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The EURAM annual conference is approaching fast. The general programme is now out: I hope you will attend the Public Management track; 37 papers have been double-blind reviewed and selected among 100! The programme is... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementPolitical ScienceFederalism
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      Military HistoryPopular CultureRepublicanismUrban History
Introdução, Capítulo 1 e Considerações Finais da tese de doutorado em Ciência Política, IESP-UERJ, 2016.
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      Brazilian StudiesFederalismJudicial PoliticsLaw and Justice in Developing Countries
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      Future StudiesPostcolonial StudiesFederalismColonialism
Andrew Harding and James Chin (2014) 50 Years of Malaysia: Federalism Revisited (Singapore: Marshall Cavendish) pp. 152-185
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      FederalismComparative FederalismMalaysian StudiesMalaysian Politics
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      English LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsTerrorismFederalism
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      Political PhilosophyFederalismFilosofía Política
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      Russian StudiesRussian PoliticsFederalism
This paper aims to compare the pattern of own-tax collection and tax buoyancy of high and low-income states of India from 2001-02 to 2016-17. The study observed that the tax-to-GSDP ratio decreased in the high-income states. While it... more
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      FederalismState And Local Public FinanceFiscal policyDirect Tax
The recent decentralization development across the world has been in part driven by assertions of a supposed ‘economic dividend’ associated with expenditure. There is, however, little empirical evidence to validate these assertions in... more
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      FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralization
Конституция Российской Федерации в статье 5 закрепляет принцип равноправия субъектов Федерации. Эта же статья Основного закона называет шесть видов субъектов РФ, имеющих свои особенности и в связи с этим обладающих различным объемом прав... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismAsymmetryRussian Federation
While governments are responsible for monitoring and evaluating health reforms and overall performance, this chapter explains why some of this function has shifted in recent years to specialized intergovernmental bodies, and increasingly,... more
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      Evaluation ResearchOrganisational Performance MeasurementFederalismMeasurement and Evaluation
1. Un poder judIcIal a Imagen del estado federal en que se Inserta. 2. Una organIzacIón jurIsdIccIonaL DuaLIsta. 2.1. La organización jurisdiccional federal. 2.2. La jurisdicción estatal estadounidense. 3. La artIcuLacIón entre La... more
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      FederalismSupremo Tribunal FederalPoder JudicialJueces
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      Political ScienceFederalismDecentralizationThematic Analysis
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceInterorganizational NetworksCollaboration
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      CalvinismFederalismFederalismoHistory of Law
The current battle for climate change in the USA represents two visions of the American Way of Life. The current interpretation is that individual liberty, especially to consume, is paramount. However, the sentiment of the Founding... more
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      American PoliticsClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate change policy
Reflections on the India-Pakistan summit over Kashmir
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesSouth Asian StudiesNuclear Weapons
Nested Federalism and Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic traces the political journey toward self-governance taken by three predominantly Inuit regions over the past forty years: Nunavik in northern Québec, the Inuvialuit Settlement... more
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      Public AdministrationIndigenous StudiesIndigenous PoliticsFederalism
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      Constitutional LawFederalismElections
Este segundo trabajo de la "Serie Federalismo y Administración Pública" examina los modelos de gestión pública existentes en países federales. En particular, se analiza el paso desde un modelo de "federalismo dual" a uno “cooperativo";... more
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      FederalismComparative FederalismInstitutions (Political Science)Federalismo
French Abstract: Alors que la doctrine belge semble avoir tenu pour acquise la qualification des accords de coopération en tant que source formelle du droit, ce travail vient nuancer ces propos en distinguant les accords qui peuvent... more
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      LawComparative LawFederalismBelgium
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Przedmiotem rozdziału jest przegląd najnowszych ujęć teoretycznych i koncepcji demokracji uwzględniających współczesne realia, w tym funkcjonowanie Unii jako nowego porządku politycznego. Autorka zastosowała metodę porównawczą w ujęciu... more
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      FederalismEuropean Union CitizenshipGovernance and Civil Society
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      EducationHistory of EducationFederalismPresbyterianism
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsAmerican Legal and Constitutional History
McGirt v. Oklahoma in 2020 has brought to light decades of debate on the sovereignty of the Tribes and the State. Oklahoma, of all states, has the highest concentration of indigenous nations at 38. The founding fathers of the United... more
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      Indigenous StudiesFederalismSupreme CourtConstitutionalism
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      Welfare StateConservatismFederalismSwiss History
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      SociologyComparative PoliticsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
The GST Council, a panel of Union and state finance ministers, has met three times till now. Though con sensus has been the mode of decision­making, the process will not be smooth in the days to come. Very important decisions like tax... more
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      TaxationBusiness TaxationFederalismFiscal federalism and decentralization
El nivel intermedio de gobierno en un estado garantiza la articulación de las funciones estatales entre el centro y la periferia, y su adecuada configuración requiere adecuarse a la realidad del estado en que se encuentra. Colombia vivió... more
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      FederalismRegionalismComparative FederalismFederalism and Intergovernmental Relations
El libro se centra en el análisis de la doctrina de los órganos consultivos autonómicos elaborada a raíz de las reformas estatutarias realizadas durante la VIII Legislatura. El estudio combina un análisis sincrónico, a manera de foto... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismDecentralizationDiritto Costituzionale
Like all other nations Nigeria aspires to greatness but over five decades after Independence still ranks very low on all parameters of good governance. The objective of the paper is to examine the concepts of leadership, participatory... more
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      SociologyPublic FinanceDevelopment StudiesPolitical Theory
A lo largo de la historia constitucional argentina, la intervención federal ha sido un instituto sujeto a severos abusos. El propósito de este comentario es reseñar su fuente constitucional, demostrar su uso discrecional para avasallar... more
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      FederalismFederalismoReformas ConstitucionalesIntervenciones Federales
By a chronological coincidence, this book intended to explain Spanish autonomous state to foreign readers is published in the year in which the Spanish autonomous state has become international news due to the great challenge it is facing... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismComparative Constitutional LawComparative Federalism
The article seeks to further an understanding of the impact of robust federalism and strong Executives on federal deputies' political survival. Specifically, the article looks at the effect of government coalitions formed at the national... more
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      Political CoalitionsLatin American politicsFederalismSubnational Politics
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      Comparative ReligionSociologyRussian StudiesLaw
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      GovernanceKurdish StudiesNationalismFederalism
Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeitet heute mit wem zu welchen Gefahren? Basierend auf einer umfassenden und einzigartigen Datenerhebung kartiert dieser Beitrag die Entwicklung... more
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      Homeland SecurityNational Security CultureCritical Security StudiesFederalism
The aim of this paper is to analyze presidents’ distributive strategies in federal countries under different contexts of fiscal centralization and party system nationalization. To achieve this aim, the focus was placed on the allocation... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceFederalismInstitutions (Political Science)
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      Political SociologyPolitical PartiesPolitical ScienceFederalism
The paper discusses the role of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) in reshaping the federative pact, insofar as it has reinforced the autonomy of subnational entities to the detriment of the traditional centralization of powers... more
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      FederalismBrazilian LawJudicial ActivismCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
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      Constitutional LawFederalismComparative Constitutional LawRegionalism
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      Comparative PoliticsFederalismComparative FederalismDemocracy
The purpose of this study is to present exhaustive, the autonomy of Trentino-Alto Adige South Tyrol and provide an overview that weaves legal issues with political ones, in the light of historical events, and, as available, reproducing... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies