Evolutionary Epistemology
Recent papers in Evolutionary Epistemology
Prevailing views about what constitutes organisational knowledge need to be systematically evaluated at deep epistemological levels. We argue there is a need is to establish a new paradigm comprising of both a theoretical and an... more
Poster presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society - June 29 -July 2, 2016. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
You'll find these lists of documents of each category in detail in: https://uni-koeln.academia.edu/ManfredBundschuh/20-Lists-of-my-documents-in-academia-edu - with links
Presentation at “The Way We Think: A Research Symposium on Conceptual Integration and the Nature and Origin of Cognitively Modern Humans.” University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Demark, August 19-23, 2002. Document includes Supplemental... more
(M.A.-Abschlussarbeit, Wiener Rupert-Riedl-Preis 2019) Schon Erwin Schrödinger hat sich mit der Frage der Gesetzlichkeit der Natur auseinandergesetzt, wie ein endlicher menschlicher Geist zu einer Formulierung von Gesetzen der Natur... more
Thomas BERRY was a cultural historian and Passionist priest, a leading exponent of ecological spirituality in the tradition of Jesuit paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Some called him "the bard of the new cosmology. A central... more
1 Einleitung …………….............…………. 3 2 Erste Jeremiade …………...........…. 3 3 Zweite Jeremiade ………...........…. 4 4 Dritte Jeremiade ………...…........... 6 5 Vierte Jeremiade ……..…...........… 6 6 Der ratiomorphe Apparat... more
In this paper videogames and transmedia are examined from the perspectives of both creation (game design) and audience reception (gameplay experience), in light of the theories of the DPFi (Domain, Person Field interaction) systems model... more
Criticisms of Karl Popper’s critical rationalist epistemology are often confused and misleading. In part that is due to Popper’s somewhat lax use of language, in which technical terms are used in more than one sense. I attempt to clarify... more
В антологию включены работы основателей эволюционной эпистемологии — К. Лоренца, К. Поппера, Д. Кэмпбелла, статьи Р. Ридля, Г. Фолльмера, Э. Эзера, Ф. Вукетича как основных представителей эволюционной эпистемологии и последователей К.... more
"The prospects of development of evolutionary epistemology in the light of the modern discussions about possibilities of naturalistic approaches to understanding of functioning and development of consciousness, perception, thinking,... more
This collection of essays and notes attempts to tread the invisible borders between mythos, the neoliberal-Christian-nationalist 'world view' and socio-political trends in the rise of Trump, the Red Hats and the Evangelicals to political... more
Desde que Kant planteó la distinción entre autonomía y heteronomía, estos términos se han convertido en fecundos criterios para la reflexión en torno a la cuestión moral. El presente trabajo analiza sus... more
La seguente analisi, nata in contesto universitario, prende le mosse dalla celeberrima riflessione di Popper sulla televisione cercando di contestualizzarla all'interno della sua teorizzazione epistemologica e della torsione... more
.....the double bind as constituting an entirely new, non-material, principle of evolution, major conceptual revisions may need to be made in our general understanding of evolution as contained within the “modern evolutionary... more
En este libro se analiza el giro de la filosofía de K. Popper a partir de la década del 60 del siglo pasado y que, más que romper con sus escritos anteriores, redefine la idea inicial de una epistemología sin sujeto, aunque ahora en clave... more
A Memética é, então, a ciência que estuda como memes se propagam. O que a genética faz com os genes, a Memética faz com os memes. Ou, mais precisamente, o que a genética de populações e a epidemiologia fazem com as informações genéticas,... more
Índice Introducción 1. De cómo la epistemología se encontró con la teoría de la evolución 1.1. Las tareas de la epistemología 1.2. La naturalización de la epistemología 1.3. El surgimiento de la epistemología evolucionista 1.4.... more
Naturalistic epistemology begins with the assumption that human inquiry (epistemology itself) could have arisen only from and exist only within the world of time and space, the evolving physical universe, the evolving human organism.... more
Consciousness is a virtual-reality display, created by an internal executive agent, which human beings experience as the self. This display serves to monitor and manage the state of the organism in relation to the world. Conscious... more
