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      GeneticsArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyClimate Change
This book examines the significance of adornment to the shaping of identity in mortuary contexts within Asia, and brings these perspectives into dialogue with current scholarship in other worldwide regions. The mortuary contexts of focus... more
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      Japanese ArtChinese ArtEast Asian ArchaeologyArchaeology of Personal Adornment
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyBronze Age (Archaeology)Eurasian PrehistoryBronze Age
Published in: The Silk Road, Vol. 13, 2015, p. 95–103 (in co-authorship)
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      Liao Dynasty (907-1125)Eurasian archaeologyHistory of Eurasian SteppeKitans (Khitans, Qidan)
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      Settlement PatternsHousehold ArchaeologyXiongnu archaelogyEurasian archaeology
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      Indo-European StudiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Eurasian PrehistoryChronology
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMetallurgyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
Cities within a steppe environment and in societies based on pastoral nomadism are an often overlooked theme in the anthro-pological literature. Yet, with Karakorum, the first capital of the Mongol Empire (AD 1206-1368), we have a supreme... more
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      Medieval HistoryUrban PlanningComparative UrbanismMongolian Studies
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
In this multidisciplinary and multi-author article in two-part, while independent researcher Cengiz Saltaoğlu handles Esik and Ay Khanum inscriptions linguistically and epigraphically, along with new reading proposals, and tries to treat... more
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      Turkish HistoryScythian HistoryEurasian archaeologyTurkic and Altaic Studies
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      Eurasian NomadsTurkish and Middle East StudiesIslamic NumismaticsCentral Eurasian Studies
Резюме. В статье рассматриваются немногочисленные случаи преднамерен-ной деформации головы среди населения саргатской культуры раннего железно-го века Зауралья и Западной Сибири. Анализируемые источники представлены опубликованными и... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyEurasian Prehistory
Xiongnu Archaeology: Multidisciplinary Perspectives of the First Steppe Empire in Inner Asia. Ed. by U. Brosseder and B. Miller. Bonn: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn, 2011, p. 77-96 (Bonn Contributions to Asian... more
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      Chiefdoms (Archaeology)Eurasian PrehistoryOrigins of the StatePolitical Economy in Chiefdom-Level Societies
"Ces Actes des Journées d’étude internationales (Strasbourg, 6-7 novembre 2009) sont l’aboutissement d’un programme de recherche (2007-2009), mené au sein de l’UMR 7044 (Étude des civilisations de l’Antiquité : de la Préhistoire à... more
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
Данное пособие посвящено истории кочевых обществ евразийского степного пространства раннего железного века, их экономическому и социально-политическому развитию, а также разнообразным отношениям с соседними оседлыми, земледельческими... more
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      Ancient HistoryMedieval HistoryEurasian NomadsEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Central Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsHistory of Mongolia
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      Eurasian NomadsEurasiaCentral Eurasian StudiesTurkic Speaking Peoples
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    • Eurasian archaeology
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      Material Culture StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyNomadsHorses
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyArchaeology of Central AsiaEarly Iron AgeEurasian archaeology
Leading scholars of Eurasian Steppe empires from the Xiongnu to the Mongol empire present their latest research and analyze the interaction along the "Steppe Highway" and to the neighboring empires based on agriculture. The book is out of... more
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      Central Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsCentral Asia (History)
Книга посвящена проблеме происхождения индоевропейских народов. На основе анализа археологических материалов Евразии рассматриваются связи евразийских культур от неолита до энеолита. Полученная схема культурогенеза сопоставляется с... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese ReligionsChinese Art
Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Müzeler Forumu

