Early Modern European Witchcraft
Recent papers in Early Modern European Witchcraft
Los ensayos que integran el libro que el lector tiene entre sus manos se plantean como objetivo contribuir a desentrañar las ambiguas relaciones existentes entre demonología cristiana y cultura folklórica en un escenario específico... more
This paper tries to answer why the perception of the Devil changed a tempter doing God's will in the early medieval period, into an autonomous evil power waging war against God and Christendom by the early modern period. To answer this,... more
Analizar la brujería tradicional húngara en clave de chamanismo, no es tan desacertado (Aunque no soy fan de Eliade) considerando que el pueblo Magiar fue uno de los grupos étnicos túrquicos seguidores del Tengri que acompañaron a los... more
About fifty to sixty thousand people died in the witch-hunt of Early Modern Times. Among them were women, men, and children. The illustrated broadsheets helped to spread the contemporary ideas of witchcraft, and consequently drove the... more
Przed lubelskim sądem toczyła się w latach 1660-1662 sprawa o czary i spędzenie płodu, w której oskarżoną była Regina, żona Stanisława Sokołka. Protokoły z tego postępowania ukazały się drukiem już w 1947 roku, opracowane przez Mirosławę... more
The book is another attempt to show that "witches" used hallucinogens to induce the experience of flight. Though better than most efforts in this genre, it ends up tendentiously treating very thin evidence to attempt to make its claim.
The articles deals with the research in the field of the everyday history of the Renaissance urban community and the communication of the unequal actors, ( which are unequal thanks to social or gender status and ad hoc) interpreting the... more
Preliminary note: This seminar paper was written in 1998 as part of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts by advanced study in The History and Literature of Witchcraft at the University of Exeter.
January, 22nd, 2016
January, 22nd, 2016
Proceedings of a conference held in Bern in 2001.
See abstract of book.
Publishing date 21/6/2018.
Limited to 777.
Pre-orders are open
Publishing date 21/6/2018.
Limited to 777.
Pre-orders are open
Matthew Hopkins, England’s most notorious witch hunter, rested his reputation on his experience in confronting the supernatural. To this end, he greatly exaggerated the intensity of his first encounter with an accused witch, Elizabeth... more
Forskinga på Petter Dass har dei seinaste femten åra levert eit nytt syn på diktarpresten i kontrast til tidlegare forsking basert på eit nasjons- og regionsbyggjande program. Men den nye forskinga har ironisk nok òg medført eit... more
In the Shadow of Salem: The Andover Witch Hunt of 1692. By Richard Hite. Yardley, PA: Westholme, 2018. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 49.2 (2019) 249-50.
This study aims to analyse the representation of witchcraft in the Jacobean context within the framework of a Jacobean play, namely John Marston's The Wonder of Women or The Tragedy of Sophonisba (1606). Written during a patriarchal... more
This study is the first examination of Jesuit prison ministry in the Holy Roman Empire during the period of witch trials. It provides new insights into the prisons where the persons detained for witchcraft were incarcerated, as well as... more
This is an open call to invite papers for the Special Issue of "Religions", which deals with witchcraft, demonology and magic in their interactions with popular and institutional religion (preaching, inquisition, demonology, the role of... more
Hans Baldung Grien, the most famous apprentice and close friend of German artist Albrecht Dürer, was known for his unique and highly eroticised images of witches. In paintings and woodcut prints, he gave powerful visual expression to late... more
The sixteenth century was marked by a period of significant change from the Renaissance, Age of Discovery, and the Reformation that created instability and anxiety. Together with the popularity of prints and superstitious beliefs fuelled... more
Heksejagt er et makabert kapitel i dansk historie. Ord og billeder har påvirket vores opfattelse af hekse – både lokalt og landsdækkende. Heksejagtens ord og billeder handlede om at definere det farlige – det, der forstyrrede samfundets... more
Resum: Com en altres comarques de Catalunya, la cacera de bruixes al Va-llès es va produir de manera especialment intensa en els anys 1619-1622. La repressió va afectar prop d'una vintena de viles i llocs. S'han pogut do-cumentar... more
Brandl, Gergely és Tóth, G. Péter, eds. (2016) Szegedi boszorkányperek 1726-1744. A magyarországi boszorkányság forrásai. Várostörténeti források (5). Balassi Kiadó - Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Csongrád Megyei Levéltára, Budapest - Szeged.... more
This chapter explores the possibility of recovering the emotions of people caught up in witch trials, and considers whether those emotions need always be negative. It focuses on a case study of a Polish accused witch in love. See the full... more
The article analyses the conceivable flying of witches that were mentioned by judges and defendants in the legal cases on witchcraft of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of the 17th–18th centuries. Attempts were made to discover witches’... more
Linguistic factors played a significant role in the origin and spread of accusations of witchcraft in Early Modern Spain. The preoccupation with witches' words is at its root a preoccupation about the power of speech and, to a great... more
German Jesuit Priest Friedrich Spee and his work Cautio Criminalis, one of the most important contemporary works opposing the witch hunts, will be examined in this study. 51 questions, which form the core of the work, are translated into... more
A short piece on the folklore surrounding bees - both honeybees and bumblebees
The first major scholarly investigation into the rich history of the marked body in the early modern period, this interdisciplinary study examines multiple forms, uses, and meanings of corporeal inscription and impression in France and... more
This article discusses the official and popular responses to a particular sodomy trial held at Bruges in 1618 during which two women, Mayken and Magdaleene, were accused of several sexual and moral transgressions. The interrogation... more
// Please refer to the published version // As Stuart Clark has shown in Vanities of the Eye (2007), early modern demonology significantly advanced the idea that the world might not be what it appears to be, and that the senses – and... more
Balla il villano, balla il selvaggio, balla la strega (certo, non solo loro): ma come ballano? E il fatto di danzare è un elemento caratteristico, distintivo di queste tre figure dell’immaginario europeo in un’epoca di cambiamenti... more
My attempt to create the new scholarly field of "goblinology" (monster studies, move over and make room!). Chapters by historians, religionists, folklorists and anthropologists range from the 3rd century to the 21st and from northern... more