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      Military HistoryMedieval HistorySocial HistoryMedieval Nobility
Cet article présente dix rattachements de familles du Nord-Pas de Calais avec le Moyen Âge. Ces filiations ont été retenues car relativement méconnues, provenant des diverses zones géographiques de la région, généalogiquement très... more
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      GenealogiaFlemish Nobility
The winners of the jousts of the tournament company 'The White Bear' in Bruges, 1380-1458. An authentic manuscript from the Burgundian period. The manuscript in the Royal Library of Brussels is dated around 1460. It shows the coats of... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeraldry15th Century BurgundyBurgundian Netherlands
Armoiries et emblèmes sur des cachets : Flandre – Artois- Hainaut – Brabant ... (première partie) (1555- 1557) D’après des documents de l’ancienne Chambre des comptes de Flandre et d’Artois (ou chambre des comptes du roi) conservés aux... more
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      HeraldrySigillographyMedieval FlandersHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg Netherlands
Graaf Charles de Marnix (1780-1832) speelde een belangrijke rol bij de bevrijding van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden door de Geallieerden op Napoleon en tijdens het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (1815-1830). Count Charles de Marnix... more
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      NobilityNapoleonic WarsFrench Revolution and NapoleonBelgian History
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      NobilityBurgundian Low CountriesHistory of the Duchy of Brabant (Low Countries)Flemish Nobility
Du XVe au XVIIe siècle, la Flandre wallonne, région située aux alentours de Lille et Douai semble avoir été un centre de production héraldique. De nombreux indices montrent l’existence d’une "culture héraldique" locale . On ne connaît... more
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      HeraldryHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg NetherlandsBurgundian Low Countries16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art
Whereas tournaments of the late thirteenth century were infused with cross-channel contact, whether in reciprocity of form or in the international composition of the participants involved, by the early fifteenth century, tournament forms... more
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      Military HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Final BA thesis about the artistic relationship between Flanders and the Iberian Peninsula seen through the testimony of Isabel la Católica and Juana I de Castilla and its artistic patronage.
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      Modern ArtCourts and Elites (History)CollectionismTapestry Studies
The tournament of Ghent, June 20, 1369 - Recently discovered manuscripts, dating from the 16th and 17th centuries, about this tournament show the participants with their coats of arms. The manuscripts are by Jacques le Boucq, herald and... more
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      Medieval urban historyBurgundian Low CountriesBurgundian CourtMedieval Tournaments
Download for free here: This Supplement builds on a burgeoning body of research that approaches the archive not merely as the object, but as the subject of enquiry. It explores the... more
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      Information SystemsHistoryCultural HistoryArchival Studies
"Se queremos que tudo fique como está é preciso que tudo mude." O leitmotif da obra de Tomasi de Lampedusa, imortalizada no grande ecrã pela objectiva de Visconti, sintetiza a sua ideia central, acerca do declínio das antigas elites, em... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryCultural HistorySociology
La très grande majorité des généalogies classiques fait descendre la famille van Dixmude d'Ypres des seigneurs de Beveren. Cet article confronte cette assertion aux sources primaires ainsi que secondaires et évalue la crédibilité de cette... more
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      Medieval FlandersMedieval genealogyIepermedieval Flemish history
This article explores the significance of writing history for a late medieval Antwerp patrician family. In recent historiography, these families (in this case Van Halmale) have not received the attention they deserve, in part because... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography
Las circunstancias históricas hicieron que coexistiera una doble oligarquía: Adeldon (Nobleza) y Patriciaat (Patriciado). La conversión de las Provincias Unidas en una república no afectó a las instituciones feudales de las diversas... more
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      HeraldryLanded NobilityNobilityHistory of Elites
Publication du texte de ma conférence introductive à l'Assemblée Générale de la Société Archéologique et Historique de l’Arrondissement d’Avesnes le 30 janvier 2005. Cette conférence a été relatée par : - La Voix du Nord, éditions... more
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionGenealogyNobility
