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      PathologyEntomologyForensic ScienceForensic Entomology
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      Forensic EntomologyBiologyPost Mortem IntervalDevelopment Time
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      EntomologyForensic AnthropologyForensic ScienceForensic Entomology
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      Forensic EntomologyForensic MedicineMultidisciplinaryHumans
O conhecimento do intervalo post-mortem (IPM) e extremamente importante em investigacoes de assassinatos e outros crimes. IPM depende de muitos fatores, como umidade, pluviosidade e especialmente temperatura. Especies de Ophyra... more
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      ZoologyForensic EntomologyBiology
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      Forensic EntomologyDecompositionForensic PathologyForensic mycology
Animals have evolved several chemosensory systems for detecting potentially dangerous foods in the environment. Activation of specific sensory cells within these chemosensory systems usually elicits an aversive behavioral response,... more
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      ElectrophysiologyForensic EntomologyBiology
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      Forensic EntomologyDiptera:Calliphoridae
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      EntomologyForensic ScienceForensic EntomologyMolecular Systematics
The muscid Hydrotaea cyrtoneurina (ZETTERSTEDT, 1845) is a Palaearctic species whose adults are known for their forensic importance. The third instar larva morphology of H. cyrtoneurina, hitherto unknown, is described herein with the... more
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      Forensic EntomologyBiologyScanning Electron MicroscopyMuscidae
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      Food SafetyForensic Entomology
Relying on morphology in the estimation of postmortem intervalsis not always accurate for all life phases of flies, especially for immature stages. The present study demonstrates the application of cytochrome oxidase I sequences, a... more
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      Forensic EntomologyBiologyHistory of Forensic Science and MedicineMitochondrial DNA
ABSTRACT The development of the Oriental latrine fly, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), and hairy maggot blowfly, C. rufifacies (Macquart) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), was studied at four different temperatures (22°C, 25°C, 29°C and 31°C)... more
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      ZoologyForensic EntomologyBiologyChrysomya megacephala
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      Forensic EntomologyForensic MedicineComparative StudyHumans
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      Forensic AnthropologyForensic EntomologyForensic GeneticsBiological Sciences
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      GeographyForensic EntomologyBiologyCalliphoridae
Members of several insect orders are known to modify osseous vertebrate remains postmortem, whether for nutritional or habitational purposes. Recognizing the appearance of these taphonomic traces is important in the evaluation of skeletal... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyIchnologyForensic EntomologyTaphonomy
This work presents three case studies, in which estimates of the postmortem interval (PMI) were based on the concept of accumulated degree-days (ADD). In two cases, the PMI estimates based on the biology of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabr.)... more
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      Forensic EntomologyBiologyEmergenceCase Study
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      Forensic ScienceForensic EntomologyForensic GeneticsForensic Pathology
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      Forensic ScienceForensic EntomologyForensic PathologyChronic illness
Keywords: Myiasis is a pathological condition caused by the larval infestation in human or animal tissues. It is caused by the larvae of dipteran flies which are cosmopolitan in distribution. It occurs frequently in tropical countries and... more
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      ParasitologyZoologyEntomologyForensic Entomology
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      EntomologyForensic AnthropologyForensic ScienceForensic Entomology
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      EntomologyMedieval HistoryForensic ScienceHistory of Medicine
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      Forensic EntomologyForensic ToxicologyDrug analysisPostmortem Interval
Many of the blow flies (Calliphoridae) are of economic importance because of their effects on public health and the economy by causing myiasis in human beings and animals. Blow flies are also, however, forensic bioindicators since they... more
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    • Forensic Entomology
Animals have evolved several chemosensory systems for detecting potentially dangerous foods in the environment. Activation of specific sensory cells within these chemosensory systems usually elicits an aversive behavioral response,... more
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    • Forensic Entomology
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      Forensic ScienceForensic EntomologyMultidisciplinaryHymenoptera
