriptions and drawings about it. The oil painting ’Scenes from the Csáky... more
Französische Übersetzung des Aufsatzes „Öffentliche Denkmäler der Nation“ von 2013.
Literarni predložak za gradnju Hektorovićeva Tvrdalja jest opis vile u Cassinu Marka Terencija Varona u djelu De re rustica. Avijarij, kunićnjak ribnjak, te njen precizno opisan triklinij i musaeum s natpisima, izgradio je Hektorović,... more
Hoofdstuk uit boek "kasteeldomeinen: historische tuinen en parken in de zuidelijke Westhoek, 1795-2015" (Lannoo, 2015)
A survey of the earthwork remains of an early 18th-century formal garden in Suffolk, aided by contemporary map and documentary evidence. The remains include a canal, rectangular basin, circular ponds, a wilderness, and a woodland ride