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Las nuevas tecnologías generan amenazas y retos asociados a los derechos fundamentales, especialmente aquellos relativos a la vida privada. Una de estas amenazas, propia de la naturaleza del mundo digital, es la total ausencia de límites... more
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      European UnionCouncil of EuropePrivacy and data protectionSpanish Constitutional Law
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      Access to JusticeHuman Rights LawInternational LawInternational organizations
El pasado 27 de marzo de 2019 el Consejo de Europa aprobó su "Recomendación CM/Rec(2019)1 del Comité de Ministros de los Estados miembros para prevenir y combatir el sexismo". No es una cuestión menor, ya que es la primera vez que se... more
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      Gender EqualityWomenCouncil of EuropeSexism
This chapter investigates whether the Holocaust was the catalyst for the adoption of a number of seminal texts in the postwar 'human rights revolution', including the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsGenocide Studies
// - - - With link to full text / Abstract in Polish is included below This article explores legal consequences arising from Italy’s European human rights legal commitments in confrontation with the migration crisis. The... more
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      SovereigntyTortureEuropean UnionRefugees
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      International LawUnited NationsUnescoInternational Sports Law
The objective of the present article is to determine the specific characteristics of the established international legal framework for the application of genetic technologies and to identify general guidelines that influence states'... more
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      BiomedicineBioethicsHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
This position paper presents specific recommendations in ten areas of the work of the Council of Europe where reforms are needed in order to strengthen the organisation’s ability to pursue its mission and restore its credibility after... more
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      Human RightsInternational organizationsCouncil of EuropeEuropean Court of Human Rights
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      International Human Rights LawEuropean Convention of Human RightsCouncil of EuropeEuropean Court of Human Rights
Media have played an important role in framing the public debate on the “refugee crisis” that peaked in autumn of 2015. This report examines the narratives developed by print media in eight European countries and how they contributed to... more
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      Political ScienceCouncil of EuropeRefugeeRefugee Crisis
The development of the doctrine of good faith in common law has faced many challenges. This is because the courts have been reluctant at accepting the role of good faith in common law jurisdictions.Directives such as Unfair Contract... more
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      European LawCommercial LawIrish LawCouncil of Europe
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      Cultural HeritageCultural TourismCultural Heritage ManagementCouncil of Europe
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      Human RightsLegal TheoryCouncil of Europe
Nastanak, organizacija i način rada Savjeta Evropske unije.
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionCouncil of EuropeCouncil of the European Union
Európai nemzetközi szervezetek (Európa Tanács, EBESZ) és európai regionális együttműködések (V4, Északi Tanács)
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      International RelationsInternational LawCouncil of EuropeOSCE
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      International Human Rights LawCouncil of EuropeReservation dialogueCAHDI
In the past three decades, there has been increasing research carried out on the role of heritage and its processes in achieving broader sustainable development objectives beyond heritage conservation. As part of this movement,... more
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      Cultural HeritageSustainable DevelopmentUnescoCouncil of Europe
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      Council of EuropeParental LeavePaternity Leave
Zgodnie z rozporządzeniami polskiego Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki od 1 stycznia 2022 roku obowiązuje niższa subwencja na naukę języka niemieckiego dla uczniów mniejszości niemieckiej. Dlatego, począwszy od kolejnego roku szkolnego, czyli... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesEducationGerman History
The thesis presents research which attempts to conceptually comprehend the Council of Europe procedural law based on a wide approach towards understanding the international procedural law. Herewith the author suggests the Council of... more
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      International LawCouncil of EuropeCouncil of Europe Law
An issue of efficiency of humane treatment of prisoners and its importance to efficient resocialization of prisoners has been subject to many debates and research analysis. The educational component of the imprisonment which leads to... more
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      Criminal LawHuman RightsImmigrant DetentionCouncil of Europe
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawEuropean UnionInternational Law and Global Justice (in Law/International Law)
Pace, democrazia, sviluppo economico e sociale costituiscono nel contempo le motivazioni e le finalità del processo di integrazione europea. È quanto si riscontra sia dal punto di vista teorico, come emerge per esempio dagli scritti di... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationLanguage Planning and Policy
Mass surveillance has grown significantly through the technological advancements to which the world has been witness. The extensive reach such surveillance can have came especially to light as a result of the disclosures made by Edward... more
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      Human RightsPrivacyUnited NationsEuropean Convention of Human Rights
« Il n’y a pas d’oranges fascistes. Il n’y a que des oranges » : cette phrase du ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Georges Bidault, prononcée devant l’Assemblée nationale française, en 1948, lors d’un débat sur l’Espagne... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational Relations
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Origini, contenuto e caratteristiche della Convenzione. – 3. Il meccanismo di controllo. – 4. La partecipazione dell’Italia alla Convenzione. – 5. La prevista adesione dell’Unione europea alla Convenzione.
