Fashion Theory
Recent papers in Fashion Theory
'Fashion matters' proposes a new-materialist framework to look at global fashion. A new-materialist approach helps to highlight fashion's materiality and understand the hybrid mix of both local and global matters in fashion. An analysis... more
Debates over copyright and craft are particularly thorny, jumping as they do from notions of a common shared history of quilting bees and knitting circles that should be open and welcoming to all, passing through the idea that as an... more
What is fashion? Where does it come from? Why has it come to permeate modern life? In the last half century, questions like these have drawn serious academic reflection, resulting in a new field of research-fashion studies-and generating... more
This article examines the relationship between costume and character, self and appearance in Luca Guadagnino’s film, I Am Love (Io Sono l'Amore, Guadagnino: 2009). As played by Tilda Swinton, Emma Recchi is a woman whose dress reveals a... more
In fashion world, fashion shows are the most significant part for fashion presentation, marketing and communication. In the last twenty years, fashion shows transformed themselves: They became a huge consumer market in a large hoop, which... more
Sonia Delaunay’s simultaneous dress of 1913 incorporates a heterogenous variety of materials in its patchwork structure, which includes both fur and fabrics of different weights and colours. By focusing on the relationship between art,... more
From Chinese Brand Culture to Global Brands uses a Chinese perspective to examine the capacity of Chinese brand culture to serve as a complement to existing models of brand globalization. Moving away from the trend to study the... more
En Las artimañas de la moda: una genealogía del poder vestimentario, Camilo Retana parte de una hipótesis audaz: la moda pone en juego una serie de mecanismos de control que es preciso detectar puesto que contribuyen a regular el... more
The paper looks at dandyism in Europe of the Nineteenth century and aims to offer a structural description of dandyism as a cultural semiotic system encompassing fashion, techniques of the body, emotional discipline and behavioral... more
Parametric Design is a computer based design approach that treats the geometric properties of the design as variables. The dimensions, angles and geometric properties (like curvature) remain malleable as the design progresses. Although at... more
Sewing Reality: Fashion in Non-fiction Media University of Bedfordshire, Luton Campus, UK 9th June 2018 As two distinct art forms, fashion and film have flirted with each other in symbiotic relationships since the dawn of the medium:... more
The key message of this book is: clothing matters. And it is not just that clothing matters for people who enjoy fashion, but that across time, space and culture, for man, woman and child, clothing and appearance is a fundamental way in... more
A collection of international contributions from renowned academics and practitioners from the UK, USA and China, the second edition of Fashion Marketing has been revised and expanded to incorporate the major changes in the fashion... more
Rasyonaliteyi merkeze alarak kendisini inşa eden modernite; bireyci, seküler, materyalist, evrimci ve evrenselci özellikleriyle tüm dünyada etkili olmaya çalışan ve neredeyse dünyanın tamamına erişen bir zihniyet olgusudur. Yayılmacı... more
Architectonic is a hybrid experiment which raises questions within the field of inter-disciplinary research. The study explores the opportunities that the dynamic between the cross-fertilization of architecture and fashion approaches may... more
Review of Fashion and Postcolonial Critique, Sternberg Press 2019.
Fashion and Feminism, Rosa Genoni, Italy, Fashion, politics and National Identity
Mode und Geschlecht sind innerhalb modischer Praktiken auf komplexe Art und Weise miteinander verbunden. In diesem Beitrag schlage ich vor, eine intersektionale und eine queertheoretische Perspektive in die Modeforschung zu integrieren,... more
Carved and painted onto wood, stone, bone, animal skins or metal, woven and knit into cloth, material culture from Northwest Coast Native peoples has historically been a one-of-a-kind iteration and a declaration of of familial rights and... more
The topic of this paper is the research of processes of selective tradition on the example of the interpolation of elements of traditional wear into collections by contemporary Croatian fashion designers. The primary reason for choosing... more
O livro "Moda e ironia em Dom Casmurro" foi publicado em 2010, Editora Alameda, fruto de uma pesquisa desenvolvida nos anos de 2005 a 2007, como dissertação de mestrado da autora. "Moda e ironia em Dom Casmurro" foi a primeira obra... more
in Places and Spaces of Fashion 1800-2007, ed. John Potvin (Routledge, 2009)
A partir da conciliação de duas perspectivas antropológicas de análise dos objetos materiais-o sistema classificatório de bens e as abordagens da materialidade-propõe-se um caminho alternativo para o estudo da moda. O enquadre oferecido... more
Análise sobre o papel fundamental do figurino para o longa Clueless (1995).
Pam Cook asserts, in her analysis of costume design, that “clothing marks the threshold between the body and the outside world, between private and public. Fashion… it is both self-expression and social pressure, compelling us to... more
Hollywood Costume designing and a brief study about costumes of movie "Marie Antoinette"
The figure of the 'woman-child' appears time and time again in the field of British fashion. Caught somewhere between the discursive domains of childhood and womanhood, the 'girl' has vast and malleable 'symbolic appeal' (Jobling 1999).... more
Book review. Michael Carter: Being Prepared: Aspects of Dress and Dressing. Sydney: Puncher & Wattmann, 2017, 210 pp., ISBN 978-1-9221-8694-2. The meanings of dress, clothing and fashion are so intermingled nowadays that it is hard to... more
The fashion industry is in need of repair. Familiar criticisms are easy to level: overproduction of low quality goods manufactured in unacceptable working conditions has driven down quality in favor of volume. Far harder to come by are... more