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Have you ever entertained an idea that just seemed too crazy, controversial or divisive to share under your own name? Perhaps you posted a few anonymous comments on blogs. You discussed it with your closest friends. You’ve written a short... more
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      Free SpeechJournalsPeter SingerControversy
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      EducationMedia StudiesJournalismScience Education
Resumen: El escritor cretense Nikos Kazantzakis mantuvo a lo largo de su vida un continuo interés en la figura de Cristo, lo que también tuvo su plasmación en su carrera literaria. Una de sus obras principales, la novela La última... more
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      Ancient HistoryLiteratureModern Greek literatureFilm Adaptation
While the French feminist movements campaigning to obtain the right to vote between the 1870s and the 1930s are well known, the struggles for women's access to higher education and professional work have not yet been studied in depth.... more
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      Women and the LawGender EqualityHistory of higher educationHistory of Feminism
Educators in all disciplines are regularly confronted with controversial issues in their classrooms.-There is a gap in the research on how best to deal with controversy in the classroom.-SAC can support the development of... more
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      Teaching and LearningSocial SciencesLearning and TeachingControversial Ethical and Moral Issues
It is perhaps regrettably so that one of the defining features of social work is its tendency to become embroiled in and mixed up with controversy. When social workers make the news, the news is usually bad. For publics outrage is often a... more
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      Social WorkActor Network TheoryInternational Social WorkSocial Work Education
Hydraulic fracturing is an energy extraction process that is increasingly attracting controversy. This article seeks to outline how the media report hydraulic fracturing (or " fracking "), and to explore its place within the reporting of... more
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      JournalismMass CommunicationMediationEnergy and Environment
Mini-mémoire réalisé en deuxième année de Master, dans le cadre d'un séminaire sur Poullain de La Barre et la recherche de l'égalité des sexes. Je me suis intéressée ici aux enjeux d'un texte latin parodique du XVIe siècle, traduit en... more
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      French LiteratureLatin LiteratureWomen's StudiesHistory of Religion
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      American LiteratureBusinessMarketingBusiness Administration
Parution chez Brepols Une histoire du Grand Schisme écrit sous l’angle des polémiques et des constructions doctrinales issues des controverses, tel est le but de l’ouvrage. Il s’agit, en reconstituant la trame de l’intertextualité du... more
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionReligion and PoliticsMedieval Ecclesiastical History
The animated series "South Park" was created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and has been broadcast on cable television since 1997. Meanwhile, the series has a global distribution and fan base. The article... more
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      ArtFilm StudiesAnimationGerman Language
We live in scandalous times. Every day some new controversy demands our attention, our emotional investment, and, ultimately, our judgment. Many of these routine transgressions will be understood in ‘revelatory’ terms, as peeling back the... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyMedia StudiesAldous Huxley
Otázka, zda a jak šetřit, je trvalou součástí rodinných i veřejných diskuzí a budí někdy až vášnivé emoce. V základech těchto diskuzí je podle autorů knihy nejen mnohoznačnost, ale především morální rozměr pojmu šetrnost a dalších... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEconomic SociologyDiscourseCzech Republic
Esta pesquisa buscou mapear um recente movimento impulsionado pelo uso do nixi pae (ayahuasca) e de outras medicinas da floresta nas terras indígenas kaxinawá das regiões do Rio Humaitá e do Rio Jordão, estendendo-se também a centros... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesActor Network TheoryShamanism
This article examines renowned yet controversial American photographer Spencer Tunick, whose work has led to numerous arrests, a high profile court-case and finally, success abroad. Spencer Tunick's photographic works, which he calls... more
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      Art HistoryCensorshipPhotographyPublic Art
The owner of the Ambrotype believed it to be of Jesse James although analysis proved otherwise.
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      Forensic AnthropologyForensic SciencePhotographyAuthenticity
RESUMEN Diálogo, carta, tratado, homilía, testimonia e incluso poesía son las principales formas de la controversia adversus Iudaeos, que recurrió a la exégesis del Antiguo Testamento como base de la argumentación. Las circunstancias... more
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      ChristianityChristian ApologeticsRoman EmpireLiterary Genres
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      Continental PhilosophyAlain BadiouCritical Thinking and CreativityControversy
Cet article aborde la question de la persécution nazie des lesbiennes, de la constitution d’une mémoire collective et bien entendu, la controverse qui oppose militants gay, militantes lesbiennes et féministes. En s’appuyant sur une... more
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      LGBT IssuesLesbianismBerlinGermany
ABSTRACT: The historiographic, bibliographic, demographic and mathematical analysis done around the different versions presented about the ammount of inhabitants that Paraguay had in the year 1864, when the War of the Triple Alliance was... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryHistoriographyParaguay
Pourquoi Freud, mort depuis 1939, fait-il encore régulièrement scandale dans les grands médias ? Plus encore que la psychanalyse, c’est sa personne qui est régulièrement attaquée. Dernier éclat en date : la parution en 2010 du Crépuscule... more
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      Critical TheoryIntellectual HistoryCultural StudiesPsychoanalysis
Condisciples à l’École normale supérieure où ils se lièrent d’amitié, Jean- Paul Sartre et Maurice Merleau-Ponty furent également associés lors de la fondation par Sartre de la revue Les Temps modernes aux côtés de Simone de Beauvoir en... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyCommunismMaurice Merleau-Ponty
Media Studies Research Investigation A2: Female representations in fantasy/sci-fi film, focusing on the representations in Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) and The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
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      Media StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
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      PhilippinesMoral and Ethical Issues in Sciencescience and technology studies (STS)Controversy