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      International Human Rights LawViolence Against WomenCouncil of EuropeEuropean Union treaties
The primary aim of the article is to provide an in-depth analysis of the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs, which was opened for signature in March 2015, and to examine Polish criminal legislation in this... more
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      BioethicsInternational Criminal LawCouncil of EuropeTrafficking in Human Organs
The publication presents key youth policy developments in Eastern Partnership countries and in the Russian Federation. It also focuses on challenges that young people and youth organisations from the region face, and presents selected... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean UnionYouth Civic EngagementGeorgia
What makes up a capital city? In this first comprehensive look at the architectural and urban visions for a European capital, Hein examines how these visions compare to the reality of the three headquarter cities for the European Union:... more
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      European integrationUrban HistoryArchitectural HistoryEuropean Parliament The Textbook was prepared in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education as applied to specialization... more
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      International LawSports LawUnited NationsDiscrimination
In April 1967, a group of colonels seized power in Greece. Since Greece was a member-state of the Council of Europe and held an association agreement with the European Community, both organizations had to define their positions vis-à-vis... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationHuman Rights
Intervenção no I Colóquio IPBeja/FMU "Os Direitos Humanos na Sociedade da Informação". Realizado no Instituto Politécnico de Beja, em 5 de abril de 2017.
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsIT lawPERSONAL DATA PROTECTION
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      Criminal LawInternational LawHuman RightsHuman Trafficking
"Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe" in the book of "Main Directions of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1991-2016)", published by Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku,... more
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      AzerbaijanCouncil of Europe
Dit rapport is een eerste analyse van het Papiaments als een historisch in het Europees deel van Nederland gesproken taal, geschreven in het kader van het bezoek van het comité van experts van het Europees Handvest voor regionale talen of... more
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      SociolinguisticsHuman RightsMinority RightsCouncil of Europe
Commissioned by the Georgian Centre for Strategy and Development (GCSD) as a component of a four-year multi-tier programme on ‘Enhancing the Capacity of Georgia in Preventing Violent Extremism and Radicalization’ funded by the Ministry of... more
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      International TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismEuropean UnionCounter terrorism
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      Council of EuropeDemocracy and Citizenship Educationгромадянська освіта, права людини, реформа освіти
U sklopu Pilot projekta lokalnog razvoja (PPLR) iniciranog od strane Vijeća Europe, a koordiniranog od strane Ministarstva kulture RH, pokrenuta je eksperimentalna studija krajobraza otoka Cresa. Ideja studije bila je potaknuti suradnju... more
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      Cultural LandscapesLocal DevelopmentCultural Landscape ManagementCouncil of Europe
Enhancing regional and minority languages protection lays the foundations of a stronger Europe based on pluralist principles. This book shows the way that many regional or minority languages have striven to face the standardising risks of... more
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      Council of EuropeLanguage rightsEuropean Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
En ce début de XXI e siècle, la pauvreté, la précarité et les inégalités aff ectent un nombre croissant de personnes sur le continent européen. Ces phénomènes fragilisent non seulement la cohésion sociale des sociétés européennes mais... more
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      Human RightsPovertyCommonsSocial Justice
On the 18th of December 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered the historic Opinion 2/13, where it ruled that the draft agreement on the accession of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of... more
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      European UnionCouncil of EuropeRelationship among European Cour of Justice and ECHR. Relationship between national courts and european courts (ECJ and ECHR)ECHR
The protection of fundamental human rights across Europe reminds the issue of the European Union (EU) accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The analysis of the interaction between the Court of Justice of the... more
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      Human RightsSubsidiarityEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
Україна зробила свій цивілізаційний вибір на користь європейських цінностей та ідеалів – демократії, верховенства права, поваги до прав і свобод людини. Попереду багато завдань, що маємо виконати на шляху реформ. Інтеграція в європейський... more
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      Digital HumanitiesInformation SocietyCybercrimesInternational Law
The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion encompasses a wide range of religious and non-religious beliefs as well as philosophical and ethical convictions. The legal recognition of the right to freedom of thought,... more
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      ReligionEthicsHuman Rights LawInternational Law
Scopo di questo progetto di ricerca è lo studio dei mutamenti in atto nel continente europeo al cospetto delle politiche linguistico – educative sviluppate dal Consiglio d’Europa (CoE) negli ultimi decenni, per analizzarne l’impatto sui... more
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      Complexity TheoryLanguage Planning and PolicyComparative & International EducationPlurilingualism
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      Gender StudiesInternational LawHuman RightsGender and Sexuality
The organisation of the European continent is still influenced by the history of countless old preferential zones of cooperation. This history shapes the European Union (EU) but also other international organizations such as the NATO or... more
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      European HistoryHistorical GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsEuropean Studies