French version of the article published in Spanish in Tendencias del mercado del Arte (Jan. 2014), in which a new work by Michaelina Wautier (or Woutiers) is identified: the Portrait of her brother, Pierre Wautier, possibly painted for... more
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      Military HistoryArt HistoryWomen's StudiesGenealogy
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      Art HistoryWomen's StudiesHistory of ArtHistory of Collections
V. Soen, ‘La Causa Croÿ et les limites du mythe bourguignon: la frontière, le lignage et la mémoire (1465-1475)’ in: J.-M. Cauchies and P. Peporte (eds.), Mémoires conflictuelles et mythes concurrents dans les pays bourguignons (ca.... more
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      History of ElitesHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg NetherlandsAristocracylate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts
This paper analyses two late sixteenth-century armorials with the coats of arms of the 235 participants of a tournament organized in May 1439 on the central market square, the Grote Markt, of Brussels. The armorials, trustworthy copies of... more
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      Medieval HistoryManuscript StudiesHeraldryPaleography
This article analyses the use of memoria with respect to the Carthusian monastery of Scheut, a few miles to the west of Brussels. The construction of this monastery around 1455 was first intended to preserve the memory of the battle of... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGenealogy
This edited volume examines how transregional elites were pivotal actors during the Wars of Religion. It centers around the figure of Antoine de Croÿ, the Prince of Porcien, serving Condé and the Calvinist cause, but stemming from a... more
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      Wars of ReligionLanded NobilityMedieval NobilityFrench Wars of Religion
Autores: José Manuel Díaz Blanco y Alfonso J. Hernández Rodríguez
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryAtlantic historyEarly modern Spain
The previously unknown sitter in Michaelina Wautier's signed and dated Portrait of a man (Brussels, Museum of Fine Arts, inv. 297) is here identified as Antonio Pimentel de Prado (Palermo, 1604- Antwerp, 1671), military and diplomat with... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryPortraitsArt HistoryWomen's Studies
In September 1701, Henry Bentinck Viscount Woodstock, a son of a Dutch-English nobleman Hans Willem Bentinck, and his Huguenot head-tutor Paul Rapin-Thoyras embarked from The Hague on a Grand Tour across Europe. Such a trip was usually... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
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    • Flemish Nobility
En 1713, après deux siècles de domination en Italie et aux Pays-Bas, le traité d’Utrecht sanctionne le démembrement de la monarchie hispanique et son repli dans la Péninsule ibérique. Alors que l’Espagne semble désormais tourner le dos à... more
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryEarly Modern Europe
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      HagiographyMedieval Ecclesiastical HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Flanders
Esta contribución estudia los diferentes intentos de reforma que afectaron a los cuerpos de la nación flamenca a lo largo del siglo XVIII. En los años de la posguerra, estructurados en torno a los altos oficiales de la Guardia Real, los... more
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly modern Spanish historyMercenaries
Cet article interroge le processus de formation d'une noblesse cosmopolite dans l'Espagne du XVIIIe siècle. Si les élites de la monarchie hispanique ont été constituées de longue date par les noblesses de ses différents territoires, le... more
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      Modern Spanish HistoryEarly modern SpainHistoria Moderna De EspañaEuropean nobility
L'alignement des figures représentées sur les sceaux de la période de Bouvines offre au regard une frise en relief, presque animée. Les personnages qui y apparaissent ont encore de nombreux points communs avec les cavaliers de la « toile... more
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      HeraldryMedieval FlandersFlandersHeraldry, sigillography and vexillology
Gravin Sophie de Cunchy speelde een belangrijke rol in de geschiedenis van het Kasteel van Bornem in de troebele tijden van de Franse Revolutie en de Franse Periode. Countess Sophie de Cunchy played an important role in the history of... more
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      NobilityFrench Revolution and NapoleonEuropean nobilityFlemish Nobility
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      Early Modern HistoryPolitical CulturePolitical HistoryNobility
The accounts of the general receiver of the Duke of Burgundy provide an interesting document, dating from March 1398 (, in which Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy and count of Flanders (1384-1404), grants mercy to a Flemish nobleman... more
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      Legal HistoryHistory of Social SciencesHistory of Political ViolenceHistory of Violence
