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In deze tekst tracht ik aan te tonen hoe het voor psychotherapieën die werken rond bewustwording en bevrijding van geblokkeerde emoties interessant kan zijn te beschouwen hoe meditatie, in mijn geval Transcendente Meditatie, de verhouding... more
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      PsychoanalysisAltered States of ConsciousnessEgo Defense MechanismsTranscendental Meditation
Starting from the models proposed on the subject of defense mechanisms by Perry-Vaillant, Gleser-Ihilevich, Bond, Haan, Plutchik, Carver and Johnson-Gold, this research focuses attention on the need to respond to the need for a better... more
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      Defense MechanismsEgo Defense MechanismsPICI-1
There is controversy in the literature as to whether alexithymia reflects a deficit in the cognitive processing of emotions or a defensive coping style. Previous studies with clinical populations reported a strong association between... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyAlexithymiaCoping Styles
The physicalist worldview is often portrayed as a dispassionate interpretation of reality motivated purely by observable facts. In this article, ideas of both depth and social psychology are used to show that this portrayal may not be... more
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      PsychologyMeaning of LifePhysicalismMeaning
The paper discusses the ambiguous role of the memorialization in context of post-conflict transitional societies,and revises the psychoanalytic apparatus behind collective defense mechanism choice.
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      PsychologyGenocide StudiesTrauma StudiesMemory Studies
Депутатов В. О. Наративний аналіз та механізми захисту // В. О. Депутатов / Наративна психологія: теорія, емпірика, практика. Доповіді ключових спікерів І Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції (29–30 листопада 2019 р., м. Кривий... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEgo Defense MechanismsNarative Textзащитные механизмы
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      PsychoanalysisOrganizational LearningWisdomOrganizational Identity
Once in Europe, migrants often face an aggressive and stigmatizing inclination against themselves by the residents. European often feel them as enemies. From a psychiatric point of view, we identify peculiar Ego defense mechanisms that... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisPsychiatry