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Bu kitap kapsamında genel olarak; marka ve marka unsurları, destinasyon markalaşması, konaklama, seyahat, yiyecek-içecek, ve rekreasyon işletmelerinde markalaşmanın nasıl meydana geldiği? Bu işletmelerdeki markalaşma sürecinin nasıl... more
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      Tourism MarketingTourism ManagementBrand ManagementSustainable Tourism
This thesis explores revisit intention for a cultural activity in Rotterdam, Netherlands. My study will analyse a cultural event which helps to promote museums, by focusing on key variables influencing consumers’ intention to revisit the... more
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      Museum StudiesEvent marketingCity MarketingEvent Tourism, Destination Branding, Experiential Marketing
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    • Event Tourism, Destination Branding, Experiential Marketing
This study aims to understand the benefits contractual inter-firm networks offer to existing territorial tourism systems in Italy. Preference has been given to a qualitative approach. Data collection was based on document analysis (i.e.... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementEvent Tourism, Destination Branding, Experiential Marketing
Year 3. Grade: A 76%. This piece of work proposes an arts event as a collaborative partnership between Madeira and UK (London). The aim is to attract cultural tourists to the archipelago. Madeira's identity and heritage was taken into... more
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      Cultural TourismEvents managementDestination ImageTourism Destination Marketing
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      Social MediaEvent Tourism, Destination Branding, Experiential Marketing
Deadline (revised) for full articles: 5 October, 2019 Article author guidelines: The aims of this Themed Issue of IJTC are to: 1. Define... more
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      Event ManagementEvents managementEvent marketingEvents
Speech during the
European Architecture Students Assembly
Colossus Vs. LandmARCH
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeologyTourism Marketing
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      Marketing StrategyMarketing CommunicationsEvent Tourism, Destination Branding, Experiential MarketingIntegrated Marketing Communication (IMC
This paper analyses the profile of locals willing to meet tourists in a context of experience interchange peer-to-peer (P2P) and identifies factors that drive such contact in an authentic setting of shared passions. This is a first step... more
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      TourismEvent Tourism, Destination Branding, Experiential Marketing
Extension of Luxury brands to Tourism facilities
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      MarketingNew MediaFashion designSocial Networks