In exploring two different kinds of early modern institutional religious discourses, i.e. catechisms and exposition of discussed matters, this article highlights two modes of enunciative fading off. On the one hand, catechisms look like... more
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      French Literature17th-Century Studies17th Century French Literature (Literature)Early Modern France
Este capítulo busca indagar en las formas de pensar frente a la pandemia de covid-19. La fragilidad de las ideas imperantes para dar cuenta del nuevo virus quedó expuesta en las teorías conspirativas y los argumentos negacionistas, pero... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesControversyScientific ControversiesControvérsias socio-científicas
Fin 1917, Apollinaire place l’« esprit nouveau » sous la notion centrale et banale de la « surprise ». Il cherche alors à fédérer un groupe de poètes proches des cubistes, qui prend l’ascendant sur la scène littéraire cette année-là. Les... more
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      Tristan TzaraAndré BretonControversyJean Cocteau
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage TourismUrban StudiesTourism and Politics
The animated series "South Park" was created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and has been broadcast on cable television since 1997. Meanwhile, the series has a global distribution and fan base. The article situates "South Park" in the U.S.... more
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      Film StudiesAnimationGerman LanguageSouth Park
Em 2011, foi realizado um plebiscito no Estado do Pará para consultar a população acerca do interesse em dividir o Estado em três: Pará, Tapajós e Carajás. Tomando como ponto de partida os relatos de atores envolvidos na luta e no... more
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      AmazoniaRegionalismFederalismoMovimentos sociais
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      Irrigation Systems DesignControversyREGADIOControvérsias socio-científicas
Rise in the popularity of digital media has resulted in social media being used not only by individuals for networking purposes but also by brands for activities like promotion, starting conversations, and maintaining public relations... more
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      New MediaBrand ManagementDigital MediaCrisis communication and management
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      Cruising SexGay And Lesbian StudiesFilm CensorshipBDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadomasochism), Kink, Fetish
The phrase ‘museums are safe spaces for unsafe ideas’ belies the reality that museums are often wary of discussing unsafe ideas, not to mention queer ideas which often fall under this classification. Yet the phrase follows from the... more
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      Museum StudiesQueer TheoryLGBT IssuesMuseums
Comme dans de nombreux domaines technologiques et industriels, l’exploration et l’exploitation minières s’appuient sur des instruments censés prévoir et organiser les développements futurs et leurs conséquences. Dans cet article, nous... more
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      SociologyControversyResearch Related to Metallic and MineralsSTS/ANT
Photographer Spencer Tunick has been given a lot of freedom in some of the most conservative places. But in New York, that city shrouded in myths of unlimited artistic possibilities, he has not been able to work for nearly two decades.... more
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      Art HistoryCensorshipPhotographyVisual Culture
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      GeologyPaleontologyTsunami impactControversy
O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é analisar o processo de "plataformização" do jornalismo pelo Facebook, com foco nas disputas e controvérsias em torno das parcerias comerciais, tecnológicas e editoriais estabelecidas entre a plataforma... more
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      CartographyAlgorithmsJournalismDigital Journalism
Throughout the nineteenth century, Maskilic journals increased their publication of anti-Hasidic satires. From the eighteen-sixties onward, this literature came primarily as a response to the revival in the publishing of Hasidic... more
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      ReligionEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      ReligionGnosticismNew Religious MovementsHistory
Du changement climatique au terrorisme, la carte des risques a subi, en quelques décennies, une série de reconfigurations majeures, et l'on ne compte plus les discours qui alertent contre des menaces globales. En suivant les dynamiques à... more
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      SociologyFutures Studies and ForesightPragmatic SociologyTemporality
This volume testifies to the unresolved contradictions built into both the possible solutions to the problem of the paranormal and into the controversy itself. Scientific and theoretical approaches to the field usually do not seem able to... more
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      ParapsychologyAnthropologyMedia StudiesEthnography
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The course is offered during what is called "a crisis for democracy', a worldwide , twenty-first center controversy. Public deliberation is important for democratic communication that aspires to engagement, inclusion, and and diversity of... more
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      CommunicationCritical ThinkingPolitical SciencePublic Deliberation
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      PsychologyShort story (Literature)Anton ChekhovLeo Tolstoy
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      TheologyRenaissance HumanismErasmusReformation History
DISCUSSION. A la suite de la parution de « La Saga des Vikings, une autre histoire des invasions », chez Autrement en février 2018, le professeur Alban Gautier propose une analyse pour le moins discourtoise de mon ouvrage. Je réponds... more
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      Medieval HistoryViking StudiesControversyEarly Medieval Aquitaine
Au début des années 2010, dans le sillage de la célébration des « cinquantenaires » de l’Indépendance et de la Réunification, deux controverses majeures éclatent dans les médias, opposant auteurs et acteurs de l’histoire de ce pays. Le... more
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ספר הגלוי לרס"ג, שנכתב בעת הפולמוס עם ריש גלותא, כולל הרבה מעבר לתיעוד מקרה הפולמוס. חוקרים פרסמו קטעים ממנו במהלך מאה וששים השנים האחרונות, וקטעים אלו כונסו לאחרונה לספר על ידי פרופ' יהושע בלאו ויוסף יהלום. בקטע שלפנינו, המזוהה ומתפרסם... more
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      AlgebraLogicJewish StudiesRabbinics
En prenant appui sur une expérience inédite de rapprochement de deux logiques d'enquête conçues comme antinomiques dans les raisonnements épistémologiques en sciences sociales, cet article explore les modalités d'articulation d'une... more
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      Discourse AnalysisArtificial IntelligenceDigital HumanitiesSocial Network Analysis (SNA)