Recent papers in Fire
La savane africaine occidentale est un des paysages tropicaux les plus largement parcourus par les feux de brousse. Lors de la periode coloniale, relayee par les gouvernements post-coloniaux, des politiques en vue de controler ces feux... more
Designing a fuel-sampling program that accurately and efficiently assesses fuel load at relevant spatial scales requires knowledge of each sample method’s strengths and weaknesses. We obtained loading values for six fuel components using... more
Several Melaleuca (Myrtaceae) species are invasive globally. Recently an increase in invasive species from this genus have been reported in South Africa. Here we document the first detailed assessment of the distribution and invasive... more
The development of frameworks for better-understanding ecological syndromes and putative evolutionary strategies of plant adaptation to fire has recently received a flurry of attention, including a new model hypothesizing that plants have... more
Large forest fires have repeatedly affected Europe, in particular the Mediterranean countries. It is now crucial to continue the effort to feed the several layers of prediction models and understand how wildfire spreads in order to... more
The vegetation of the Wet Tropics bioregion of Far North Queensland is a complex system whose components (mainly tropical rainforests and fire-prone forests and woodlands) have mostly been studied independently from each other. We suggest... more
Aim There remains some uncertainty concerning the causes of extinctions of Madagascar’s megafauna. One hypothesis is that they were caused by over-hunting by humans. A second hypothesis is that their extinction was caused by both... more
Fuel mapping is key to fire propagation risk assessment and regeneration potential. Previous studies have mapped fuel types using remote sensing data, mainly at local-regional scales, while at smaller scales fuel mapping has been based on... more
Wildland fuelbeds are exceptionally complex, consisting of diverse particles of many sizes, types and shapes with abundances and properties that are highly variable in time and space. This complexity makes it difficult to accurately... more
Informal settlements (ISs) are a high-risk environment in which fires are often seen. In 2019 alone, 5544 IS fires were reported in South Africa. One of the main problems, when investigating an IS fire, is determining the fire cause. In... more
“Firebox.” In Black Hyperbox. Eds. Alina Popa and Florin Flueras. Bucharest: Punch, 2017. 196-210.
Termoplastikler; moleküllerinin bir arada ikinci zayıf bağlarla bir arada tutulduğu bir polimerdir ve ısıya maruz tutulduğunda yumuşar ve soğuduğunda tekrar orijinal durumuna geri döner. Termoplastikler ısı ile yumuşatıldığında, çekme,... more