French colonial Algeria
Recent papers in French colonial Algeria
"The man the Catholic Church solemnly beatified on November 13th 2005 was a controversial figure. Charles de Foucauld was slaughtered at Tamanrasset on December 1st 1916, at the height of the Senoussist insurrection. For a long time, he... more
Postcolonial Encounters in International Relations examines the social and cultural aspects of the political violence that underpinned the French colonial project in the Maghreb, and the multi-layered postcolonial realities that ensued.... more
This article is based on the enormous amount of documentation generated starting in 1935 by the notes and reports on the state of public opinion in Algeria issue by the Centres d'informations et d'études. My objective is to map out the... more
Elisée Reclus fut géographe et libertaire, indissociablement. Lié un temps à Michel Bakounine, ami de Louise Michel, engagé physiquement dans la défense de la Commune de Paris puis banni du territoire français, il acquit de son vivant une... more
The AlgerianWar was one of the longest and bloodiest wars of the decolonization period. It was also a unique conflict in that it consisted of three protagonists – the Algerians, the French, and the French settlers – that modified the... more
Based on the analysis of files from the Department of Defence, and drawing on interviews with veterans and on their associations' press, the article focuses on the Algerian War National Memorial in Paris, its long gestation and... more
Cet article montre comment le Sahara a été utilisé par les acteurs du débat sur le détermi-nisme géographique, qui s'est tenu en France, au début du XXe siècle. De quelle manière ce débat a produit des réflexions contradictoires sur la... more
First President of independent Algeria, FLN leader
This article explores the colonial roots of Fernand Braudel's „La Méditerranée et le monde méditerranéen à l'époque de Philippe II“ and situates the study within current debates on the spatial turn. First published in 1949, „La... more
Grad term paper French and Algerian War
Ce livre est l’histoire de la colonisation de peuplement en Algérie qui a partout provoqué le désordre comme solution à un « enchevêtrement de problèmes insolubles ». Contrairement à ce que l’historiographie dominante nous a habitués à... more
Die französische Kolonialherrschaft über Algerien endete in dem weltweit größten Krieg der Dekolonisationszeit. Was waren die Ursachen und Fronten des Kriegs und der Erinnerungen an ihn, die in beiden Ländern bis heute nachwirken?
In 1863, Emperor Napoleon III issued an official memorandum in which he affirmed “Algeria is not a colony properly said.” Following the commencement of the French invasion and occupation of Algeria in 1830, settlers and metropolitans... more
شهد الجنوب الجزائري في العصر الحديث ما يمكن اعتباره نهضة ثقافية علمية حضارية، مكّنته من أن يتبوّأ مكانة مرموقة بين الحواضر والمدن المتاخمة له، ساهمت في تفعيلها عوامل موازية، على غرار العامل الاقتصادي التجاري، والعامل الجغرافي الاستراتيجي.... more
French colonial doctors writing about nineteenth century Algeria portrayed coffee as a hygienic drink, which protected and stimulated French soldiers and settlers in the hostile climate. Doctors therefore advocated the distribution of... more
Quelles sources utiliser pour écrire l'histoire des femmes algériennes durant la guerre d'indépendance ? Les producteurs d'archives, de textes, de photographies étaient des hommes, attachés pour la plupart au système patriarcal. Pour eux,... more
L’architecture judéo-chrétienne des 19ème et 20ème siècles retrace l’évolution chronologique de toute l’architecture coloniale en Algérie. Elle a également accompagné le long processus de renouveau de l’architecture locale, couronné par... more
An interview with Ron Aronson, one of the leading Sartre scholars in the English-speaking world, about his book Camus and Sartre: The Story of a Friendship and the Quarrel That Ended It (2004). This interview originally took place as a... more
In 1960–62 French officials considered partitioning Algeria between European-and Muslim-majority areas, much later and more seriously than the existing historiography shows. Even supporters of partition, however, remained ambivalent,... more
Entre 1962 et 1974, Alger constitue un carrefour pour les mouvements anticolonialistes et antifascistes. De l’Amérique latine au fin fond de l’Asie en passant par l’Afrique et le monde arabe, les opprimés, les exilés ainsi que les membres... more
"Le Premier Homme" n'est ni uniquement un roman autobiographique, ni uniquement le support d'une critique sociale et politique. Il est tout ça à la fois et bien plus : il dresse le portrait d'une ville, d'une époque, d'une société, et... more
World War I had a profound impact on the Middle East and North Africa. With the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, European powers carved the region into mandates, protectorates, colonies, and spheres of influence. Just a few decades later,... more
French history textbooks occoupy a pivotal position in the colonial fracture. They impart difficult knowledge about the Algerian War of Independence, knowledge that impacts the relationships between the communities of memory in France... more
من الصعوبة بمكان الحديث عن تاريخ الاتحادات القبلية في الجزائر قبيل فترة الاستعمار الفرنسي، وهذا راجع بالدرجة الأولى إلى ندرة الوثائق وقلة المصادر المؤرخة للقبائل الجزائرية. وبالرغم من وجود كتب التراجم والمناقب التي أسهمت في التعريف ببعض... more
Publisher: One World Publication (US) Winner of the Prix Goncourt du Premier Roman Winner of the Prix des Cinq Continents Winner of the Prix Francois Mauriac Longlisted for the FT/OppenheimerFunds Emerging Voices Award Published: 2013... more
This article examines how Algerians negotiate property and public space and how citizens encounter and engage the state. It explores the phenomenon of squatting and appropriation of public space in contemporary Algeria through the lens of... more
This is the front matter for an anthology I edited for Greenhaven Press that was published in 2001 and is, as far as I know, now out of print (though copies are still floating around on various used-book websites). What is included here... more
This 680 pages volume contains Fanon's unpublished or never re-published work, co-edited with Robert Young: 2 plays written by Fanon, all his psychiatric work, a number of political articles, some correspondance, an annotated catalogue of... more
ترتكز هذه الدراسة على واقع الرقابة التي كانت مفروضة على الأرشيف الجزائري بين ثنائية الداخل و الخارج. كانت هناك صعوبات في محاولة تأريخ الثورة ما بين 1962-1992،فعزف الباحثون عن الخوض في الكتابة عدا بعض القضايا التي توفرت فيها عناصر... more
Imperial Identities is a groundbreaking book that addresses identity formation in colonial Algeria of two predominant ethnicities and analyzes French attitudes in the context of nineteenth-century ideologies. Patricia M. E. Lorcin... more