Early Middle Ages (History)
Recent papers in Early Middle Ages (History)
The article describes the development of research of the deserted village settlement from the early Middle Ages to the 20th century. It mentiones the most important researched localities and the methods of non-destructive research. The... more
Preface; I. Introduction: I.1 Prelude "To Imitate the Bees"; I.2 Towards an Interpretation of Spolia: Delimitations and Methods; I.3 Reuse The Development of a New Architectural Practice; II. Translatio of Materials: II.1 Fragments and... more
En quelques formules définitives, concluant sa remarquable synthèse sur la fin de l'Antiquité, Henri Pirenne (m. 1935) s'est imposé comme la référence historiographique contemporaine majeure du monde méditerranéen proto-médiéval. L'Islâm,... more
This conference paper examines the historical battle of Mons Badonicus in the sixth century, and it's ties to the semi-mythical figure of Arthur, as well as the equally vague historical figure of Ambrosius of Aurelianus.
The twelfth century was a period of significant development and change in the religious and secular world of Western Europe. One area of transition occurred in depictions of Christ’s crucifixion. In both writing and art, the triumphant... more
Alabanda Ancient City takes place in Araphisar Street from Doğanyurt Village in the 7 km west of Çine Town, Aydın City. The city settled down on the foothill of the hills in the north of Gökbel Mountain, is positioned close by the Marsyas... more
A period in history which the Renaissance scholars pejoratively called the «Middle Ages» was marked by the emergence of Europe— the rise and development of the Western civilisation. The centuries from the fourth to the fifteenth proved... more
PETRÁČEK Tomáš. K některým aspektům interpretace příběhu biskupa Vojtěcha. In: Obrazy uctívané, obdivované a interpretované. Sborník k 60. Narozeninám profesora Jana Royta. Eds. Miroslav Šmied, František Záruba, Praha: LN 2015, s. 61-74.... more
Se nourrir est une nécessité biologique qui se double au Moyen Age de valeurs symboliques particulières dans la culture chrétienne. Le christianisme a, en effet, placé au cœur de ses pratiques rituelles la commémoration d’un repas, la... more
This paper aims to present some characteristics of Hispania in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages (4th-8th centuries). Search through a brief analysis of the relationship between Christianity and the Catholic Monarchy stood raise some... more
How did the ‘Fall of the Roman Empire’ change social and economic networks in eastern Gaul, and how did new ‘barbarian’ political frontiers shape those changes? Synthesising historical and archaeological approaches, this interdisciplinary... more
This article examines the social significance of Real Tennis among the Western European nobility during its heyday of the sixteenth century. Underpinned theoretically by Norbert Elias’s seminal empirical work The Civilising Process, this... more
Village formation and settlement structure during the 1. Millennium AD is an interdisciplinary research project2 concerning the formation of the still existing villages on Funen, Denmark. The preliminary results (2014) show that the still... more
In the early Middle Ages there was a short period when prehistoric burial mounds were reused and new barrows constructed over much of western Europe. This is interpreted as an expression of opposition to the new Christian ideology, in a... more
Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907) – auch das goldene Zeitalter Chinas genannt – war eine blühende Epoche voller faszinierender Kulturphänomene. Das Zentrum des kosmopolitisch ausgerichteten Kaiserreichs bildete die vom heutigen Xi’an... more
I Maestri Comacini, chi furono veramente e perché furono chiamati in tal modo sono il tema di questo breve saggio che compara le opinioni più note su questi costruttori Altomedievali con considerazioni pratiche sul loro mestiere e sulle... more
In his critical edition of Liutprand's Antapodosis, Paolo Chiesa rejected a hypothesis advanced by Michele Bandini regarding the spelling and meaning of the nickname reportedly given by the Byzantines to Symeon of Bulgaria (Antapodosis... more
Në punimet e mëposhtme na paraqitet një gjeografi historike e trojeve shqiptare duke filluar nga krahinat përreth liqenit të Shkodrës e duke përfunduar në qytetin e lashtë Amantia në afërsi të Gjirokastrës. Përshkrimet... more
La christianisation du monde antique est un thème central d'un point de vue historique (c'est un des grands sujets d'étude de la fin de l'Antiquité gréco-romaine avec la disparition de l'Empire d'Occident et la fin du système civique... more
Highlight • This is the most detailed account to date on the health and disease status of Charlemagne, the Father of Europe. • Based on ancient sources, we suggest that Charlemagne suffered from mild gout and died of an infectious... more
No campo da História da Igreja, um dos assuntos mais debatidos e controversos se refere ao incremento da autoridade urbana eclesiástica, sob a crescente chancela do episcopado. Transcorrido do limiar da Antiguidade aos primeiros... more
- by Paulo Duarte
- Early Middle Ages (History), Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small finds, Post-Constantinian Christianity, Medieval Bishops
On the Quest for the Holy Grail the questers encounter several wise hermits from the Cistercian Order, commonly known in the text as White Monks, who provide insights into the meaning of the Quest for the Holy Grail; these illuminations... more
In which some passages of the Historia Langobardorum are examined, with the purpose of evidentiating the existence of a "trickster" or shapeshifting figure in the Lombard culture of the VII century. Parallels among this character and the... more
Las fuentes del siglo X para el noroeste de la meseta del Duero muestran que en aquella época los castros eran uno de los elementos más característicos del paisaje de esta región. Este trabajo revisa las principales interpretaciones... more