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      Medieval HistoryNational IdentityRegionalismMedieval Low Countries
Given at the 56e Rencontres du Centre européen d'Etudes bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe siècles), this conference paper aims to highlight, understand and differentiate the role of the Burgundian noblemen directly involved in the trade... more
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      Late Medieval English HistoryMedieval NobilityHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg NetherlandsHistory of Diplomacy
De laatmiddeleeuwse geschiedenis van het landgoed Shaecx, thans bekend als kasteel en domein Hof ter Saksen in Beveren, is weinig gekend en onderzocht. In oudere literatuur bestaat vooral onduidelijkheid over het precieze statuut van het... more
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      Medieval Low CountriesMedieval NobilityLocal and regional historyHistory of the Low Countries
This book (in Dutch) tells the story about the legendary castle of Rupelmonde, property of the counts of Flanders and famous as a prison, archive, arsenal and focal point of the geopolitical history of the lower Scheldt region. ISBN... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryProsopographyBurgundian Low Countries
In general, the reports on coin hoards to be found in old numismatic journals leave much to be desired. Usually superficial and often downright inaccurate, these reports are, more often than not, the only record we have of important coin... more
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      French HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
Recently, historiography on early modern France has established the crucial role of noblewomen – and particularly of noble widows – in propagating the Calvinist Faith during the sixteenth-century Wars of Religion. This article unravels... more
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      Gender HistoryReformation HistoryIconoclasmCalvinism
The long nineteenth and early twentieth century is often considered a period of socially widening collecting practices. Besides the boom of public museums, the general understanding of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century collecting is... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesNobilityHistory of Collections
In november 2005 werd in opdracht van de gemeente Sluis archeologisch onderzoek uitgevoerd in Schoondijke (gemeente Sluis) op de locatie Einsteinstraat. Het onderzoek en onderhavig rapport is tot stand gekomen door een samenwerking van... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArchaeology of BuildingsCoastal and Island ArchaeologyMedieval Nobility
The Flemish account relating the four-year journey to the East (1481-5) undertaken by the Flemish nobleman Joos van Ghistele (†1516), written by Ambrosius Zeebout (c. 1491), is counted as one of the most important early modern western... more
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      EthnographyIslamDutch LiteratureMedieval Travel Accounts
Cet article propose d’interroger le rôle et le sens des enquêtes de pureté de sang menées par le Conseil des Ordres dans l’Espagne d’Ancien Régime. Extrêmement coûteuses et exigeantes, assimilées à des enquêtes de noblesse, elles ont été... more
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      Early modern SpainMilitary OrdersHistory of the Low CountriesLimpieza De Sangre
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      Devotional ShrinesMedieval Ecclesiastical HistoryCisterciansRelics (Religion)
In this article I explain that Galbert of Bruges' well-known description of feudalism in 1127-1128 Flanders (e.g. the ceremony of homage, fealty and investiture) should not be read as a report on an abstract European feudalism which never... more
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      Medieval FlandersFeudalism and LordshipFeudalismFlemish Nobility
I-La non-participation des flamands dans l’Empire Espagnol : La guerre des Communautés de Castille et le règne de Charles I de Habsbourg des Espagnes II-La participation des flamands dans l’Empire Espagnol : La guerre de succession... more
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      MexicoSpanish empireFlemish Nobility
Seminário no curso livre «Problemáticas da Corte Régia Portuguesa»
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
2, 6, 9, 16, 20, 23, 27 e 30 de Junho
Inscrições até dia 1 de Junho
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
This article focuses on the social and political features of the knighthood in one of the most densely populated areas of the Low Countries, the administrative district of Brussels, known as the ammanie, in the fifteenth century. A... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUrban HistoryMedieval urban history
V. Favarò, M. Merluzzi and G. Sabatini (eds.), Fronteras. Procesos y prácticas de integración y conflictos entre Europa y América (siglos XVI-XX), Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica/Red Columnaria, 2017, 427-436
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      Dutch Revoltlate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courtsBorders and BorderlandsFlemish Nobility