The Museums of Turkic World International Forum, Proceedings

Материалы международного форума Музеев тюркского мира

22-24 Eylül 2015,
Ulan-Batur, Moğolistan
Bursa – 2017
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      EthnoarchaeologyMuseum StudiesEthnographyHistory of Costume
Archaeological Study and Survey of Bronze Age Tombs and Funerals In Desert Zone of Mongolia In this article, the prone position in funeral practice of Bronze Age tombs was compared with previous research materials, which discovered as a... more
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      Northeast Asian ArchaeologyEurasian archaeology
Until relatively recently, the centuries between Xiongnu and Türk domination in the Mongolian steppelands (both north and south of the Gobi Desert) appeared as an archaeological »dark age«. At the same time, the steppe empire of the... more
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      Eurasian NomadsLate AntiquityCentral Eurasian StudiesBactria (Archaeology)
The publication materials on new and already well-known pictorial monuments of the steppe strip and foothills of Eurasia, which reflected the picture of the world of the people living in these territories: harmony of flora and fauna,... more
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      Central Eurasian StudiesArchaeology of Central AsiaEurasian archaeologyHistory of Eurasian Steppe
This article accounts for the forms of representation and the sources of legitimation of royal power in the Kushan kingdom (1st-3rd centuries CE): numismatics, iconography, and dynastic shrines. The relationship with deities and the... more
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      Iranian ArchaeologyEurasian NomadsSouth Asian HistorySouth Asian Archaeology
In the second part of our multivolume work we continue to present materials to give a detailed characteristic of the Chemurchek cultural phenomenon – the complex of West European megalithic traditions spreaded over the foothills of the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyIndo-European StudiesNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
Dear colleagues! We invite you to participate in the V International Congress of Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes «Eurasian steppe civilization: man and the historical and cultural environment», that will take place in Turkestan... more
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      ArchaeologyCentral Eurasian StudiesEurasian archaeologyScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
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      HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
The excavations carried out lately at Yassıhöyük/Gordion, Boğazköy/Büyükkaya, Kaman-Kalehöyük, Çadırhöyük, Porsuk and Liman Tepe and also the survey at Hydas and Hisarlık Tepesi/Troya VIIb2 and Tel-el Cüdeyde excavations of which findings... more
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      Historical GeographyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Studies
The work is devoted to the history of metallurgical production in Northern Eurasia during the Bronze Age, based on experiments carried out by the author and analyses of ancient slag, ore and metal. It should be noted that... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeometry
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      Survey (Archaeological Method & Theory)Iron Age Mongolia (Archaeology)Archaeological surveyXiongnu archaelogy
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      Eurasian NomadsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyTurkish and Middle East StudiesCultural Anthropology, Anthropology of Nomadic Societies; Oral Cultures
Workshop "Antiquities to compare? Discussions on pre-imperial trajectories, from the Mediterranean to China", organized by Julien Zurbach.
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      HistoryAncient HistorySociology of ReligionArchaeology
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyIranian ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
The ‘Türk Altay Theory / Türk-Altay Kuramı’ is a true story of the early existence of the Türks in North Asia. Sayan-Altay’s successive indigenous cultures from 6000 BC to 6th-8th century AD, were connected each other by using... more
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      Eurasian NomadsCentral Eurasian StudiesEurasian PrehistoryEurasian archaeology
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      Arms and Armor StudiesNomadsHorsesEurasian archaeology
Аннотация. В начале позднего бронзового века в ряде культур Северной Евразии (синташтинская, петровская, ранняя алакульская, доно-волжская абашевская, потаповский тип) распространяется колесничество, главным признаком которого являются... more
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      ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Eurasian PrehistoryMiddle Bronze Age
The emergence of horse riding in Mongolia has recently gained attention in archaeological research (e.g. Houle 2016; Makarewicz et al 2018; Taylor and Tuvshinjargel 2018). Most of this research consists of zooarchaeological studies... more
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      ZooarchaeologyBioarchaeologyInner Asian StudiesMongolian Studies
Some 2200 years ago, people belonging to the Pazyryk archaeological culture gathered together to bury their dead in mounds on high plateaus in the remote Altai Mountains in the center of Asia. Entire horses—and often groups of horses—were... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyHuman-Animal RelationsEthnography
Cities in the Eurasian steppes, a core of nomadic empires, are rare. Erecting a city from scratch is even less typical. However, Khar Khul Khaany Balgas, situated north of the Khangai Mountains in central Mongolia, is such an exceptional... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyRemote SensingMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
The gold technology in Northwest China underwent an important development during the early Iron Age, following the arrival of new technological skills from the central Asian steppes. These developments included the use of granulation,... more
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      Asian StudiesArt HistoryHistory of TechnologyCentral Asian Studies
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian Archaeology
Published in: The Silk Road, Vol. 12, 2014, p. 89–97 (in co-authorship)
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      Mongolian StudiesLiao Dynasty (907-1125)Eurasian archaeologyKitans (Khitans, Qidan)
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      Settlement PatternsMongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsMobility (Archaeology)
In this paper the morphology of the Great Shigir Idol’s head and face carving is analyzed in comparison with the row of carved anthropomorphic sculptures made of wood and other raw materials, found at the territory of Europe and... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistory of SculpturePrehistoric religion and r ritual a
Цель исследования-рассмотреть краниометрические данные о популяционной изменчивости на территории Северной Евразии под углом зрения генетических и отчасти лингвистических фактов. Измерения 66 серий мужских черепов разных эпох (от мезолита... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)Eurasian archaeology
Over the past several decades, the anthropocentric lens through which domestication has been seen as entirely human-directed has shifted to a more ecocentric view “where domestication appears as a relation between two species” ( Noske... more
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      ArchaeologyHuman-Animal RelationsAnimal StudiesEurasian Nomads