In the case of many forensically important insects an interval preceding appearance of an insect stage on a corpse (called the pre-appearance interval or PAI) is strongly temperature-dependent. Accordingly, it was proposed to estimate PAI... more
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      Forensic ScienceForensic EntomologyInsectsColeoptera
At the end of summer and beginning of fall 2005 insect succession and pig carrion decomposition were studied in pine-oak forest, hornbeam-oak forest, and alder forest in Western Poland (Central Europe). Five stages of decomposition were... more
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      EntomologyForensic AnthropologyForensic ScienceForensic Entomology
The blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) comprise a group of medical and forensic importance because some species are responsible for myiasis and immature stages of several species feed on corpses and show preference for certain stages of... more
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      EntomologyGeometric MorphometricsForensic EntomologyCalliphoridae
Forensic Entomology is the scientific methods used by entomologist to calculate the time of an organism death through insect communities as a biological indicator. In the present study, insect fauna identification in dead dog, Canis... more
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      Forensic EntomologyDecompositionBiosciences
In Côte d'Ivoire, necrophagous insects have since 2008, begun to arouse a keen interest among researchers. After the first works by Adou (2014), on the anthropological aspects, of the colonization of a monkey corpse by insects, others... more
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    • Forensic Entomology
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      Forensic EntomologyRechtsmedizin
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      Forensic EntomologyEntomologia
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      Forensic ScienceForensic Entomology
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      EntomologyThermoregulationForensic ScienceForensic Entomology
Forensic entomology establishes the postmortem interval (PMI) by studying cadaveric fauna. The PMI today is still largely based on tables of insect succession on human cadavers compiled in the late 19th- or mid-20th centuries. In the last... more
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      EntomologyForensic AnthropologyClimate ChangeForensic Science
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      Forensic EntomologyPerfumeInsecticidesForensic Sciences
The first case of application of forensic entomology in the Brazilian Amazonia is described. The corpses of 26 men were found in the rainforest in Rondonia State, Brazil. Fly larvae collected on the bodies during autopsy were identified... more
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    • Forensic Entomology
El método scopométrico aplicado a la moneda metálica, por Diego Alejandro Alvarez. Violencia en los medios rural y urbano. Un estudio comparativo sobre la violencia de género en el estado español, por Marco López. Respondiendo las... more
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      CriminologyForensic ScienceForensic EntomologyCriminologia
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      EntomologyForensic ScienceColombiaForensic Entomology
The Muscidae is one of the main dipteran families recognized as important for medico-legal purposes. Although an association of adult flies with decomposing human and animal bodies is documented for about 200 taxa worldwide, cadavers and... more
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      Forensic EntomologySpecies identificationMuscidaeImmature Insects
Le Service régional de l’archéologie du Centre (Ministère de la Culture ; Orléans) a diligenté en 2004 une mission d’expertise des investigations menées dans l’église Notre-Dame de Cléry-Saint-André (Loiret), en particulier sur le caveau... more
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      AnthropologyForensic EntomologyPaleoentomologyForensics (Anthropology)
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      GeneticsEntomologyForensic ScienceForensic Entomology
Introduction. La compréhension du processus de décomposition cadavérique est importante pour la détermination du délai post mortem. Le but de cette étude est de décrire les différentes étapes de la décomposition de cadavres de porc en... more
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    • Forensic Entomology
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      Forensic AnthropologyHumanitiesForensic EntomologyDecomposition
The taxonomic identification of fly species through wing geometry is a helpful tool for entomologists and officials involved in forensic research, who not necessarily require expertise on insect taxonomy. Members of the Muscidae family... more
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      Forensic ScienceGeometric MorphometricsForensic EntomologyInsect Taxonomy
Współczesne zdobycze technologii i nauki umożliwiły rozwój entomologii sądowej na szeroką skalę. Pozwala ona obecnie nie tylko szacować datę zgonu (post mortem intervallum), ale również wskazywać możliwe przyczyny śmierci denata.... more
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      Criminal LawForensic ScienceForensic EntomologyTanathology
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      EntomologyForensic ScienceForensic EntomologyForensic Medicine
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    • Forensic Entomology