European private law
Recent papers in European private law
Il commento muove dalla decisione del Collegio di Coordinamento A.B.F. sulla sorte di un contratto di fideiussione omnibus che contempla le clausole dello schema contrattuale uniforme predisposto dall’A.B.I., qualificate come... more
Studio delle successioni in diritto comparato
The book strives to provide a historical, comparative, and multidisciplinary introduction to the study of private law. Against the backdrop of the predominant position enjoyed by legal positivism, private law is thus understood as a... more
Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 on passenger rights in cases of denied boarding and of cancellation or delay of flights includes provisions on the air carrier ’ s duty to inform passengers of their rights. In this regard, the Regulation... more
We often think about justice and social change in terms of refinement and better implementation of legal or economic theories and categories. Justice and change are often understood as more accountability and participation, as resistance... more
This essay is both a review of the excellent book “Nudge and the Law. A European Perspective”, edited by Alberto Alemanno and Anne-Lise Sibony, and an assessment of the major themes and challenges that the behavioural analysis of law will... more
Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from... more
The article examines the use of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the so-called “horizontal” cases. For this purpose it investigates three questions: first, the formal status of the Charter in horizontal situations; secondly, the... more
Sumario: I. Dos conceptos de «documento» en el derecho privado europeo de la moderna sociedad de la información.-II. El documento electrónico en el llamado Reglamento eIDAS (Reglamento (UE) n.º 910/2014): el problema de los límites de la... more
On March 13, 2013 the comission of the European Union has issued its draft for a revision of the air passengers rights regulation (EC) 261/2004. This draft formally adopts a number of clarifications and adjustments which had been... more
This paper assesses the issue of alea in the Italian juridical system through the lens of case law on derivative contracts. After having shed light on the role of derivatives in the current economic system and on the fundamental legal... more
The book is a complete treatise on single contracts
San Marino trust law is embedded in a consolidated civil law tradition stretching back to the ius commune system of fiduciary instruments, thereby making it possible to trace, to a large extent, an itinerary related to common law trusts,... more
This is a brief case note on the Munich County Court's Judgment of 1 March 2018 (Case 12 O 730) which held that the Amazon Dash Button device violates EU consumer law on several counts. The case note analyzes the Court's line of argument... more
The paper deals with contract and negotiation
For decades, consumer law has been the stepchild of the legal discipline, neither public nor private law, not classic but post-modern, not 'legal enough', 'too political', in short, a discipline at the margins, suffering from the haut... more
The paper deals with advertising contracts
The paper deals with advertising and copyright
Price personalisation raises four policy concerns: building trust, fostering competitiveness, increasing access, and avoiding exploitation. The Modernisation Directive introduces an information requirement about personalised prices. The... more
This paper covers developments in the area of private law and private international law of the year 2017, as far as EU law and and EU-determined Austrian law is concerned, both on the level of legislation and jurisprudence. It was written... more
Il libro si propone di esaminare l’utilità della distinzione tra ordine pubblico interno e internazionale, nonché le modalità operative di questa clausola generale, da intendere non piú soltanto come limite alla libertà negoziale o alla... more
Il lavoro studia la possibilità di ricorrere al risarcimento del danno in materia di vizi del consenso in luogo dell'annullamento del contratto
It is clear that the Lutheran Reformation greatly contributed to changes in theological and legal ideas – but what was the extent of its impact on the field of contract law? Historians have extensively studied the contract doctrines... more
Il lavoro tenta di trasmettere alla comunità scientifica l’idea che l’impostazione attuale del private enforcement, volta ad attuare il riconoscimento a chiunque del danno antitrust mediante la ‘responsabilizzazione verso chiunque degli... more
W polskiej doktrynie prawa autorskiego przez wiele lat dość powszechnie (choć niejednomyślnie) przyjmowano, iż dla legalności korzystania z rozpowszechnionego utworu w ramach dozwolonego użytku prywatnego nie ma znaczenia legalność kopii... more
The book is a complete exposition of italian private law
The paper deals with unjust enrichment
The book is a complete treatise on obligation in general
Private law theory plays a role (for better or worse) in the practice of law, whether that be in education or providing criticism, or contextualizing within a broader frame what private law does and why it does what it does. Yet some say... more
European Contract Law and the Digital Single Market, an edited collection consisting of carefully selected contributions by leading scholars, addresses the impact of digital technology on European Private Law in light of the latest... more
Het concept Airbnb behoeft nog weinig toelichting. Particulieren verhuren hun eigen woning of appartement, deels of in geheel, en hanteren daarbij tarieven die hoteliers grijze haren bezorgen. Stadsbesturen, die verblijftaksen aan hun... more
In this article I argue that a revival of the idea of divided property, which was central to medieval feudal law, could prove to be beneficial for today's law. It would allow us to combine several variants of property within Europe into... more
Par deux arrêts récents, la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes s’est prononcée sur le statut des agents commerciaux. Elle était en effet interrogée sur la notion d’agent commercial à propos du critère de l’activité permanente... more
This book investigates whether national courts could and should import innovative solutions from abroad in the adjudication of complex legal disputes. Special attention is paid to the concept of “legally relevant damage” and its... more