"Michel Weber (ed.), After Whitehead: Rescher on Process Metaphysics, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought I, 2004. (339 p. ; ISBN 3-937202-49-8 ; 89 €) When Rescher’s Process Metaphysics (1996) was published, it was... more
Este estudo tem por objetivo oferecer uma análise sobre a natureza da informação, dado e conhecimento, procurando distingui-los e defini-los conceitualmente a partir da contraposição de conceitos filosóficos, dentro de uma perspectiva... more
Simandan D (2005) "Pragmatic Scepticism and the Possibilities of Knowledge" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/West University Press, 256 pp. This book distiled my own way of understanding the relation between epistemology,... more
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
Chapter 1 (To know in order to survive) and 2 (A critique of evolved reason) are about the evolution of knowledge and why it matters as a justification and critique of knowledge. Chapter 3 (Why consciousness evolved) is about the nature... more
An environment conducting a flux of energy and materials between temporally or spatially separated sources and sinks may become more complexly structured due to the emergence of cyclical, dissipative transport systems. Selection favors... more
Download available at https://rdcu.be/cl0vS. Applied Evolutionary Epistemology is a scientific-philosophical theory that defines evolution as the set of phenomena whereby units evolve at levels of ontological hierarchies by mechanisms and... more
k e y w o r d s Origin and evolution of language Units and levels of evolution Evolutionary mechanisms Processes Hierarchies Extended Synthesis Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Philosophy of biology a b s t r a c t Modern evolutionary... more
La relación del naturalista inglés Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882) con la Argentina puede analizarse desde varios aspectos. En primer lugar porque en su juventud realizó un extenso viaje alrededor del mundo durante cinco años (desde el 27... more
Both biosemiotics and evolutionary epistemology are concerned with how knowledge evolves. (Applied) Evolutionary Epistemology thereby focuses on identifying the units, levels, and mechanisms or processes that underlie the evolutionary... more
What, if any, are the limits of human understanding? Epistemic pessimists, sobered by our humble evolutionary origins, have argued that some truths about the universe are perennial mysteries and will forever remain beyond our ken. Others... more
Der Idealismus wird oftmals als dem evolutionären Weltbild widersprechend angesehen. Er stehe der Idee einer Transmutation der Arten und einer entsprechenden Dynamisierung des Naturbildes skeptisch gegenüber, sei teleologisch auf den... more
This essay takes—as its point of departure—Cavicchi’s (2006) argument that knowledge develops through experimentation, both in science and in educational settings. In attempting to support and extend her conclusions, which are drawn in... more
A work in process. Chapter 1 finished on Ontology. Now with Chapter 2, on Consciousness. Chapter 3 will be devoted to the scientific method, Epistemology, and hence the scientific justification of EP. On Chapter 4 and the rest, questions... more
This doctoral thesis deals with the issue of positioning the scholar in the context of the study of religion. This is a complex matter, where methodological and epistemological issues intertwine. In short, this is an issue of deciding who... more
La tesis que pretendo defender en este trabajo no debería ser a estas alturas una tesis demasiado contestada pese a chocar con los presupuestos de buena parte de la tradición filosófica. En pocas palabras esa tesis dice que la... more
Thomas BERRY fue historiador de las culturas y sacerdote pasionista, un destacado exponente de la espiritualidad ecológica en la tradición del paleontólogo jesuita Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Algunos lo llamaron "el trovador de la nueva... more
In this dissertation I enquire into the status, scope and limits of human knowledge, given the fact that our perceptual and cognitive faculties are the product of evolution by natural selection. I argue that the commonsense... more
Nat Barrett's ''On the nature and origins of cognition as a form of motivated activity'' puts a well-focused light on the central problems, plaguing the core of enactivist, or 4E cognitive theories and points to LMEP (the Law of Maximum... more